INKOVEMA-Podcast „Gut durch die Zeit“

#200 GddZ

What is INKOVEMA about?

Neue Technologien für Mediator*innen, Berater*innen und Coaches. Teil 7

Nicht im Gespräch mit Gemini 1.5

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Gut durch die Zeit.

Der Podcast rund um Mediation, Konflikt-Coaching und Organisationsberatung.


In dieser Episode erkunden wir das oft übersehene Feld der Konfliktlösung und werfen einen Blick auf INKOVEMA, das Institut für Konflikt- und Verhandlungsmanagement mit Sitz in Leipzig, Deutschland. Wir diskutieren die vielschichtige Herangehensweise dieser Organisation, die nicht nur darauf abzielt, Streitigkeiten beizulegen, sondern auch eine harmonischere Zukunft zu fördern – eine Vision, die in unserer modernen Welt tief verankert ist. INKOVEMA bietet eine Vielzahl von Dienstleistungen an, darunter Mediation, Coaching, Moderation und Supervision, und demonstriert damit seine Vielseitigkeit im Umgang mit Konflikten – von persönlichen Auseinandersetzungen bis hin zu Vorstandsstreitigkeiten.

Wir beleuchten das ehrgeizige Konzept hinter INKOVEMAs Methodik und betonen, wie wichtig es ist, Konflikte auf eine Weise zu adressieren, die mit der kulturellen Struktur und den langfristigen Zielen einer Organisation übereinstimmt. Ihre Überzeugung, dass Konfliktlösungen proaktiv und nicht nur reaktiv sein sollten, bildet die Grundlage ihrer verschiedenen Trainingsprogramme, die darauf abzielen, die Konfliktmanagementfähigkeiten von Einzelpersonen und Organisationen zu verbessern. Diese Perspektive stellt Konflikte als universelle Erfahrungen dar, die jeden betreffen, und nicht als isolierte Probleme, die auf bestimmte Kontexte beschränkt sind.

Ein zentraler Aspekt unseres Gesprächs ist INKOVEMAs Fokus auf Empowerment durch Bildung. Wir diskutieren ihr Engagement, soziale und systemische Kompetenzen bei Einzelpersonen zu fördern, und sie mit wesentlichen Fähigkeiten auszustatten, um ihre Rolle in Konflikten zu erkennen und ein Bewusstsein dafür zu schaffen, wie persönliche Handlungen die Dynamik in Gruppen beeinflussen. Dieser zukunftsorientierte Ansatz geht über die bloße Beilegung von Streitigkeiten hinaus und plädiert für die Entwicklung langfristiger Fähigkeiten, die Konflikte von vornherein verhindern können.

Ein weiteres Highlight ist das innovative Tool „Elemente der Mediation“, das im Mediationsprozess eine unschätzbare Ressource darstellt. Diese strukturierte Anleitung zerlegt komplexe Mediationen in überschaubare Abschnitte und ermöglicht es sowohl professionellen Mediatoren als auch Laien, die Feinheiten der Konfliktlösung mit Zuversicht zu navigieren. Die praktische Ausrichtung dieser Methode zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch unsere Diskussion und unterstreicht INKOVEMAs Engagement, greifbare Werkzeuge und Rahmenwerke bereitzustellen, die sowohl im persönlichen als auch im beruflichen Bereich sinnvolle Veränderungen bewirken können.

In unserem Austausch sprechen wir auch über die Podcast-Aktivitäten der Organisation, insbesondere eine spannende Episode, die sich mit der Integration von KI in Coaching und Mediation befasst. Wir reflektieren darüber, wie Technologie, wenn sie durchdacht angewendet wird, den menschlichen Aspekt der Konfliktlösung bereichern kann, anstatt ihn zu ersetzen. Durch diese Linse schätzen wir das Gleichgewicht zwischen innovativen Lösungen und der Bewahrung persönlicher Verbindungen im Konfliktmanagement.

Darüber hinaus werfen wir einen Blick auf eine ihrer neuen Publikationen, die sich mit den Feinheiten von Beratungs- und Konsensbildungsprozessen auseinandersetzt. Diese Ressource unterstreicht die entscheidende Bedeutung klarer Kommunikation, aktiven Zuhörens und einer klaren Zielsetzung – alles wesentliche Bestandteile einer effektiven Konfliktlösung. INKOVEMAs Betonung eines strukturierten Prozesses verdeutlicht, dass die Navigation durch Konflikte mehr erfordert als ein ad-hoc-Vorgehen; sie erfordert eine klar definierte Strategie.

Zum Abschluss unserer ausführlichen Erkundung von INKOVEMA denken wir über die weitreichenden Implikationen ihrer Arbeit nach. Der durch die Befähigung von Einzelpersonen zur konstruktiven Konfliktbewältigung erzeugte Welleneffekt könnte zu bedeutenden Transformationen innerhalb von Organisationen und der Gesellschaft insgesamt führen. INKOVEMAs Vision ist klar: Durch die Stärkung von Einzelpersonen legen sie den Grundstein für eine kollaborativere und verständnisvollere Welt.

Diese Episode dient nicht nur als Einführung in die wertvolle Arbeit von INKOVEMA, sondern auch als Einladung an uns alle, darüber nachzudenken, wie wir Konflikte in unserem Leben angehen. Indem wir die geteilten Erkenntnisse annehmen, werden wir ermutigt, Konflikte als natürlichen Bestandteil menschlicher Interaktionen zu sehen und nach kollaborativen Lösungen zu suchen, die persönliches Wachstum und positive Veränderungen fördern können.

Der Google-Dienst NotebookLM ist aktuell (2024-11) lediglich in englischer Sprache erhältlich. 

In this episode, we explore the often-overlooked field of conflict resolution, specifically through the lens of INKOVEMA, the Institute for Conflict and Negotiation Management based in Leipzig, Germany. Our discussion delves into the organization’s multifaceted approach to not just resolving disputes, but fostering a more harmonious future—a vision that resonates deeply in our modern world. INKOVEMA offers a variety of services including mediation, coaching, moderation, and supervision, showcasing their versatility in addressing conflicts from personal disagreements to boardroom battles.

We unpack the ambitious concept behind INKOVEMA’s methodology, emphasizing the importance of addressing conflicts in a manner that aligns with an organization’s cultural fabric and long-term goals. Their belief that resolutions should be proactive rather than merely reactive underpins their various training programs aimed at enhancing individual and organizational conflict management abilities. This perspective reframes conflict as a universal experience that impacts everyone, rather than an isolated issue confined to specific settings.

A key highlight from our conversation is INKOVEMA’s focus on empowerment through education. We discuss their commitment to cultivating social and systemic competence in individuals, equipping them with essential skills to identify their roles in conflicts and promote awareness of how personal actions influence broader group dynamics. This forward-thinking approach goes beyond mere dispute settlement, advocating for the development of long-term skills that can prevent conflicts from arising altogether.

We also dig into their innovative tool, Elemente de Mediation, which serves as an invaluable resource in the mediation process. This structured guide breaks down complex mediation into digestible segments, allowing individuals—from professional mediators to everyday people—to navigate the intricacies of conflict resolution with confidence. The practicality of their focus is a recurring theme, demonstrating INKOVEMA’s commitment to providing tangible tools and frameworks that can lead to meaningful change in both personal and professional spheres.

In our exchange, we touch upon the organization’s foray into podcasting, specifically an intriguing episode that discusses the integration of AI into coaching and mediation. We reflect on how technology, when applied thoughtfully, can enhance the human aspect of conflict resolution rather than supplant it. Through this lens, we appreciate the balance between innovative solutions and the preservation of personal connections in conflict management.

Furthermore, we examine one of their new publications focused on understanding the intricacies of consultation and consensus-building processes. This resource highlights the critical need for clear communication, active listening, and clarity of purpose, all vital components for effective conflict resolution. INKOVEMA’s emphasis on a structured process cements the notion that navigating conflicts requires more than just an ad-hoc approach; it demands a well-defined roadmap.

As we wrap up our thorough exploration of INKOVEMA, we ponder the broader implications of their work. The ripple effect generated by equipping individuals with conflict resolution skills could lead to significant transformations within organizations and society at large. INKOVEMA’s vision is clear: by empowering individuals to manage conflicts constructively, they are laying the groundwork for a more collaborative and understanding world.

This episode serves not only as an introduction to INKOVEMA’s invaluable work but also as an invitation for us all to reflect on how we approach conflict in our lives. In embracing the insights shared, we are encouraged to view conflict as a natural part of human interaction and to seek out collaborative solutions that can lead to personal growth and positive change.



[0:00]Welcome back, everybody, for another deep dive. This time, let’s imagine we’re planning a trip to Leipzig, Germany.
Planning Our Trip to Leipzig
[0:07]You know, you’re thinking about all the sites and the history and the culture. But have you ever thought about the conflict resolution scene? Yeah, not the first thing this brings to mind, right? No, not really. But that’s where we come in. Today, we’re going to introduce you to this organization called INKOVEMA, which is the Institute for Conflict and Negotiation Management. And it’s interesting, you know, INKOVEMA isn’t just about settling disputes. It’s really about creating a more harmonious future, which I think is a pretty ambitious goal. It is a very ambitious goal. In fact, their website actually lists a whole range of services that they provide, mediation, coaching, moderation, and supervision. So it seems like they cover a pretty wide range from, you know, boardroom battles to personal disagreements. Yeah, they really do run the gamut. And another interesting thing is that they don’t just target businesses. They also have these training programs for individuals, personal development, things like that. So they seem to be approaching conflict as something that’s relevant to everyone. Everyone, no matter what your situation. Okay, so I found this quote on their website and get ready for this. It’s in German.
[1:11]Konflikte in Organisationen müssen heute zukunftsorientiert, zügig und kulturale Messen verarbeitet werden. Basically, they’re saying that conflicts in organizations need to be handled quickly and effectively, but also in a way that aligns with the organization’s culture and their future goals. What they’re getting at, I think, is that a quick fix isn’t always enough. You have to consider the long-term impact of any resolution and make sure that it fits with the organization’s overall direction.
Understanding INKOVEMA’s Goals
[1:40]Otherwise, you’re just going to end up with the same problems popping up again and again. So how does Incovima actually go about helping organizations achieve this? I mean, it can’t be easy to find solutions that are both fast and future-proof. Well, one of the things that really stood out to me on their website was their emphasis on empowerment and developing social and systemic competence.
[2:01]Especially during their training programs. What exactly does that mean? Okay, so think of it this way. INKOVEMA believes that you can train people to become more aware of their own role in a conflict and to understand how their actions affect the system as a whole. So it’s not just about resolving conflicts. It’s about giving people the skills and knowledge to prevent them from happening in the first place. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. And they actually have this interesting tool that they talk about on their website. It’s called Elemente de Mediation. And it sounds like it’s a really big part of their training approach. Yeah, it seems to be this knowledge management system that’s specifically designed for mediation. Essentially, it breaks down the complex process of mediation into smaller, manageable chunks. It’s sort of like a roadmap for navigating through the different stages of a conflict and finding a resolution. That’s really cool. So it’s not just about theory. They’re actually giving people practical tools that they can use in real-life situations. Exactly. And this emphasis on practicality seems to be a recurring theme with IncoVemma. They’re not just interested in abstract concepts. They really want to give people the skills and tools to make a tangible difference. Speaking of making a difference, they also have two podcasts.
[3:12]Gudürf die Zeit und Episoden der Mediation. Yeah, and you know, one episode that I thought was particularly interesting was their recent discussion on the impact of AI on coaching and mediation. That’s very cutting edge. Definitely. It seems like they’re really trying to stay ahead of the curve and explore how technology can be used to enhance conflict resolution. For sure. They also have a new publication out. It’s titled Processverständnis für Beratungs- und Konsensuale Aushandlungsprozess, which translates to understanding the process of consultation and consensual negotiation processes. Wow, that’s a mouthful. It is a mouthful. But you know what I think is interesting about that title is that they seem to be emphasizing the importance of understanding the process itself, not just the content of the conflict. Right. It’s not just about what the conflict is about. It’s also about how you go about resolving it. So it seems like they’re all about innovation, practicality, and really digging deep into the process of conflict resolution.
Empowerment Through Training
[4:10]But what about the human element? I mean, conflict is ultimately about people, right? Absolutely. And that’s something that Incovimus used to recognize as well. You know, for all their focus on tools and technology, that their website also places a lot of emphasis on personal references and client testimonials. They really want you to see the impact that their work has had on real people. And what do you think that says about their approach to mediation? Well, I think it suggests that they understand that conflict resolution isn’t just about applying techniques and following rules. It’s about creating a space where people feel heard and understood and empowered to find solutions that work for them. So it’s not just about the what of the conflict. It’s also about the who and the how. I think you’ve got it. Incovima seems to be tackling conflict resolution from all these different angles. That’s a great way to put it. Now, let’s dive into some specific examples of how Incavama puts these principles into practice. I think a lot of people listening are probably wondering how this all plays out in the real world. Yeah. How do they actually make it work?
[5:10]Right. So one way INKOVEMA highlights their approach is through these client testimonials that they have on their website. You know, they call them referencing and they give you a glimpse into how INKOVEMA’s methods have actually helped people in real life. Yeah, I was reading one earlier from a manager who used INKOVEMA to resolve a conflict within their team. And it sounded like things were getting pretty bad, you know, really tense, and they were worried that it was impacting productivity and morale.
[5:39]That’s a pretty common problem in organizations, isn’t it? Yeah, for sure. Unresolved conflicts can really create a toxic work environment. Absolutely. So what was it about this particular manager’s experience that stood out to you? Well, the manager specifically mentioned that Incovama didn’t just come in and say, okay, here’s the solution, do this. Instead, they actually facilitated a process where the team members could identify the root causes of the conflict themselves and then work together to come up with a solution. Oh, that’s interesting. So INKOVEMA acted more like a guide than a judge.
[6:09]It seems like they helped the team navigate the conflict on their own terms. Yeah, that makes you think. It does. Do you think that leads to more sustainable solutions? I think so, because then everyone has buy-in. That’s a good point. And the manager even went on to say that as a result of the mediation, the team’s communication and collaboration skills significantly improved. Wow, that’s great. So it wasn’t just about resolving that one conflict. They actually learned how to handle future disagreements more effectively. So it’s like INKOVEMA is creating this ripple effect. Yeah, they’re not just putting out one fire. They’re teaching people how to prevent fires from starting in the first place.
Practical Tools for Conflict Resolution
[6:46]I like that analogy. Now let’s talk about those podcasts. Okay, yeah, the podcast. You mentioned earlier that they did an episode about the impact of AI on coaching and mediation. I did. What was it about that episode that caught your attention? I think for me it was just how forward thinking they are. to even be thinking about these things. You know, how technology is going to shape conflict resolution. Right. And specifically, they were talking about how AI could be used to personalize mediation and coaching experiences.
[7:16]Imagine a chatbot that could analyze your communication patterns and then suggest strategies to improve your conflict resolution skills. I mean, that sounds amazing, but also a little creepy. Yeah, it could feel a bit impersonal, right? Like you’re getting advice from a robot. Right. But you know what? That’s something they actually address in the episode. And the main point they made was that AI should be seen as a tool to enhance human interaction, not to replace it. So it’s about finding the right balance. Exactly. And using technology to make these things more accessible and effective without losing that human element. That’s a good way to put it. Now, speaking of exploring new frontiers, earlier we were talking about their Elemente de Mediation tool. Yes. Can you give us some concrete examples of how that works in practice? Sure. So let’s say you’re a mediator and you’re trying to help two people resolve a conflict.
[8:09]This tool basically provides a structured framework for the entire process. It breaks it down into these key elements like, you know, establishing ground rules, identifying each person’s interests, exploring potential solutions, and then ultimately developing an agreement that works for both parties. So it’s like a step by step guide. Exactly. It helps mediators navigate the complexities of the process and make sure they don’t miss anything important. And you know, what’s really interesting is that
Innovation in Conflict Management
[8:35]it’s not just for professional mediators. Right. Anyone could benefit from this. It’s like they’re empowering everyone to be better at conflict resolution. That’s a key takeaway for sure. Okay. So before we wrap up this part of our deep dive, let’s go back to that publication we mentioned earlier.
[8:49]Process Verständnis für Beratungs und Konsensuale Aushandlungsprozess. Oh, yeah. The one about understanding the process. Yeah, exactly. Why do you think they’re placing so much emphasis on understanding the process of conflict resolution? Well, I think it’s really important. I mean, if you’re trying to solve a problem, it helps to have a clear understanding of the steps involved, right? Makes sense. And it’s the same thing with conflict resolution. It’s like having a roadmap. Exactly. It helps you stay on track and avoid getting lost in all the emotions and the back and forth. Okay. So knowing how to navigate the process is key. Absolutely.
The Importance of Process
[9:23]And that’s something we’ll explore even further when we come back for the final part of our deep dive into INKOVEMA. So we’re back and ready to kind of wrap up our deep dive into INKOVEMA and their approach to conflict management.
[9:37]You know, we talk a lot about wanting to resolve conflicts, but I don’t think we often think about the process itself. Yeah, that’s true. We kind of jump straight to the solution without always considering the steps involved. And that’s what I think is so interesting about their publication. You know that one with the long title, Process for Stennis for Baraktungs in Consensuale Aus Handlings Processe. Yeah, what was it again? Understanding the process of- Consultation and consensus building. Right, right. It’s interesting how they emphasize understanding that process as being key to effective conflict resolution. It is. It’s like if you’re trying to bake a cake. Yeah. You wouldn’t just throw all the ingredients in a bowl and hope for the best. You need a recipe. Exactly. You need to follow the steps. So conflict resolution needs a recipe too. That’s a good way to put it. You need a framework, a process to follow. To make sure everything comes out right. Exactly. And that’s what this publication is all about. It breaks down the different stages of consultation and consensus building and highlights the importance of things like clear communication, active listening, and making sure everyone understands the desired outcome. So it’s like INKOVEMA is giving people the tools to do it themselves, not just providing the solutions. Right. It’s about empowering people, giving them the skills and confidence to handle conflict in a constructive way. Whether it’s in their personal life or at work or even, you know, on a larger scale. Exactly. It’s like they’re saying, let’s not just put out fires.
[11:02]Let’s teach people how to prevent them. And that’s a powerful idea.
[11:08]Imagine a world where everyone had the skills to communicate effectively, understand different perspectives and find common ground. That would be amazing. It would. It’s like INKOVEMA is trying to create a ripple effect. A ripple effect of positive change. That starts with individuals and then spreads outwards to organizations and maybe even society as a whole. It’s a big vision. It is. But it’s definitely one worth striving for. Absolutely.
Creating a Ripple Effect
[11:32]Well, listeners, we hope you’ve enjoyed this deep dive into INKOVEMA and their approach to conflict management. And maybe it’s even giving you some food for thought. Yeah. Some ideas about how you can approach conflict in your own life. Remember, conflict is normal. It’s part of being human. But how we choose to navigate it, that’s what makes all the difference. So next time you find yourself facing a disagreement, take a deep breath. Think about what we’ve learned from INKOVEMA. And try to approach the situation with understanding and a willingness to collaborate. You might be surprised at what you can achieve. We’ll see you next time for another deep dive. Bye, everyone.