Well through time
The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting
In this – podcast produced directly by us – we will present you with our guests and exciting perspectives and assessments on the following topics Mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting to stimulate thought.
It is our intention that you will be able to use the brilliant idea or, if required, a new approach to a solution for their problematic or conflictual situation.
This podcast will also feature Specialist experts come, scientists and researcherswhose areas of expertise and research findings offer (or at least suggest) important insights for dealing with conflicts and thus for mediation and conflict counselling in the VUCA world.
Have a listen now!
Yours, Sascha Weigel
PS: You can also find the episodes of our podcast produced together with here „On the Twelve! The conflict and dispute podcast“ (2016-2018)
Subscribe to the podcast now!
Conflict Culture Playbook (Publication 2024). In conversation with Hendric Mostert & Dana Hoffmann (INKOVEMA-Podcast #192)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #192 - Conflict Culture Playbook (Publication 2024) From Restorative Justice to Restorative Circles to Restorative Conflict Management? In conversation with [...]
Have power, shape it, use it. In conversation with Constanze Buchheim (INKOVEMA podcast #191)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #191 - Having, shaping and using power Power in conflicts and organisations In conversation with Constanze Buchheim Constanze Buchheim is [...]
Organisational theories. In conversation with Prof Dr Peter Walgenbach (INKOVEMA podcast #190)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #190 - Organisational theories On the transformation of organisations and the handling of conflicts in organisational mediation In conversation with Prof. Dr. Peter [...]
Conflict escalation in 5 stages. Where do we get to stage 3? In conversation with Prof Dr Claus Nowak (INKOVEMA podcast #189)
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #189 - Conflict escalation in 5 stages or where do we go to stage 3? In conversation with Prof Dr Claus Nowak Prof [...]
Counselling without advice – Counselling without competence? In conversation with Prof Haiko Wandhoff (INKOVEMA Podcast #188)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #188 - Counselling without advice - counselling without competence? A contribution to the counselling experiments of Harold Garfinkel In conversation with [...]
Are there generations and generational differences? In conversation with Prof Dr Hannes Zacher (INKOVEMA podcast #187)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #187 - Are there generations and generational differences? Contributions from the dynamics of conflict. Part 1 In conversation with Prof Dr Hannes Zacher [...]
Customer-oriented marketing for mediation and conflict counselling. In conversation with Gunnar Duvenhorst (INKOVEMA podcast #186)
INKOVEMA podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #186 - Customer-oriented marketing for mediation and conflict counselling "How do you win clients for mediation?" In conversation with Gunnar Duvenhorst [...]
Move 37: New technologies for mediation and conflict counselling – Part 6: In conversation with Tim Bruysten (INKOVEMA-Podcast #185)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #185 - Move 37 New technologies for mediation and conflict counselling. Part 6 In conversation with Prof Dr Tim Bruysten [...]
Conflict-anticipating agreements. A conversation about mediation clauses. In conversation with Dr Jörg Schneider-Brodtmann (INKOVEMA podcast #184)
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #184 - Conflict anticipatory agreements A conversation about mediation clauses Mediation clauses - Part 1 In conversation with Dr Jörg Schneider-Brodtmann Jörg [...]
Congress preparations: New technologies and AI assistants for mediators“. (INKOVEMA podcast #183, podcast feature #03)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #183 - Congress preparations "New technologies and AI assistants for mediators and counsellors" New technologies for mediation and conflict counselling. Part 5 podcast feature [...]
Responsibility dialogues and complexity conflicts. In conversation with Dr Bernd Schmid (INKOVEMA podcast #182)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #182 - Dialogues of responsibility and conflicts of complexity On must, may, can and want in organisations. In conversation with Dr Bernd Schmid [...]
What's going on at the German Mediation Association? In conversation with Christian Hartwig (INKOVEMA podcast #181)
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #181 - What's going on at the German Mediation Association? In conversation with Christian Hartwig Since September 2023 first chairman of the largest mediators' association in [...]
Advising organisations vs. advising people. In conversation with Rolf Balling (INKOVEMA podcast #180)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #180 - Advising organisations vs. advising individuals What are the differences between advising organisations and advising individuals? [...]
Mediation as a social technology for the exercise of pastoral power. In conversation with Prof Ulrich Bröckling (INKOVEMA podcast #179)
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Well through time" #179 - Mediation as a social technology of pastoral exercise of power The art of governing people, managerialisation of the self and the participation trap as facets of mediation In conversation [...].
Mediation and organisational consulting. Christian Rieckmann in conversation with Sascha Weigel (INKOVEMA Podcast #178 Feature #03)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #178 - Mediation and organisational consulting What does mediation have to do with organisational consulting and what is the difference that makes the difference? [...]
Emotional AI – Can artificial intelligence empathise? In conversation with Barbara Lampl (INKOVEMA Podcast #177)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #177 - Emotional AI. Can artificial intelligence empathise? New technologies for mediation and conflict counselling. Part 4 In conversation with Barbara [...]
Changes to the Certified Mediator Training Ordinance 2024 (ZMediatAusbV). In conversation with P. Röthemeyer (INKOVEMA podcast #176)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #176 - Changes to the Certified Mediator Training Ordinance 2024 (ZMediatAusbV) On the advantages and disadvantages of the legalisation of mediation In conversation with Dr Peter Röthemeyer Well through [...]
Marketing approaches for mediation services – Part 2: Creating acquisition opportunities with contact points (INKOVEMA Podcast #175)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through time "#175 - Marketing approaches for mediation services. Part 2 - Creating acquisition opportunities with contact points In conversation with Prof Dr André NiedostadekGut durch die Zeit. The podcast about [...]

Elements of mediation
Our learning and knowledge management tool
- 1 system,
- 5 main groups,
- 48 elements,
- over 500 index cards.
Our system for the theory and practice of mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.
Organise learning processes in an accessible way,
Structure knowledge openly.