Blog posts
Blog about mediation and conflict management
Roundup-Post 2017: Changing the way we deal with conflicts?
Roundup post: Changing the way we deal with conflicts? 8 assessments from professional conflict managers. We asked academics, counsellors and mediators about their professional experiences [...]
The world is vuka! So what?!
The world is vuka! So what?! It's no secret. The world is vuka. That's what they say [...]
Four things that identify the future as the present
Four things that identify the future as the present The future has not only become an integral part of our thinking, [...]
Commentary on Section 18 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG)
Commentary on Section 18 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) in: Commentary on the VSBG - Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, edited by Prof. Dr Althammer/Prof. Dr Meller-Hannich, Frankfurt am [...]
Contribution: Why mediation now? An interdisciplinary discussion of a contemporary historical phenomenon
Why mediation now? in: Mediation as a subject of research. On the way to a German-language mediation science; to be published in 2017; edited by Prof Dr [...]
Contribution: Evaluative mediation
Article: Evaluative Mediation in: Praxishandbuch Professionelle Mediation; edited by Stefan Kracht, André Niedostadek and Patrick Ernst Sendburg, published online. Summary [...]
Essay: Transformative mediation and transactional analysis (KD 2017/01)
Transformative mediation and transactional analysis Supporting transformative mediation with concepts of transactional analytical counselling work in: Konfliktdynamik 01/2017, pp. 34-44 Summary To [...]
5 reasons why 9 out of 10 mediators cannot make a living from conflict mediation.
5 reasons why 9 out of 10 mediators can't make a living from conflict mediation. While I was running today, I had several conversations [...]
Roundup-Post 2016: Why mediation skills? 12 practitioners reveal…
Why mediation skills? 12 practitioners reveal what their training in mediation has brought them. In the INKOVEMA blog you will find numerous [...]
5 services for which you should not pay a mediator
5 services for which you shouldn't pay a mediator and 3 for which you can't pay enough! Please [...]
INKOVEMA meets #2 – The third party in the conflict
INKOVEMA meets #2 - The third party in the conflict The long dispute between Volkswagen and the [...]
Article: Mediation clauses in private sector contracts
Mediation clauses in private sector contracts in: IHK-wirtschaft 2/2016 Mediation clauses in private sector contracts
Mediation and transactional analysis - The law of mediation
Mediation and transactional analysis - The law of mediation in: Thinking the future - shaping change. Perspectives on personal development, social change and economic success. [...]
Handbook: Theory and practice of transactional analysis in mediation
Theory and Practice of Transactional Analysis in Mediation A Handbook, Nomos-Verlag, 656 p., 2014 "...FOR MEDIATORS WHO WANT TO [...]
The concept of the activating state and its view of humanity
The Concept of the Activating State and its Image of Man in: Journal of Transactional Analysis, ZTA 2/2013, pp. 125 - 147, Paderborn 2013 (Also [...]
Dissertation: Conflict management in the public administration of the activating state with transactional analysis and transaction-analytically based mediation
Dissertation on conflict management in the public administration of the activating state with transactional analysis and transaction-analytically based mediation At the same time a contribution to the treatment of social conflicts by means of [...]
Environmental and planning law in practice and science
Environmental and planning law in practice and science Halle's lecture series "Environmental and planning law in practice and science" focussed on the [...]
Win-win or the triumph of the Harvard negotiation concept in mediation
Win-Win or the triumph of the Harvard negotiation concept in mediation A few weeks ago I wrote something about the different styles of mediation [...].
The drama triangle as a concept for analysing and intervening in mediation
The drama triangle as an analysis and intervention concept in mediation Conflict mediators take on the task of (firstly) analysing the conflict dynamics between the participants [...].
Galtung's triangle of violence - a model for understanding social conflicts
Galtung's triangle of violence - A model for understanding social conflicts Mediation is based on the idea that conflicts can be resolved by clarifying [...]...