INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“
#125 – The three-world model according to Bernd Schmid
Organisational world, professional world, private world – and what else there is to say about it.
In conversation with Günther Mohr
Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.
Günther MohrDiplom-Volkswirt, Diplom-Psychologe, qualified transactional analyst, senior coach DBVC and BDP, supervisor BDP, mediator, scrum master, Zen teacher, author of numerous specialist books
Bernd Schmid's three-world model describes the professional world, the organisational world and the private world as three different areas in which people act and interact.
- Professional world: The professional world refers to a person's professional or specialised area. This is where specific knowledge, skills and expertise come into play. The professional world encompasses the profession or specialism in which a person works, as well as the norms, standards and practices that apply in this area. It also includes the establishment and development of professional networks and relationships.
- Organisational world: The organisational world refers to the context of companies, institutions or organisations in which people work. This is about the structures, processes, hierarchies and cultures within an organisation. The organisational world includes topics such as leadership, communication, cooperation, decision-making and organisational development. It also refers to the relationships between different departments or teams within an organisation.
- Private world: The private world refers to a person's personal sphere outside the professional context. This includes family relationships, friendships, hobbies, interests and personal needs. The private world is the space for personal fulfilment, relaxation and social interaction outside the work environment. It is important to find a balance between the world of work and the private world in order to maintain well-being and quality of life.
Bernd Schmid's three-world model offers a perspective from which to view the various aspects of professional and personal life. It makes it clear that these three worlds are interconnected and can influence each other. Changes in one world can have an impact on the other two worlds. A balanced integration and consideration of all three worlds is important in order to lead a fulfilled and successful life.
Model developments
Original model according to Bernd Schmid

Amendment by Rolf Balling
(Personality core as a stronger emphasis on humanistic TA roots – Humanistic Psychology)

Further development of Günther Mohr

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