Learn mediation and coaching. The components of the mediation and coaching training programme at INKOVEMA
Mediation training requires some effort from the candidates, much like mediation by mediators.
Successful mediation training increases the knowledge and competences, skills and abilities of future mediators (as well as – and this is not incidental – composure, humour and self-awareness).

Classroom courses
The main components of the practice-orientated training are our Classroom courseswhich are equipped with a „corona-proof“ pandemic and hygiene concept usually from Thursday afternoon to Saturday afternoon.
On the Site of the former largest cotton mill in EuropeHere in the west of Leipzig, we have our office and seminar rooms, which enable us to train mediation candidates in a practice-orientated manner.
In terms of content, we mainly use our own mediation cases from the past few years in order to Role and empathy exercises to the training candidates. This ensures a high level of practical relevance for case enquiries.
The Case constellations are from different economic and administrative sectors, from scientific and research institutions and clarify the special features of mediation and alternative conflict resolution in organisations from the outset. Our training candidates – mostly organisational workers themselves or external consultants – find this helpful. Naturally, we respect the confidentiality of our clients.
Interactive platform
For each annual course a Digital whiteboard (course board) This is where the progress of the course is documented, where candidates can post questions, network and exchange ideas.
This is also where we delve deeper into individual topics that came up in the classroom courses and were not included in the regular documentation. Finally, the course board creates a digital diary of an annual course, so that a group-orientated Digital contact point for all participants of an annual course.
The courses are accompanied by a digital whiteboard on which the face-to-face courses are documented, further information is provided and a digital contact point is created for all participants in a group-oriented manner.
Technically, we – after several months of testing with various providers – use a German tech company from Stuttgart, Conceptboardwhich has created the right framework conditions for our needs.
(We had to deselect Padlet, Miro, Mural etc. because they didn't fit…)
Learning platform (www.elemente-der-mediation.de)
At the core of our didactic concept are our Elements of mediation.
The elements of mediation are digitally processed and constantly improved on a separate, online-based website. Learning and knowledge management platform freely accessible. This will remain the case for a while because the changes here are happening at a rapid pace and we, as a small institute, can hardly keep up with them.
It is already clear that our annual course participants will always have access to the offers on this platform.
Here you will find an overview of all elements, index cards and associated articles, podcast episodes and learning videos.
Index cards (offline)
Index cards (online)
Selected index cards can also be accessed online on our learning and knowledge management platform www.elemente-der-mediation.de view.
We are constantly endeavouring to improve our digital, freely accessible content and to provide other interested parties with important information about mediation and conflict resolution.
Course letters (via e-mail)
Depending on the duration of the course (18 months, 11 months, 6 months), our course participants regularly receive our digital course notes.
These digital course letters, 54 in total, offer a comprehensive Step-by-step instructions, familiarise themselves with and in the world of mediation. In this way, they fulfil the need of beginners to move forward linearly in small steps in a complex, initially opaque and seemingly overwhelming world of knowledge and to learn new things in small bites.
While the elements of mediation as a knowledge management tool are also helpful for professionals, the course letters are ideal for beginners to progress at their own pace.
PS: We are working on making these course letters available to all interested parties independently of an annual course. If you are interested, please contact us.
Online seminars (Zoominare)
If required or necessary due to the coronavirus, we are well prepared to guarantee the quality of our training and further education online and remotely thanks to our digital support components.
In these cases, we react flexibly and adapt the course in a process-oriented manner so that our course participants can acquire mediation knowledge and communication exercises online and learn online mediation in order to subsequently professionalise themselves further in our face-to-face courses at the mediation table.
We provide additional digital learning material in the form of podcast episodes.
In our Podcast „Well through the time“ we conduct interviews and get to the bottom of questions, which we make available to our candidates in a structured, didactic and digitally supported manner.
- All episodes available here on the website
- here on Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/de/podcast/gut-durch-die-zeit-der-podcast-rund-um-mediation-konflikt/id1514584855
(Here please Comments, criticism and ratings leave behind!)
- and here on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/1MaOPrK6syetqxhCGPjRZ2
The episodes are published both on our Learning platform „www.elemente-der-mediation.de“ as well as in our Course letters are adjusted accordingly. In this way, our training candidates are introduced to the world of mediation and conflict management in a didactic and cross-cutting manner.
PS: You can also become a subscriber to our podcast without taking part in the annual course. Simply subscribe using the podcast player at the bottom left. The podcast player can be found on the podcast portal of your choice (Apple, Spotify, Google, Youtube, Deezer etc.) – or simply here on the website (For example here)
Learning videos
Our teaching and learning videos are in the making. We are working feverishly on them.
Would you like to find out more? Simply contact us directly by e-mail or give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you.
The INKOVEMA Blog on mediation and conflict management is practically our traditional department. We have been blogging since 2010 and have one of the largest and most comprehensive blogs in the German-speaking world.
It all started with our legendary 25 basics of mediation, which we have now removed from the blog and designed as separate pages. You will find all 25 contributions collected here on the website.
We also regularly participate in scientific publications at the „great scientific dialogue“ (Roeck) of our time. One You can find an overview of our publications here.
Learning control/learning notes
In our annual courses, we are currently testing the digital options, learning tests and knowledge queries in the form of playful quizzes and question tools to be incorporated. The training and further education candidates can test corresponding tasks on an extra learning platform as part of the course letters, helping us to expand our offering and drive it forward in a customised way. We hope that by the end of 2021, we will have put a comprehensive learning review and stimulation tool on a digital footing.
If you would like to know more, simply contact us directly!
Editorial monthly mailing
Our editorial monthly mailings have been published without interruption since 1 April 2016.
Originally conceived as a list of links to current developments in order to keep our community up to date with monthly news from the world of mediation and conflict management, it is now a substantial, content-driven, topic-focussed and topic-setting newsletter of a special kind, which, with its over 1000 subscribers in German-speaking countries is unrivalled. There is room here for topics that are simply neglected in basic and advanced training – and yet are part of comprehensive professionalisation.
You also want to become a subscriber, then click here to Registration along. The free E-book „12 steps to conflict resolution“ is included free of charge.
Here’s to the Newsletter archive.
Questions about the components
You are welcome to contact us directly if you have any questions or suggestions.
However, it is more helpful to post them directly in the comments here for all to see.
Get through this time well!
Every year, training and further education courses in mediation start in January and August. Further training seminars (2 days) and supervision days for mediators also take place at irregular intervals.
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