#26 EdM – Understanding counselling and mediation in process counselling
#26 EdM - Understanding counselling and mediation What do we do and what do we work on if we do not provide advice and solutions? [...]
#26 EdM - Understanding counselling and mediation What do we do and what do we work on if we do not provide advice and solutions? [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #188 - Counselling without advice - counselling without competence? A contribution to the counselling experiments [...]
Football wisdom for counselling and coaching. Quotes from the world of football for counsellors Football is not just sport, leisure, commerce, but [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through time" #151 - Cooperative Practice / Collaborative Law Mediation without a mediator or mediation with two party mediators? [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #140 - Developmental lines of coaching - path descriptions for mediation? What can the mediation movement learn from the [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #71 - Fear in counselling and mediation The fear of mediators in the face of mediators. [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #70 - Beginnings of coaching Where is the suction tension for mediation to become a [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #54 - Uncertainty competence in counselling and mediation How to deal with feeling insecure [...].
INKOVEMA Podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #50 - When counsellors are at a loss and the contribution of transactional analysis to a general theory of counselling. Balling-Mohr-Weigel Talks. [...]
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Well through time" #46 - History of counselling III - Comeback of counselling in the postmodern era Counselling without advice [...]