History of counselling II – Modernity and its enlightenment. In conversation with Haiko Wandhoff (INKOVEMA Podcast #45)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #45 - History of counselling II - Modernity and its enlightenment What we did when we [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #45 - History of counselling II - Modernity and its enlightenment What we did when we [...]
Commentary on § 18 of the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act (VSBG) in: Commentary on the VSBG - Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, edited by Prof. Dr Althammer/Prof. Dr Meller-Hannich, 2nd revised [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #44 - Dilemmas in organisational consulting. Anyone who thinks a dilemma is a problem really has [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #40 - Mediation in the healthcare sector Conflict management under pressure is a reality. In conversation with Sabine Krause [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through the time" #39 - Family mediation Conflict management and mediation in families In conversation with Michael Cramer Good through the [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #38 - Conflict moderation Or what does moderation have to do with mediation In conversation with Alexander Redlich. [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Episodes of Mediation" #04 EdM - The organisation as mediator Why it is appropriate for the organisation to be represented in mediation. [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #34 - Peace mediation and artificial intelligence. Frontier work with assistive technology for mediation? In conversation with Katharina [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #27 - The StaRUG is in force. A paradigm shift in corporate reorganisation? Constructive error and conflict culture for [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #26 - When mediators and lawyers meet at work. On cooperation in mediations between [...]