About Sascha

Prof. Dr. Sascha Weigel, conflict consultant and mediator; lawyer, licensed trainer for mediation (BM) and teaching transactional analyst under supervision for the area of organisation (PTSTA-O) as well as senior coach DBVC - advises, coaches, blogs and podcasts here on mediation and conflict management in times of digital transformation. Founder of the Elements of Mediation (www.elemente-der-mediation.de) and owner of INKOVEMA. Enthusiastic long-distance hiker and football fan who is currently prioritising the joys of fatherhood - as best he can. Lives in Leipzig and works nationwide.

10 Verbote für die Moderation

Hier nun der zweite Teil zur Vorgehensweise bei Moderationen von Arbeitsgruppen. 10 Verbote für die Moderation von Meetings. Blogpost-Reihe zur Moderation [...]

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