Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.2022-11-14T08:17:29+01:00


Well through time

The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting

In this – podcast produced directly by us – we will present you with our guests and exciting perspectives and assessments on the following topics Mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting to stimulate thought.

It is our intention that you will be able to use the brilliant idea or, if required, a new approach to a solution for their problematic or conflictual situation.

This podcast will also feature Specialist experts come, scientists and researcherswhose areas of expertise and research findings offer (or at least suggest) important insights for dealing with conflicts and thus for mediation and conflict counselling in the VUCA world.

Have a listen now!

Yours, Sascha Weigel

PS: You can also find the episodes of our podcast produced together with Detektor.fm here „On the Twelve! The conflict and dispute podcast“ (2016-2018)

Subscribe to the podcast now!

77 04, 2023

Peace mediation. What is the significance of peace mediation in times of war? In conversation with Wolfgang Sporrer (INKOVEMA podcast #120)

By |7. 4. 2023|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Mediationsfelder, Podcast, Russlands Angriffskrieg|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" ##120 - Peace mediation. What is the value of peace mediation in times of war? What to do in times of war when it is not realistic to organise mediation with the aim of [...]

2525 03, 2023

Teams are not groups – and vice versa. In conversation with Prof Dr Olaf Geramanis (INKOVEMA podcast #119)

By |25. 3. 2023|Categories: Agilität, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Teammediation|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #119 - Teams are not groups - and vice versa. On the difference between teams and groups and what this has to do with conflicts and agility [...]

1919 03, 2023

The mediation paradox. In conversation with Dr Justus Heck (INKOVEMA podcast #118)

By |19. 3. 2023|Categories: INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Klärungshilfe, Mediationsparadox, Mediationspolitik, Paradoxien|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #118 - The mediation paradox On the good press of mediation and the teething troubles of mediation practice In conversation with Dr Justus Heck Good through time. [...]

1010 03, 2023

Understanding conflict – A turning point for conflict counselling and mediation. In conversation with Fritz B. Simon (INKOVEMA Podcast #117)

By |10. 3. 2023|Categories: Gewalt, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interventionen, Konfliktbegriff, Konfliktberatung, Konzepte für die Mediation, Meine Meinung, Podcast, Russlands Angriffskrieg|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #117 - Understanding conflict. A turning point for conflict counselling and mediation? What we can learn about mediative ideas on impartiality, neutrality and mediating negotiation support. In the [...]

55 03, 2023

Organisational mediation as arranged mediation. In conversation with Dr Stefan Kracht (INKOVEMA podcast #116)

By |5. 3. 2023|Categories: Audio, Dreiecksvertrag, Freiwilligkeit, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Organisationsmediation, Podcast|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #116 - Organisational mediations as ordered mediations How does an order affect the principles of mediation and thus the mediation process? In conversation [...]

1919 02, 2023

Mediation in the field of tension between the energy transition and nature conservation. In conversation with Emanuela Boretzki (INKOVEMA podcast #115)

By |19. 2. 2023|Categories: Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Mediationsfelder, Moderation, Podcast, Staat und Verwaltung|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #115 - Mediation in the field of tension between energy transition and nature conservation How mediation and moderation are used to deal with conflicts in the field of energy transition and nature conservation [...].

1212 02, 2023

Mediation skills for your own conflict management. In conversation with Günther Mohr (INKOVEMA podcast #114)

By |12. 2. 2023|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Coaching und Beratung, Gastbeitrag, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Mediationskompetenzen, Podcast, Transaktionsanalyse|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #114 - Mediation skills for your own conflict management Do mediation skills change the way you deal with your own conflicts? In conversation with Günther Mohr Gut durch die Zeit. [...]

55 02, 2023

Systematic conflict management as a legal requirement of risk management (INKOVEMA Podcast #113)

By |5. 2. 2023|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konfliktmanagementsystem, Mediation in und für Organisationen, Podcast, Recht der Mediation, StaRUG und Insolvenzrecht, Wirtschaft und Kapitalismus|Tags: , , , , , , , , |1 Comment

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #113 - Systematic conflict management as a legal requirement of risk management On the legal requirements of corporate risk management and the need for systematic conflict management In conversation with Prof [...]...

2929 01, 2023

Mediation in family businesses and business families. In conversation with Dr Susanne Perker (INKOVEMA podcast #112)

By |29. 1. 2023|Categories: INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Marketing, Mediationsfelder, Podcast, Verhandlungslehre|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through time" #112 - Mediation in family businesses and in business families Mediation at the intersection of families and business enterprises In conversation with attorney Dr Susanne Perker Good through [...]

2222 01, 2023

The apology conversation. Having difficult conversations V – In conversation with Rolf Balling (INKOVEMA Podcast #111)

By |22. 1. 2023|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Entschuldigung, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Podcast, schwierige Gespräche führen|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #111 - The apology conversation Having difficult conversations V Apologising +++ Asking for an apology +++ Regret +++ Forgiveness In conversation with Rolf Balling Good [...]

1919 01, 2023

Bullying and mediation. In conversation with Prof Dr Christa Kolodej (INKOVEMA podcast #110)

By |19. 1. 2023|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konfliktbegriff, Mobbing, Podcast|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #110 - Bullying and mediation When does mediation come into play as a conflict resolution procedure in cases of bullying allegations? In conversation with Prof Dr Christa Kolodej (Vienna) Good through [...]

1111 01, 2023

Co-mediation. In conversation with Dr Isabell Lütkehaus. (INKOVEMA Podcast #109)

By |11. 1. 2023|Categories: Audio, Co-Mediation, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Mediationsausbildung, Mediationsformen, Podcast|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #109 - Co-mediation When mediators (can) experience each other at work In conversation with Dr Isabell Lütkehaus. Well through the time. The podcast [...]

2323 12, 2022

The artificial intelligence ChatGPT as mediation support? In conversation with ChatGPT (INKOVEMA Podcast #108)

By |23. 12. 2022|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konzepte für die Mediation, Künstliche Intelligenz (INKOVEMA-Assistent), Podcast|Tags: , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #108 - The Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT as mediation support? How mediators can use ChatGPT to improve conflict mediation and where the limits are In conversation [...].

1010 12, 2022

Obtaining feedback. Having difficult conversations IV. In conversation with Rolf Balling (INKOVEMA podcast #107)

By |10. 12. 2022|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Fehlerkultur, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Podcast, schwierige Gespräche führen|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Getting through time well" #107 - Getting feedback Having difficult conversations IV A communicative tool for self-control. In conversation with Rolf Balling Well through the time. The podcast [...]

77 12, 2022

Setting up a conflict management system. In conversation with Dominik Wahlig (INKOVEMA podcast #106)

By |7. 12. 2022|Categories: Allgemein, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konfliktmanagementsystem, Organisationsentwicklung, Podcast|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #106 - Building a conflict management system Improved handling of conflicts is not enough as a goal for a conflict management system In conversation with Dominik Wahlig Good through [...]

2525 11, 2022

Conflict prevention and conflict anticipation in organisational conflict management (INKOVEMA Podcast #105)

By |25. 11. 2022|Categories: Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konfliktmanagement, Konfliktmanagementsystem, Mediation in und für Organisationen, Organisationsentwicklung, Podcast, Wirtschaft und Kapitalismus|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #105 - Conflict prevention and conflict anticipation in organisational conflict management On the way to a more comprehensive conflict management system? In conversation with Dr Jörg Schneider-Brodtmann Well through [...]

2020 11, 2022

The conflict dialogue. Having difficult conversations III. In conversation with Rolf Balling

By |20. 11. 2022|Categories: Dramadreieck, Grundhaltungen, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast, schwierige Gespräche führen, Verhandlungslehre|0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #104 - The conflict conversation Having difficult conversations IV When the divisive collides, the solution approaches - sometimes in the form of escalation. In conversation with [...]

1313 11, 2022

Mediation, podcasting and digital visibility. Background and feedback on the anniversary. (INKOVEMA podcast #100)

By |13. 11. 2022|Categories: Allgemein, Digitale Transformation, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Marketing, Podcast|0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #100 - Mediation, podcasting and digital visibility. Background and feedback on the anniversary. In conversation with Dr Isabell Lütkehaus, Gunnar Duvenhorst and Christian Bollert Good [...]

Elements of mediation

Our learning and knowledge management tool

  • 1 system,
  • 5 main groups,
  • 48 elements,
  • over 500 index cards.

Our system for the theory and practice of mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Organise learning processes in an accessible way,
Structure knowledge openly.

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