Blog posts
Blog about mediation and conflict management
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #36: Structural racism? Culturalism!
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 36 A. [...]
Personality counselling with the concept of the inner team of ego states
Personality counselling with the concept of the inner team of ego states What happens when the ego states of transactional analysis are [...]
The driver concept of transactional analysis as a diagnostic and intervention concept for mediation
The driver concept of transactional analysis as a diagnostic and intervention concept for mediation With the driver concept, transactional analysis has created an excellent concept [...].
The action pentagon or driver and counter-driver united
The Action Pentagon or Driver and Counter-Driver United The second part on the transaction-analytical concept of drivers deepens the problem of the [...]
Driver dynamics in the context of transactional analysis
Driver dynamics in the context of transactional analysis The concept of drivers, which describes the origin and nature of driver behaviour and [...]
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #35: Metaphors and storytelling
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 35 A. [...]
Mediation in the field of health and illness
Photo by Martin Brosy on Unsplash Mediation in the field of health and illness Mediation in the field of tension between patients, relatives, helpers [...]
Another 10 books on digital transformation that are worth reading. (2017-2019)
Another 10 books on digital transformation that are worth reading. (2017-2019) When paper helps to transform the digital [...]
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #34: Conflict potential addictions and dependencies
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 34 A. [...]
The concept of passivity. When passive thinking prevents solutions.
The concept of passivity. When passive thinking prevents solutions. Concepts for mediation. Part 1 Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash [...]
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #33: Conflicts at home – Domestic violence
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 33 A. [...]
Concepts for the historical categorisation of the digital transformation. Four, three, two, one…What's all the hype?!
Historical concepts of digital transformation. Four, three, two, one... What's all the hype? We overestimate what will happen in a year. [...]
Mediation in organisations – An interview on the innovation-promoting work of mediators in and for organisations.
Mediation in organisations. An interview on the work of mediators in and for organisations with Dr Sascha Weigel. The - [...]
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #32: The complexity of emotions
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 32 Main topics: [...]
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #31: Cyberbullying – Bullying among children and young people
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 31 Main topics: [...]
10 considerations for moderation
Business moderation - 10 considerations for moderation To conclude this short series of tips and suggestions for moderation [...].
Mediation in organisations. 5 reasons for strategically orientated, future-oriented mediation.
Mediation in organisations. What it takes to make it work. 5 reasons for strategically orientated, future-oriented mediation. Audio summary [...]
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #30: Bullying in organisations among adults
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 30 Main topics: [...]
Newsletter-INKOVEMA #29: Fields of mediation – Where fields of conflict become fields of mediation – and by whom…
View all newsletters INKOVEMA Newsletter Mediation and Conflict Management # 29 Focus topic: [...]
Roundup Post 2018: What field of mediation do you work in?
Roundup-Post: What field of mediation do you work in - and what's special about it? Roundup-Post INKOVEMA #3 (2018) [...]