Blog posts
Blog about mediation and conflict management
Restructuring mediation in the corporate crisis in times of the COVID-19 epidemic – Guest article by Uwe Kassing
Restructuring mediation in the corporate crisis in times of the COVID-19 epidemic Guest article by Uwe Kassing Hamburg - [...]
Learning mediation – The components of mediation training at INKOVEMA
Learning mediation and coaching. The components of mediation and coaching training at INKOVEMA mediation training programmes require candidates to [...]
Roundup-Post 2020 – Current opportunities and risks for mediation
Current opportunities and risks [...]
The Certified Mediator within the meaning of the Mediation Act
The Certified Mediator within the meaning of the Mediation Act Information on training and further education as well as explanations of the legal requirements for the title [...]
The concept of psychological games in transactional analysis. Part 4: The practice of conflict counselling in the face of psychological games
The Concept of Psychological Games in Transactional Analysis Part 4: The Practice of Conflict Counselling in the Light of Psychological Games Invitations and Termination Options [...].
Maps of mediation (3 of 3) – Based on the basic ideas of mediation
Basic ideas of mediation as a map for localising mediation styles Maps of mediation (3 of 3) I. Introduction The one [...]
The concept of psychological games in transactional analysis. Part 3: Connections to TA concepts
The Concept of Psychological Games in Transactional Analysis Part 3: Connections to Other Concepts of Transactional Analysis Connections of Psychological [...]
Book: Mediation – Basics, legal framework and fields of application. Dispute resolution and dispute avoidance in civil law (2020)
Book publication Mediation. Basics, legal framework and fields of application. Publication series of the Munich Centre for Dispute Resolution - Dispute Resolution and Dispute Avoidance in [...]
Maps of Mediation (2 of 3) – Alexander's Meta-Model of Mediation
Meta-model of mediation by Nadja Alexander Maps of mediation (2 of 3) I. Introduction There is one mediation [...]
The concept of psychological games in transactional analysis – Part 2: Process and forms of psychological games
The concept of psychological games in transactional analysis Part 2: Procedure and forms of representation The drama triangle and game formulas according to Berne [...]
The concept of psychological games in transactional analysis – Part 1: Basics
The concept of psychological games in transactional analysis Part 1: Basics Definition, function and benefits, intensities and degrees of [...]
The specifics of mediation – Future-oriented conflict management in organisations
The specifics of mediation. Mediation as future-oriented conflict management for organisations Explanations on strategic mediation in and by organisations. Summary: [...]
VUKARONA – Accelerating change with emergency braking
VUKARONA - Accelerating change with full braking Potential for conflict in the VUKA world in times of the coronavirus pandemic. Introduction Timo K. sits [...]
The future is no longer what it used to be and what else there is to say about the future. The 18 best future-orientated quotes.
The future is no longer what it used to be - and what else there is to [...]
Concepts of transactional analysis to support a transformative mediation style
Concepts of transactional analysis to support a transformative mediation style The transactional-analytical view of the human being, the basic attitudes and the drama triangle and some helpful [...]...
Data protection requirements for independent mediators – Expert interview
Data protection for self-employed mediators - expert interview What self-employed mediators need to consider in order to work in compliance with data protection regulations. The expert interview with lawyer [...]
Maps of Mediation (1 of 3) – Riskins Grid
Riskin's Grid Maps of Mediation (1 of 3) I. Introduction There is no such thing as one mediation. There is one [...]
Data protection requirements for independent mediators
Data protection for self-employed mediators What self-employed mediators need to consider in order to work in compliance with data protection regulations. This article is based on the [...]
Interview: Few things are more unifying than resolved conflicts
Few things are more unifying than resolved conflicts ... or why conflict management is not about removing obstacles, but about innovation and creativity. (Unabridged) interview, [...]
Evaluative mediation. The evaluative mediation style
Evaluative mediation The evaluative mediation style. Localisation, description, 8 interventions and 5 risks - and it's worth it! Introduction [...]