INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#8 – Systemic Transactional Analysis. In conversation with Günther Mohr

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

In conversation with Günther Mohr, the concept of systemic transactional analysis and its difference to classical transactional analysis, which has its roots in 20th century humanistic psychology, will be explored. New driver dynamics, which Günther Mohr has formulated in his new book, will also be discussed.


3 Cornerstones of systemic concepts

1. embedding and networking
2. assumption of subjective constructions of reality
3. self-preservation (autopoiesis)

Difference between humanism and systems theories

In humanism and humanistic psychologies (classical transactional analysis), the individual is at the centre of the concept. Systems theories, especially the radical formulation by Niklas Luhmann, move away from the individual as the starting point of the theory. Here, social systems are formed by communications as elements.
Günther Mohr bridges the gap between classical transactional analysis and systems theory with his Organisational concept of the 10 system dynamics.

New driver dynamics in the digitalised world

In addition to the classic five drivers, G. Mohr formulates three further drivers in his new book.

1. be (always) conspicuous! (Authenticity dogma and visibility obligation in the sense of Reckwitz)
2. be (always) active!
3. remain (always) dissatisfied! (Common in the entrepreneur scene in a modified form as a guiding principle, „Stay hungry“)
