INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“
#51 – Storytelling in mediation.
Storytelling as a professional method in mediation and coaching
In conversation with Hanna Milling
Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.
Dr Hanna Milling lives in Berlin and Chorin. As a mediator and coach, she helps people and organisations to resolve conflicts. With a degree in cultural economics and a doctorate in philosophy, she is a BM® mediation trainer as well as a trained counsellor and laughter coach. In an interview with Sascha Weigel, she talks about the use of stories in mediation.
Contents in this episode:
- How are stories used in mediation?
- In which phase can stories be used in mediation? (Spoiler: Of course in every phase – at any time. Always!)
- How can stories be used in mediation?
- What should be considered when using stories in mediation?
Stories are a provocation to rethink. (Nossrat Peseschkian)
Functions of stories:
- Distancing function
- Normalisation
- Search process function
- Website Hanna Milling
- Website for the book: Publisher's page Wolfgang Metzner Verlag
Stories are a provocation to rethink. (Nossrat Peseschkian)
- Distancing function
- Normalisation
- Search process function
I wonder how Dr H. Milling's "storytelling" differs from Mr Ed Watzke's approach? His publication "Probably this story has nothing to do with you … – Stories, metaphors, sayings and aphorisms in mediation" was published 12 years earlier. I don't see anything new here. Unfortunately, Mrs Milling does not answer this in the podcast or address it in any way.
Thank you for your comment and the reference to Ed Watzke. Both mediators do indeed work in the same style. However, both differ in their orientation and personal approach to mediation work. Hannah Milling works – as far as I am aware – in other areas of conflict that do not require a transgressive approach as formulated by Ed Watzke. ->