INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#73 – Self-awareness in counselling training

Why mediation training programmes are always self-awareness and personal development.

In conversation with Barbara Kramer

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Barbara KramerQualified psychologist, counsellor, managing director of the Institut für Klärungshilfe Köln.


  • In the Clarification assistance training the conflicts, disruptions and disagreements between the participants are used as fodder for the training candidates to gain practical experience. In the podcast, Barbara Kramer explains the – training method developed by her and Christoph Thomann – and provides insights into their decades of experience.
  • mentioned extract from the training contract: „The training includes parts for personal self-awareness in relation to one's own conflict behaviour. The willingness to resolve conflicts that arise during the training is a prerequisite for participation. In order to learn the method of conflict resolution, it is also essential to make yourself available as a conflict resolution facilitator if such a request or assignment arises during the training modules “


  • Kramer, B. / Thomann, Chr: It feels really awful! Self-awareness in counselling training, in: Konfliktdynamik, 2017, 98-103.
