INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#60 – Maximum demand mediator chamber

Reason and intention of the German Foundation for Mediation to call for a Federal Chamber of Mediators

In conversation with Dr Marcus Bauckmann and Claudia Kück

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Dr Marcus Bauckmann, LL.M., Lawyer, certified mediator and mediation supervisor with his own law firm in Paderborn and Hamburg. He has lectured in (business) mediation at several universities. Since 2017, he has been Head of the Professional Status Department of the German Foundation for Mediation.

Claudia Kück, LL.B.PhD student at the European University Viadrina, certified mediator and lecturer in mediation at several universities. She has been the main organiser of the Bucerius Mediation Competition in Hamburg since 2015 and deputy head of the German Mediation Foundation's specialist department for the profession since 2021.


After the Mediation Act came into force in 2012 and the 2017 evaluation report dashed many hopes that were based on this KM procedure, it is now the legal framework faces significant changes.

To this end, the Federal Ministry of Justice, which is in charge of the project, met with representatives of the mediation movement in an unprecedentedly transparent process and collected ideas.

One of these ideas is to set up a Federal Chamber of Mediators and to organise the profession of mediator – in a similar way to doctors, lawyers and architects –. This idea comes from the German Mediation Foundation.

To explain this idea and discuss its pros and cons, I invited those responsible to the podcast studio. And they agreed. In the podcast, we talk about the background and intentions of the German Foundation for Mediation, which led to the proposal to initiate a Federal Chamber of Mediators.
