INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#204 – Getting to know artificial intelligence –

On the way to an AI-competent society?!

New technologies for mediation and conflict counselling. Part 8

In conversation with Prof Dr Doris Weßels

Doris WesselsSince 2008 Professor for Business Informatics at Kiel University; Her teaching activities focus on project management and natural language processing; since 2018, she has been conducting research in the field of natural language processing and its impact on the education sector; co-founder – in September 2022(!) – of the virtual competence centre: Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Work (VK:KIWA). One of the most important AI-competent voices in Germany.

Well through time.

The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.


0:03 – AI-competent society
5:45 – New technologies and their impact
12:15 – Challenges of AI expertise
23:13 – Data protection and legal framework
31:45 – Use of AI in everyday life
39:50 – Philosophical questions about humanity
44:30 – Farewell and outlook for the future

Summary of content

In this episode, I discuss with Professor Doris Wessels from Kiel University about the urgently needed AI-competent society and the challenges posed by the latest developments in artificial intelligence. We show that it is not necessary to fully understand the technical details of powerful AI systems in order to recognise their impact on our society, communication and problem-solving skills.

Doris Wessels shares her experience as a business information scientist both in teaching and in industry and explains how the rapid development of AI technologies, especially generative AI solutions and multi-AI agent systems, is influencing the way we work and interact. A central theme is the need to develop a collective competence in using these tools so that we are not just consumers of these technologies, but can also actively shape them.

We discuss the Fears that many people have regarding the use of AIand how important it is to have an experimental, inquisitive attitude in order to utilise these new tools effectively. In doing so, we also reflect on the potential risks that the development of AI entails and the social responsibility we have to manage these technologies sensibly.

Another point of discussion is the role of education and awareness in the fast-moving world of AI. We look at how important it is for both companies and educational institutions to provide training to promote informed use and understanding of the limitations of AI.

Doris emphasises that the practice of professional communication and education is already benefiting massively from AI by taking over time-consuming tasks and thus enabling a higher level of efficiency. She also emphasises how important it is to focus on sensitive issues such as data protection and the legal framework in order to ensure responsible work with AI systems.

At the end of the conversation, Doris Wessels brings interesting dialectical questions into play that make the listener think: What defines us as human beings? How do we deal with the challenge of remaining authentic and human while increasingly interacting with AI-generated content? These philosophical reflections add a deeper dimension to the discussion and encourage us to redefine our understanding of humanity and technology.


Complete transcription of the conversation

[0:00]We need one AI-competent Society.
AI-competent society
[0:04]The means not, that one now these whole powerful AI systems until on the last Detail understood have must. Cordially welcome to the Podcast Good through the Time. The Podcast round at Mediation, Conflict coaching and Organisational consulting. A Podcast from INKOVEMA. I am Sascha Weigel and welcome you to one new Consequence. And these Consequence has even not times so direct what with Conflict management to do or with Coaching and Consultancy, but them busy itself with artificial Intelligences resp.
[0:36]With the Get to know us, with the Encounter and Get to know us this new Technologies. And the have we Yes here in the Podcast already several times taken up, because it natural to the one one Meaning has for the Kind and Wise, like we the organise, that we then times also in Mediation, in Coaching are. So the whole Administration, the Back office, the whole own Organisation, in those meanwhile Technology Move-in held has. As but possibly also, that it Effects has on the Kind and Wise, like we with each other speak, communicate and so that also fortunately natural Conflicts edit and manage. And because the for Mediators and Coaches and Consultant generally a new Field is, need them there also good Counselling and someone, the thereof Hunch has. And so someone have I me today invited. I welcome here Mrs Professor Doris Wessels from the Kiel University Point. Cordially welcome. Hello Doris.
[1:38]Thank you Sascha and sincere Thanks to, that I here today yours Guest be may. I am happy. We have us Yes before, the is now also already again Months here probably, on one small Conference from Mediators got to know in Schleswig-Holstein. Exactly, in Schleswig-Holstein. And there had you also already the Topic of course, what yours Topic of the heart is and also probably the Core also yours Labour constitutes. But there can you also equal again what in addition say. Taken up, namely what… On us is due, but also, what we do should, so that the good becomes, when something like that on us is due, like new Technologies. And the whole Topic natural round at artificial Intelligences, the now also, I says now times like this, the Consumers achieved has. You as Business IT specialist are there already much longer in the Contact us with this Developments, have the also still the Time before Chat GPT professional experienced. What work you current and what makes so to speak the Core yours Labour out?
[2:35]Yes, the is one good Question. When I so mine Daily routine me look at, then dance I even on many Weddings. I am Professor for Business informatics on the University of Applied Sciences here in Kiel. But I have in the Course the years even also different Activities, Tasks adopted and the are Expert committees for artificial Intelligence. The is in the last years then very strong my Life determined. So I claim always, Chet Chibitin has Yes tomorrow the second Birthday and that I so to speak since the Publication from ChatGPT a new Life immersed am. I have the so whole voluntary made, but I feel me on many Jobs also so in so one Corner pushed, where I also very strong always demanded will, me there natural also with pleasure to contribute, these Innovation dynamics to experience with this Topic the generative AI. The is again something, what Yes my Life changed has, but what I in the Shape also still never experienced have, although I now 30 years long in the IT industry active am. And the is stop like this, when one University of Applied Sciences Professor in Germany is.
[3:35]Then must one some years also in the Economy outside the University spent have and Practical experience bring along. So from therefore, and the was with me Relative long, even twelve years long. And I have still live noticed, like the Internet about us came. So also these Phase have I live witnessed. But in the Review, like in the Snail's pace has the took place. And the was also one Caesura, has our Life whole strong changed. So also one fierce digital Disruption. And them comes now again in one whole other Dimension about us. And that, what we straight experience, is Admission again in one new Era and the busy me current very intensive. The is one more Development and the are Multi-AI agent systems. The is exactly so one Level again sharper.
[4:18]How ChatGPT before two years. Exactly, so I claim always something flippant, that ChatGPT in the Comparison in addition Kids' stuff is or that the AI bots, the Chatbots, the we today so experience, the we also already whole fascinating find. And it is always terrible beautiful, that one always thinks, oh, the is somehow fascinating, but it has even also the Downside the Medal, where one about the Risks muses, so many Questions has, which Effects the with us itself as Individual has, what the with us as Company, as Organisation makes. And also what it with us as Society makes. And the are always much more Questions as Answers. And now comes already the next Shaft and these Agent systems in Shape from AI solutions are even autonomous until to one certain Degree and act then really independent, like so a own Actor the Decision falls, the Things plans. The is one very large Support function, the we experienced can. And at the same time must we but also the AI expertise bring along, such powerful, much more powerful AI systems, as it today a Chatbot is, also to control. We must the design so to speak, Configure and then also in the Handle retain. And the is one completely new Management task, the we here have, the we natural still never learnt have. We have there none Experience. So it is Worldwide one large Development, the there straight takes place. And I claim times, that we the next Year determine.
New technologies and their impact
[5:45]Cordially welcome 2025.
[5:47]This We, what we there steer must, concerns the those, the on the other Page of the Greens are and these AI systems develop, produce and then Consumers offer? Or mean you also we in the Consumer or also in the professional Role, the not direct with IT to do has, that we there in the Control system come and not only in the Consumption are? The becomes itself show and although from the Vendors this Systems. So like user-friendly become we the experience? Take we the perhaps even not true, that we such powerful Tools really lead and lead and steer? Or are we also still stronger demanded in this creative Role? So would be the meaningful, that we stronger more necessary become must, that we even also already…
[6:33]The, what behind the Machine happens, Understand have to? The on each Case. The is also one large social Challenge. Now already with the Chatbots, the have we already noted, with ChatGPT, what Yes whole frequently from many People, also itself the Students, misinterpreted was like so one Search engine. The show Yes many Analyses, that when one analysed, for which were these Chatbots used, then is always whole wide top also Research as Task indicated. And the was, before these Chatbots with one Search engine combined were. The is today mostly the Case, but also not always. But in the Era before that, as such a Chatbot itself only on the basis of his Training data, the then also frequently Yes still Obsolete were, orientated has and there to statistical Probability Statements met has or Results to outside given has, went it not at Facts. The can a such Chatbot also even not differentiate, what Fact is and what not. The means, we had the so-called Hallucinations, where times what Plausible came out and times more total Witzel. And the have many People not understood, could them actually also even not understand, because them even even none Education, none Qualification, none Training experienced have. And the is Yes until today the large Problem, that itself in The company much to little Training programmes take place, whereby it Yes in The company actually also at Potentials goes. Since wants one economic Successful be and one becomes itself this Technology also not in the Path place can and want. But itself there works the not really with the Education.
[8:01]So I have the always so a little for me clarifies and compared, I says times so a little like with the art market. The Picture paints although the Painter, but what the means and like one it handles, like it one moves, the is stop in the Eye of the viewer. And there says one like this, the Product is stop not only from the Producers, but the Prosument, the Consumer makes there with. And with this Chatbots was me the similar noticed, also as I… Then also one own so to speak with me on the Website Public placed had, that the Utilisation actually whole strong Google coloured is and one the stop thought like so in, the is stop still a better Google, the can perhaps even now talk and so and gives stop one Solution out. Man must not more the whole Page click through, the Google offers. But the was not their original Task. And there have you Yes also, and the was Yes still before, believe me, JetGPT, this AI Campus, the I really also each recommend, developed, where itself People educate further can on one really smart and light accessible Kind and Wise.
[9:03]Since write you me to much to. I have the AI Campus not developed, but am through the AI Campus, so I am there also in the Advisory Board. I have there the not with constructed, but am rather Beneficiary, respectively may now also there Council give and advise. But the is a large Project, what now without mine Initiative found has. But natural must we us network in Germany and we must in such Structures, Networking, on such Platforms try, together also the Forces to bundle. And from there is AI Campus one whole, whole good History and Platform also. Yes, perhaps have I the also mixed up with one other Development on your part, but where me clear was, we must, and you have the then tackled so to speak.
[9:46]The Users enable, so that them the Instruments not only, says I times, subscribe and then on their Kind and Wise utilise, but really learn, also their Thickness, well, now would I say, to steer or at all also to tease it out, the Potential. So I have founded, and the mean you maybe, a virtual AI competence centre, the VK Kiva, Artificial Intelligence and scientific Work.
[10:11]The have I with various Co-disputes, we were so about ten, then to the Date of foundation everything University lecturers on different Universities in Germany and we have on 1. September 2022, so before good two years, this virtual AI competence centre founded, because we Educational work perform wanted, exactly with the Topic. But in particular in the Education sector, like can one and shall one deal with? What must one know, at with this AI language models competent to deal with? And us was clear to the Date of foundation or Before that also already, we were actually since 2020 so as Network already very active, have whole many Workshops made, Lectures, Publications and so continue, that the large Effects have becomes for the Education sector and natural not only there. And yes, then had we us on 1. September 2022 founded, had the Website and then came three Months later, on 30.11.2022, then Chab-GPT at the Corner. The was then Yes like so a Drumbeat. And then is the also whole strong ins Awareness all possible Groups our Society moved. Since this Time have we even one so rapid Further development experienced and the next Year happens. Have I Yes already outlined, there comes again one whole other League on still much more powerful AI systems therefore. And we need always, and the is the Base and at the same time key to the Success, we need one AI-competent Society.
[11:36]The means not, that one now these whole powerful AI systems until on the last Detail understood have must. The becomes us even not succeed, the required one also not. Man must in particular also the Limitations recognise. So one must so a Feeling in favour have, what can the and what can the not, what are sensible Areas of application and what not. How us the succeeds as Society fast enough to learn along with this speed the Development, the is the large Question. And I believe, the succeeds us only then, when we the like a large common social Project as concerted Action start.
Challenges of AI expertise
[12:11]The have we in the Shape still never made and still never had. It gave also even not the Demand and the provides us so large Challenges.
[12:18]Take we times the Point and zones the so a little down on probably Large part the Listeners and Audience, the Communication worker are, in the best Senses of the word. That many from them also probably independent, so quite also itself as Doer types and as Self-employed understand. The one or other probably also certain Affinity to Computers has, on each Case everything, Smartphone and Computer, everything there is, but nevertheless the Impression wins, also through such Conversations or when he corresponding other Media looks at and says, the is what whole New, the was still never there. The is not something, whereupon I somehow fall back can. And nevertheless have I one Learning biography. What are the largest Hurdles, the one so to speak itself to the Page create can, when one itself this World approach wants? How could one get started, without itself to overtax and equal again the Laptop to close and to say, nope, I wars the now also still so towards the last Decades?
[13:16]I had to therefore so smile, because the largest Hurdle is the Fear, the many People have and the Fear, like is harnessed been, whole frequently also through Reports, there comes always Fake News, there come always rather the Risks as the Opportunities and then becomes the so carried on, one listens the from the acquaintances and one reads something and one takes the perhaps also a little selective then true, when one already so a Framing has. And therefore think I always, we must actually like Children become. So when us these childlike Joy on Try it out also times fall down.
[13:49]So one Resilience also show, the need we actually. So we need The joy of experimentation, Curiosity, Openness, at us then also one own Opinion to form, one own Position to find. And the is also with many, the I so experience, like this, that the have belongs, Chat GPT is daft, can nothing and so continue. Or we have it perhaps also itself times tried out before two years and have then said, nope, the is it not and have it afterwards also never again tried. And these incredible Speed, the itself shows with the Development, the then Yes also with the High performance goes hand in hand, the have many People not understood, can the also even not believe. And I says always, yes, when it yesterday not folded has, then works it perhaps tomorrow or it works with any others. So it gives so Platforms, there become the Worldwide most popular Chatbots compared,, when one the times try out wants. And there Find itself, so the day before yesterday were it 169 such Chatbots. The is even not only ChatGPT, but the are 167 or 168 other. The gives it then also in different Variants. But so that wanted I only clear make, that we really one such Flood also on different Chatbot variants today have, because the Market is simple so attractive for the large Provider, because ultimately can all People, the a mobile Terminal device have.
[15:13]Potential Customers be this Technology and the leads even to this incredible Race. So when one the News tracked and I make the Yes daily, it passes none Day without any Announcement, without one Further development, without a new Product, a new Field of application, one new Study. The must one even also take into account. So when one Chatbot not pleases.
[15:33]It gives Hundreds on Alternatives. Okay, there has one so to speak already the Fear overcome, because one then already ins Testing comes. And I am Yes really rather a Career changer and can me also still remember, like I before the Internet and the Viruses and likewise there mine Fears had and then also mine Labour not there inside made have, but even still beautiful on one Laptop, the not connected was ans Net. I talk here from the Year 2006 continued. When I today Lectures in mine Industry hold and some are that, since ChatGPT, published is and I early there with the also a Interview here in this Podcast led have. And her also there, so really one week later yet, the was then so in the January, from Professors, with those I to do had, called were, the me asked have, so IT professors, what have because you there made? Has the the really so said? So when the true is, that the so talk can. And then was I surprised, that the me the asks. I thought, the is be Field of work. Since have I the still talk leave with Siri. I have so to speak the Chatbot It passes none Lecture, where not tries becomes or where not on it pointed out becomes, that that, what I there exemplary made have, against Laws violates. That I one Article there uploaded have or that I the made have.
[16:47]That I data revealed have from Cases. Can one itself this Topic approach, I says times like this, on one clear lawful Kind and Wise? First right, when one Fear has, something wrong to make. So the Testing and the Tasting on the individual Level. How go you with this Question um, the Yes in Germany but always very strong immediately on the Table is coming?
[17:08]Regulate, Data protection and the like. So I find the a delicate Topic for someone, the itself the approach wants. The reflects even also our digital Mindset in Germany again. Man says us the German Fear to. I find, the wore the tragically with the Topic also whole good. It gives then the marvellous Categorisation, so the American innovate, the Chinese copy and we in Germany regulate. So so become we frequently recognised. Since is Certainly a little what on it. So we are very quality-conscious. The means even also, that we Processes comply want, the given are. We want none Rule violations commit. We want us secure to all Pages, in particular in so responsible Roles. I am Yes also Teachers one state University, so there would like one on even none Case Students in any Predicament bring or them unnecessary Risks suspend. The find I also whole, whole important, that we this Sense of responsibility show. I believe, it is also one large Strength, that we this Quality awareness show. We have now the european EEA-I-Act, the on 1. August in Power kicked is and then so in various Phases different Reasons.
[18:17]The means, we have here already a very powerful Rules and regulations. The Question is, whether we there already again threaten, in Overregulation to drift off. But in principle have we us a Instruments in Europe created, with the we whole, whole much regulated get. And in the Deed is it like this, that, what you also written have, a large Feeling the Legal uncertainty. So one feels itself so like on Black ice. To each Place could it somehow Dangerous become. So I describe times like this, like I so that work. And although have I the ChatGPT Plus Account. The means, can so a little more make, can a little other Models select. But I would just as work, when I one free of charge Access have or with other Chatbots work. I use the in mine daily Labour and it is for me one large Time saving. When I to the Example one Lecture hold shall, I have none crisp Title to the Lecture, then says I with ChatGPT with pleasure a pair Keywords to the and the Topic, give me one List with five different Variants for one attractive Title mine Lecture. So, then get I five and from those pleases me mostly one and from the second Title perhaps still the second Half or so and then go I in the second Iterations and leave me still times five then from this.
[19:28]Interesting Building blocks, the I then already have, generated and in the Rule have I him then. The is for me one Labour saving. Then required one Yes whole frequently Summary. Man required other Formulations. The means, one can then with DeepL, a Cologne Company, not only translate, one can with DeepL Write even also Texts reformulate. The use I very frequently, when I think, yes, mine Formulation, there goes still what, but I have now none quick Idea. The Arrows and the Improve, in favour are the also super. Exactly, in favour are the super. And the are everything Aspects, the from mine View completely uncritical are. And when I Texts upload and the Texts either summarise leave or revise leave, then are the in the Rule mine own Texts. And then decide I itself, go I the a or the Risk a or not. I have also with me set, that mine Inputs not to Training purposes used become may. And the is also so one Rule, the itself… The reflects or the Experience, always then, when I one chargeable Access have to this Vendors with their Tools, can I also mine data better protect. The means, who so everywhere the free of charge Variant chooses, the goes in the Rule then also the Risk in, that the Inputs for Training purposes required become can. But also the are from mine View completely overdrawn Fears.
[20:48]Since have People so the Concern, that them then one to one traced become can. The must one itself times superior. So there are each Day or in the month are Hundreds from million from Users active worldwide, that one there in any Shape identifies and that that, what we there enter, so spectacular Dangerous is, that from it a Problem adult could. So there hold I it for completely overwhelmed.
[21:15]I wanted on the Point out, one should so to speak, it has itself so one Cloud then yield from to the Example Data protection, that nothing more safe is from the Data protection. Such Themes how, one must now the Doorbell signs on apartment blocks to arrange, because each sees, who there lives and such Stuff. And that it meanwhile so to speak so a Picked is. And one should now to the Experts become, to say, nope, the true simple not, the belongs to not underneath. And these, I say times like this, Atmosphere, that one potentially, as soon as one itself with the Machines gets involved, also on legally uncertain Terrain itself is located, reinforced the Fear or is probably also one Reason the Fear. Because that, what then itself made become can with the AI tools, is Yes mostly very fascinating and very stimulating and exciting and awakens in the Reason taken Curiosity.
[22:09]Hey, you! The this Podcast listens. Forget not, him to Rate and one Feedback to give. Many Thanks to. And now goes’s continue.
[22:22]Man must the then also relativise and we must us itself our Behaviour also aware make. What I everything about WhatsApp get and about WhatsApp dispatch, the offers potential Vendors much more Insight in mine Person as that, what I with ChatGVT do. And before all the Impression, the one given has, when one WhatsApp on his Telephone has.
[22:43]Exactly. Or I am since many years Customer from Amazon. Alone mine Purchases, that, what I there search, mine Themes gives, the me interest, the offers one Provider like Amazon much more Insights as that, what OpenAI as Provider from ChatGPT today about me has. So there must one also times whole self-critical reflect, which Information on one on other Platforms, with other Tools about itself reveals. But I would like now not the Impression awaken, that one now completely clueless
Data protection and legal framework
[23:10]always in so one safe Feeling everything Possible with the Chatbot make shall. Target it on even none Case nothing copyright protected upload. The are Yes in particular then Documents from other Persons. I should now not from Students simple times one Labour, Houseworker simple times upload and the then there AI-protected Rate leave. And there grabs also the EU AI Act whole, whole clearly, there gives it Yes different Risk levels and so something like AI-supported something rate, is on one very high Risk level located. And when I the make would, the General Data Protection Regulation allowed it me even not, personalised data simple to upload. And one needs itself actually also only the Policies the Provider view. So makes apparently nobody. But when one itself the Policies from OpenAI times looks at for the Utilisation from ShellGBT, there is so much not permitted. The becomes rarest thematised.
[24:00]So also there is actually clear regulated, what allowed is and what not allowed is. So there worthwhile it itself so to speak, the Things to look at. Yes, of course.
[24:08]We had before us the Point, you have said, who paid, is already times on one firmer Reason and has also more Possibilities. I find, the is one Development, the actually itself so a little takes off from the Tools, the we so far all so leaked get have on Computers and over Internet, that them free of charge were, all ahead Google. The had their Price. With AI have I the Impression, through these really expensive Calculation operation, that we again a Feeling in favour get, what the means, such Tools to have and that we in favour pay. Sometimes can one Yes exactly see, also like much one Energy or like much cent departed is through one individual Calculation operation and through one individual Prompt. Would you say, that the one good Idea is, at the Start also really above reflect resp. To say, OK, I start with Investment, so I take really one Payment account and more detailed me the whole Topics, also on the Dangers, that the then so several are, there must I the again drive back. Is it one Question only from Curiosity and Time, the I invest must or would you also recommend, take you prefer a Budget before and the invested her, at you this Tool or this Tool also really so to look at, like it in the Paid version offered becomes? I would for the Access something whole Low-threshold recommend. And indeed, I have earlier the mentioned. The is so one Platform, there must one itself not once register.
[25:36]But one can, there gives it top left so one Rider, the means Battle Arena. And there can man, when one below then his Prompt, so means Yes the Input, the one makes with this Bots, I would have whole with pleasure five Ideas for the and the Topic or give me one Structure to the and the Topic or what one so straight on Demand has, gives one simple in more natural Language a and then gets one always so two Bots, the then provided become, the the Answer give. The means, one sniffs there so a bit, one can itself already times a little orientate, one can itself one Opinion form. Then would I in the second Step then the favoured Bot, the I there found have or discovered have, there would I then perhaps so a One-month subscription first finalise. And the is also one beautiful Variant, that one in the Rule not equal a one year Subscription model finalise must or Adolf Treaty finalise must, but that one also there mostly so one month first taste can and then rises one stop from, when it one not pleases. It goes Yes the Vendors therefore, the Market to open up. The means, as soon as possible many User on the own Platform to bring or in the own System to bring. And therefore are the always Freemium models, the means on Beginning free of charge and then comes mostly the behind, when one it then more intensive utilises, the chargeable shared. Man becomes quasi baited with it, Lined and in the second Phase is the chargeable Phase. The means, the Taster, the becomes us direct offered, actually with all Vendors and there must one stop watch, when rises one a in the second Phase.
[27:05]Or rises one at all in? It gives Yes also quite User, we have the also with Students, the say, I would like even not with the Tools work, whole aware not. The find I also OK. The have itself one Opinion formed, have one Position and when them the not utilise would like, then is the also OK. For many so in the Business context is then but the Increased efficiency at the Use this Tools, the is then but so large, that them even not different can, as then also these Tools to use. With you is Yes a strong Focus also on Pedagogy or Education. So like learn we the to use? And I have frequently this Point, that one Yes the own Problem or the own, where can I Efficiencies increase, so where feel I actually one Problem-solving pressure, the I then perhaps with one AI or with one technological Application overcome can, that the Yes sometimes even not Large be must. Man feels itself satisfied, so one has somehow be Business constructed, one is perhaps so 10, 20, 30 years on Market. It runs everything to the Routines, the one in the last Decades built up has.
[28:04]How comes because so someone on the Idea, that that, what he makes, perhaps inefficient be could? So where would you yours Experience to also with the People, with those you in Contact us come, on most likely say, there are Solutions there for Problems, the perhaps many still even not seen have? So one short Answer, the are Tasks, the very Time-consuming are, the we as annoying feel, as Load feel, the we with pleasure outsource would like, wanted we earlier already. The is to the Example so something like one Text Translated in one other Language. Since had to one earlier, when one itself itself could, a Translation agency commission. The was very expensive and one had to Offers catch up and so continue. So it was also a more difficult, more protracted Process, the then also quite Costs caused has, the now not in the low Range located were. The can we today in any Languages almost with one Click and free of charge premature. The PL makes it possible, more as 30 Languages, believe me. Chat GPT more as 90 Languages. Then so something like one Text correct or edit leave. The means, I have something written, am but not safe, like many Comma perhaps there inside, Grammar, so at all, the Text quality, am I me consciously, the is still not really very good. And I give the somewhere towards in a Proofreading, what also always. These Task Not applicable today also. The have we in the Word processing systems experienced. We had there Autocorrect already very early. And the has itself always further developed. And now have we these whole Tools, the…
[29:34]After At will one Set switch, us alternative Formulation suggestions offer, the per Press button one Text summarise, so that we on End even not more itself the Summary, the Conclusion write must. The can us Outline suggestions create. We get simple so much Support. The changed, find me, also many Work processes. So me make certain Steps, certain Working simple also more Fun, because I Joy on mine new Productivity have.
[30:03]And the experience I even also with Students, straight the, the one Writer's block have, so the itself really heavy do with the Writing, the itself so lonely and alone before their white Leaf feel. The get now one virtual digital Writing partner on their Page placed, where them itself also not, and the is also something whole Important, not be ashamed must, when them the Feeling have, them are there very uninformed, them have many Deficits. So also these Discretion quasi, the is Yes like so a more protected Room, in the I me with mine Chatbot move, where none so from outside directly look inside can. The is also so a Aspect, the have we still much to little analysed. But the interprets itself but in many Conversations to, that so this Learning, Good to know, I have whole many Deficits in the Area, but now trust I me, these Questions to place, the I otherwise so in the Class, in the Lecture theatre not place would, because I the Care have, that one me completely clueless holds. The are large Potentials. Yes, there Build we very fast Trust on to the Machine. The is but also again dangerous. The, what you straight say, this Trust then build up, the is one Andropomorphisation, the then also again Dangerous is. The experience we on Platforms like the Character AI and so more with the virtual or with the Avatars, that there becomes also whole fast Dependence and Love also. So also so something arises there. That really there Friends found become, in Inverted commas.
[31:32]Therapy applications can fast to Dependencies lead. But it is a Aspect of which, the has also positive Pages, that itself People trust can.
Use of AI in everyday life
[31:41]You have one Room, where them get started can, what them otherwise so far not had. When I the again rewind, it would be quite a good first Step, itself not on the Machine to set, but first add and to watch, what annoying me actually on mine Routine, whether now in the Household, for Private or but also in the Business. What annoying me? Or also, the is Yes something, what I frequently observe, what was so far even not more as Problem seen and even not made, because it simple to elaborate was. Keyword Visibility produce in the Social media area. So for many was not only the Non-existence on YouTube, Facebook, LinkedIn, otherwise where one rational Decision, but also frequently with the Starting point, the is me to a lot. First right, when I hear, I shall there now each Day post, then make I it first prefer even not. And then becomes the simple not made. what annoying or what was so far not possible, would be one Initial question, the one first really with Slips of paper and Pen itself approach can. And then could one watch, which Solutions become offered. I would the still supplement at the Aspect, what robs me each Day whole much Time? What are so Time waster? And there times look, could there AI sensible used become?
[32:55]Doris, which Question have I not placed? Their Answer for today Communication worker.
[33:03]Absolute Important are. I have thought, that you so that equal continue, because you have one Aspect straight very beautiful explained, the then also fast in so one whole negative Part tilt can. And although have you these elaborate Social media work described. So, that one now much lighter Posts create can. Man leaves Yes also write or one writes with any Bot like so in one collaborative Kind and Wise, has his Writing partner. But that, what we People but actually would like, is Authenticity. So I would like now not each Day one Sascha Weigel Post read, the a Chatbot for you written has, but I would like but with pleasure. And you would him Recognise also. I would like so Sascha Weigel with his whole Soul feel, exaggerated formulated in his Posts. Since am I total tense, what the The future brings. Because it culminates Yes in it, that we us Political speeches listen must, the AI generated are. When we in the Church go, run we Danger, that we AI generated Sermons us listen must. I think always, is the OK? So for me, I would like the actually not. I would like Authenticity experience. I would like, when the Person there stands.
[34:12]Also really the listen, what these Person thinks and then even also says and not something, what a AI bot pre-produced has and what then only read off becomes. I white not, like very we as People the penalise become, when we either Evidence have, that the not from the Person comes or AI generated is. We have in the meantime so first Protest movements, where one says, nope, I read even not more these LinkedIn posts, the so to ChachGPT look, with this many Emojis and like this.
[34:38]The is so a Style, there have I the Suspicion, the is ChatGPT and the read I not more. The find I even as rude, as Affront Penalty I from and then would I one Sascha Weigel. Blocking? Yes. And although whole in person, in person. The becomes not one AI trigger. The can one coming soon Certainly also. I white not, like it you goes, but have you also so on some Jobs so a Disturbing feeling said? Nope, even not. The have I already and I suspect, that I the in one Year not more differentiate can. So the becomes Yes everything immediately exemplary recognised and then becomes the in the Machines built, in the Algorithms. I fear, we become the not more differentiate can. The right, the can we also not. But we have the Suspicion sometimes today yet. But I parts yours Opinion, the becomes always more difficult. But like Go we so that then on Duration around? Go we one whole Break from LinkedIn and say, the is probably everything AI generated and there is nothing more genuine and authentic? So I take times the Example the politicians, their Languages Yes not free of charge so are, like them are. And on it are mostly not the Politicians blame, but those, the addressed become, the itself either upset, Keyword Trump, when the simple gets going, then has one also tried, the so that muzzled to make and itself about it outraged. But it worked simple not. The was one Exceptional situation. But one wants even not so to speak someone on the Feet step, because the becomes immediately marked.
[36:03]And the becomes in the Social Media Range also really immediately marked. When someone what Unheard of says, can one on it bet, that ten Memes in addition developed become, where someone on Pillory placed becomes with it. So take we now times the straight highly politicised FDP-strategic Debacle or like one the also always calls. It gives Hundreds from Memes, where whole clear marked becomes, the may not forget become and the become we Christian Lindner not forgive and the shall the Downfall the FDP be. And Unfortunately, believe me, has this authentic frequently even also Potential for outrage and not always the comfortable, ach, there can I now the true Emotion see. Then becomes the in the Range Social Media, and the is Yes a political Instrument also, believe me.
[36:49]So we become Yes about the Social Media Channels politicised and emotionalised. And Unfortunately, I believe, the is perhaps also medial so mediated, this Authentic, like we it from the Football so to speak always listen. Since must either someone shout around or it must someone howl and then Recognise we only Authenticity. The is one tragic Flattening. Since have I also none good Solution. And itself when someone what writes, what he so to speak from itself pulled out has, decisive is, whether the Readers and Readers see, whether the authentic is or not. I find, the is Yes also a whole more paradoxical Term Authenticity, that someone claimed Recognition in favour, that he so is, like he is or to be believes. And the is Yes actually cultural seen one Revolt. The is Yes the breadless Artists, the Bohemian, the simple made has, what he wants and itself so that outside the Society placed has and said has, the make I simple, can her me times. And there wants I at all not yours Recognition. And the has cultural handled in one Claim on Recognition. In this respect would I say, there becomes itself perhaps again what develop. But the is rather a socio-cultural Topic. But perhaps has AI in favour also one Solution then.
[38:04]Yes, find I very exciting, so yours Point of view to listen with this Term also. But you have right, there have I still never above thought, that it a more paradoxical Term is. It originates also not from me. So in this respect goes it me now so like with you and the AI Campus. So the is Andreas Reckwitz, the the worked out has in his Habil thesis, the Subject forms. But there is it really me also whole clear become, what many also Yes in the Work context today experience, that People, Female employees, Employees authentic be want and the Idea have, the must the Boss and the Team recognise. And the sometimes before the Head bumped are, that, That the itself today not more, says I times, like a good Guest first categorise, but here equal in the first Hour the Sceptre in the Hand take want. And there claschen so to speak Expectations on top of each other, the one on the Term from Authenticity moor can. Yes, interesting.
[39:01]For me has the Term, or I have straight so one Scene before Eyes and the was with one The event in the Spring last Year in Berlin. And there gave it behind so one Q&A session. Then came a Pupils ans Micro, said then, he would like not with this AI solutions something write. Because when he something writes, then is he the as Person. And the is Expression his Personality. He found it whole, whole terrible, when one these AI solutions writes, because the simple soulless be. And the is so a Topic, what whole frequently so resonates in Discussions, the Soullessness, the one through these AI text then transport would, the so alienated are
Philosophical questions about humanity
[39:47]from one itself and the us so uncouple of which. I find, the is a whole, whole more important Aspect. And I think also with some Texts, when I the so read, form I me at least in, that there still a little Soul inside of the Authors or the Author and with other stop not. But I give you right, the Distinctiveness, the becomes lose weight. And the has already removed, when one the in the last two years Revue pass leaves. I believe, there become we also again the Things…
[40:14]How the with good and stunning Renewals the Case also is, we become us again new Recognise and because you the Idea the Soul Yes there name, the we Yes also today always yet, also linguistic at least, cultivate, the as such Yes in the Reason taken the Science to the Victim please is. So it gives none Soul. The is the romantic Presentation, the we still wear. And it can Yes be, that the AI therefore so good function, because we even really also only exemplary Nature are, the even none Soul have. Yes, but the want we not. The want we but not accept. Exactly, so wide wants I now also still not Go here. So revolutionary wants I not in the Podcast. I am not there inside, us to imitate in one always again astonishing Kind and Wise, but that we also only such Vending machines are, the somehow also only so one Stimulus-response machine are or Interaction machine, the is not our Self-image, the would like we not and so that quarrel we natural very and I believe the also not, that we so are.
[41:14]So I hang also this romantic Presentation on. Yes, and I wants you the at all not excuses. I find it whole great, that you in the Podcast are and I would like also not now the Conversation finish and then white I not, what there in Keel happens, when then the the Result is. And the is Yes also already one longer History and not first with AI, that these technological Development so one new large Offence the Humanity be can to Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud, that we us there again completely new Understand must. Since come we now actually ins Philosophical and ins absolute Fundamentals.
[41:53]But we wanted Yes also… The craftsmanship, like make we the first Step, before we us already again the Goal view, where to the whole Path lead could? Doris, with the Topic, gives it still something Positive? When I you comfort may, these Discussion, so you have straight said, then are we already again in the Philosophical landed, but the is with this Topic total normal. Man lands very fast in the Philosophical and one lands very fast always with the Question, what characterises us as Human actually out? So what are us? The had we Yes also earlier already, have you very beautiful thematised. And the busy us very. Naturally are these Tools also one large narcissistic Offence. But the Good is, we employ us very, very intensive with us itself and analyse us and reflect us also very self-critical. And so these Question, what characterises us as Human from in the Comparison to this whole AI solutions, find I one very exciting Discussion. I believe, that us the as Humanity also whole or also as Individual very, very good does, itself also on his Strengths and Weaknesses again turn to. And I believe, that we there also with the Strengths, still real Strengths have, us also permanent receive remain. And the must we us first aware make and the should we then also stronger utilise.
[43:19]Yes, the find I one soothing Realisation, that the normal is, that it then also in these Questions goes. The goes here also with other and I says times also international Colleagues and Colleagues like this, that these Themes immediately arise. The is now none typical German Discussion, already again down on the Reason of the Soil to want and still not always top the Swimming learnt to have. No matter with which Groups. It gives Discussions, there is the to 15 minutes already philosophical and very, very in principle. The is total normal. This Topic is a very emotional Topic, because it us as People so very in our Being human touched. And from therefore also not astonishing, that it equal to very fundamental Questions comes. Thomas, many Thanks to for the highly interesting Conversation, for the Findings both in the Craftsmanship as also in the Philosophical and Thank you, that you you the Time taken have. I white, like narrow the knitted is with you and I wish you whole much Success, that you Listeners and Converter in the Audience have. Thank you you very for the Invitation, has me much Fun made with you. A very, very more beautiful End of the week such a Podcast on Friday.
Farewell and outlook for the future
[44:30]Good Time, until soon. Thank you, goodbye. Professor Doris Wessels, Business IT specialist and Expert for artificial Intelligences, has us on it attentive made, that the Shaft the Chatbots, the kicked off was with ChatGPT, already again overrun becomes from one new Wave, the AI agents. And that it Time is, in person, but also social itself with this Instruments to deal with and one AI expertise, one collective AI expertise to develop, at again in one Control position to come. I thank you me, that you and her here again with thereby maintained with this Podcast and this small Series also to the new technological Changes. For the Moment say goodbye I me with the best Wishes. Until to the next Times. Comes good through the Time. I am Sascha Weigel, yours Host from INKOVEMA, the Institute for Conflict and Negotiation management in Leipzig and Partner for professional Mediation and Coaching training programmes.