Dissertation on conflict management in the public administration of the activating state with transactional analysis and transaction-analytically based mediation

Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Behandlung sozialer Konflikte mittels des Rechts und der Mediation, Dissertation, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2012

Transactional analysis and mediation based on transactional analysis

Excerpt from the laudation for the dissertation:

That was a very, very good decision!

I then started to read, and the more I read about the work, the more it fascinated me...here I was able to recognise the most diverse concepts and understand their practical use....

...the practical application of transactional analysis concepts, such as those just mentioned Autonomy considerationsthe clear integration of the Basic assumptionsof the TA, the use of the Communication modelthe Cathexis concept with devaluation and passivity really fascinated me, as a lively picture of TA and its practical application has emerged here, with many examples and useful applications....

....The quantity, quality and lively description of the TA concepts is something I would urgently wish for in many a TA book; the clear reference to the depth psychological roots, but also to the changes, additions and extensions that TA has undergone since then, would be a great help. Textbook on TA do honour...