10 books on digital transformation that are worth reading.
10 books on digital transformation that are worth reading - and a few more. When paper helps to [...]
10 books on digital transformation that are worth reading - and a few more. When paper helps to [...]
"Sometimes disputes in a company can be worse than in a marriage. That's when a mediator can help. He is a neutral mediator between [...]
Striving for efficiency. Optimising against the walls of the VUCA world. Some people consider the VUCA world to be a fashionable term, invented in order to [...]
The world is vuka! So what?! It's no secret. The world is vuka. That's what they say everywhere [...]
5 reasons why 9 out of 10 mediators can't make a living from conflict mediation. While I was running today, various conversations went through my head [...].
5 services you shouldn't pay a mediator for and 3 you can't pay enough for! Please don't help, [...]
Mediation clauses in private sector contracts in: IHK-wirtschaft 2/2016 Mediation clauses in private sector contracts
Dissertation on conflict management in the public administration of the activating state with transactional analysis and transaction-analytically based mediation At the same time a contribution to the treatment of social conflicts by means of law [...].
Win-Win or the triumph of the Harvard negotiation concept in mediation A few weeks ago I wrote something about the different styles of mediation and [...]
33 TA concepts for mediation - and what you can do with them. This is going to be a long blog post. That's why I'd like to [...]