#26 EdM – Understanding counselling and mediation in process counselling
#26 EdM - Understanding counselling and mediation What do we do and what do we work on if we do not provide advice and solutions? [...]
#26 EdM - Understanding counselling and mediation What do we do and what do we work on if we do not provide advice and solutions? [...]
#25 EdM - Co-mediation between third-party mediators If you risk nothing, you risk too much. Co-mediation by mediators who initially only provide the [...]
Lecture (slides & audio overview) Artificial intelligence and new technologies for mediators. The mediator's digital assistant (Mediation Festival BM 2024) Mediation Festival 27 September [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #178 - Mediation and organisational consulting What does mediation have to do with organisational consulting and what [...]
Development trends in the understanding of autonomy in transactional analysis. Thoughts on the DGTA's annual theme "Autonomy" on the occasion of the panel discussion at the DGTA Congress in Kassel 2024 [...].
INKOVEMA podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #161 - GPTs for mediators, coaches and consultants Lecture at the gws-forum 2024 "KI - echt [...]
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Well through the time" #134 - Ratlose Berater VIII oder wenn ratlos Berater beratungsreich Berater beraten. Balling-Mohr-Weigel talks Well through the [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Episodes of Mediation" #17 EdM - Phases of Mediation II - The Clarification Phase An orange is not the world - [...]
Paradoxes of mediation Voluntariness, confidentiality, self-determination, commerciality...paradoxes of mediation that are important for mediators to understand their work [...].
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #117 - Understanding conflict. Turning point also for conflict counselling and mediation? What we have learnt about mediative ideas for [...]