The concept of passivity. When passive thinking prevents solutions.
The concept of passivity. When passive thinking prevents solutions. Concepts for mediation. Part 1 Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash 1. introduction [...]
The concept of passivity. When passive thinking prevents solutions. Concepts for mediation. Part 1 Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash 1. introduction [...]
Mediation in organisations. An interview on the work of mediators in and for organisations with Dr Sascha Weigel. The - here shortened [...]
Mediation in organisations. What it takes to make it work. 5 reasons for strategically orientated, future-oriented mediation. Audio summary of the blog post: [...]
Photo by Sachit Rathi on Unsplash Heuristics - What can be our downfall in decision-making situations How do we make decisions and [...]
Mediation and the Ulysses Pact Or why we should sometimes deprive ourselves of our freedom in a self-determined way. What is the Odysseus Pact? Odysseus was a courageous [...]
6tggPhoto by Sydney Sims on Unsplash Substitute feelings in mediation. How a concept from transactional analysis helps mediators to navigate conflict professionally. [...]
Photo by Gianna Ciaramello on Unsplash Essay: Strategic Mediation. A plea for an overdue change of perspective Part 2: Mediation and capitalism Spectrum of [...]
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash Strategic mediation. A plea for an overdue change of perspective. Part 1 - Reckoning with the future instead of [...]
Photo: CC0 1.0 | / Fewer conflicts, less time On your toes! The conflict and [...]
Mediation is pay-pay and not win-win! And the price is high! Findings and approach to the mediation style of Transgressive Mediation according to Ed Watzke. Introduction [...]