INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#95 – AKIM – All-party conflict management in Munich

Mediation in public space. How Munich deals with conflicts.

In conversation with Brigitte Gans

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Brigitte Gansborn in 1967, graduate geographer, has been working as a mediator and facilitator for local authorities, companies and organisations for 15 years. She is a trainer for the German Mediation Association (BM) and teaches mediation as well as negotiation and conflict management, including at the University of Passau and Erlangen and for the Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Munich and Frankfurt. She is also head of the AKIM – All-Party Conflict Management programme in Munich.


In a big city like Munich, people have a wide range of wishes and requirements for public spaces. Not all of them fit together at first glance - disruptions, irritations and conflicts arise. Since 2015, AKIM has been championing the interests of all users of public spaces in Munich with the aim of promoting good coexistence and offering support in dealing with disruptions.

Local work focuses on night-time celebrations, such as at Gärtnerplatz or in Alt-Schwabing, which attract revellers from all over Munich and the surrounding area. On the other hand, there are conflicts of use in green spaces, parks and squares. In most cases, the issues are noise, litter, wild urination, vandalism and respectful behaviour.

Through dialogue at eye level and with an impartial approach, AKIM employees work with all parties involved to find solutions to disruptive situations, open up new perspectives and create understanding for the concerns of all sides.

The aim is both to improve the quality of life of local residents and to preserve public space for all users.

You can find further information on AKIM here.