INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

# 199 – Ratlose Berater XI – Auf welche Probleme von Coaches und Mediatoren sind Künstliche Intelligenzen die Antwort?

Balling-Mohr-Weigel Talks

Dr Sascha Weigel talks to the well-known and experienced consultants Günther Mohr and Rolf Balling zu den Herausforderungen Künstlicher Intelligenzen, welche Probleme und Aufgaben sie lösen könn(t)en und was ihr Aufkommen für die höchstpersönliche Dienstleistung Coaching und Beratung bedeuten mag.

Well through time.

The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.



0:03 – Willkommen im Podcast
0:52 – Lebensphasen und neue Perspektiven
3:01 – Technologien und ihre Auswirkungen
8:27 – Erfahrungen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz
12:19 – Intuition im Coaching
14:11 – Mensch vs. Maschine
17:59 – Technologische Hilfsmittel im Alltag
22:03 – Die Grenzen der Künstlichen Intelligenz
28:55 – Abschließende Gedanken zur KI
30:28 – Verabschiedung und Ausblick

Summary of the conversation

In dieser Episode von „Gut durch die Zeit“ diskutiere ich mit Günter Mohr und Rolf Balling, zwei erfahrenen Beratern, über die Auswirkungen neuer Technologien, insbesondere künstliche Intelligenz (KI), auf unsere Arbeit als Coaches, Mediatoren und Berater. Nach einer langen Zeit ohne gemeinsames Gespräch sind wir erneut zusammengekommen, um unsere Gedanken über die aktuellen Entwicklungen und deren Implikationen für unsere Branche auszutauschen.

Günter schildert seine persönlichen Reflexionen zu seinem Lebensalter und den Veränderungen, die damit einhergehen. Er ermutigt dazu, Dinge im Leben auszusortieren und sich auf das Wesentliche zu konzentrieren. Rolf spricht darüber, wie Rituale und Markierungen im Leben eine tiefere Bedeutung haben können und wie sich sein Blick auf die Welt infolge einer Veränderung in seiner beruflichen Rolle gewandelt hat.

Ein zentrales Thema unserer Diskussion ist die Rolle der KI in unserem Beratungsalltag. Wir beleuchten, ob KI als Werkzeug dienen kann, um alltägliche Aufgaben zu erleichtern, oder ob sie eine Bedrohung für die individuelle Professionalität darstellt. Insbesondere rückt der Austausch über die Möglichkeiten der KI in den Vordergrund, Standardantworten zu generieren und Prozesse zu optimieren, während wir gleichzeitig die Grenzen und Schwächen der Technologie ins Auge fassen. Wir kommen zu dem Schluss, dass die Fähigkeit zur Intuition und emotionalen Wahrnehmung, die Essenz des Coaching-Prozesses, von KI derzeit nicht erreicht werden kann.

Wir diskutieren auch die potenziellen Gefahren, die mit der verstärkten Integration von KI verbunden sind, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, dass der Zugang zu menschlichen Therapeuten und Beratern verringert wird. Die technologischen Fortschritte könnten dazu führen, dass der Bedarf an menschlicher Interaktion im Coaching-Bereich nicht mehr als so wichtig erachtet wird, was wir als besorgniserregend empfinden. Rolf macht darauf aufmerksam, dass die Abhängigkeit von KI auch in gesellschaftliche Probleme münden könnte, insbesondere wenn Menschen in Not stattdessen auf maschinelle Lösungen drängen, die keine echte Unterstützung bieten. Und Günther macht auf die ökonomischen Logiken aufmerksam, dass zwar KI-Anwendungen zunächst für Viele therapeutische Unterstützung bieten könnte, die ansonsten nicht in den Genuss von Unterstützung kommen würden, dass aber andererseits genau dadurch noch weniger in menschliche Therapeuten und Therapie investiert werden würde.

Abschließend reflektieren wir über Beispiele aus unserem eigenen Berufsleben, in denen wir KI erfolgreich eingesetzt haben, um unsere Arbeit zu erleichtern, und stellen die Frage, wie wir unsere Expertise und menschlichen Fähigkeiten weiterhin in einem sich wandelnden Umfeld erhalten und fördern können. Diese Diskussion hinterlässt uns in einem Zustand der Ratlosigkeit, gepaart mit einer Aufgeschlossenheit gegenüber den Möglichkeiten der Zukunft.

Vollständige Transkription


[0:00]The goes about Spiegel beyond. Since need you Personality in addition, one Intuition.
Willkommen im Podcast
[0:04]Would be the the Grenze? Yes, perhaps is the the Border. Cordially welcome to the Podcast Good through the Time, the Podcast round at Mediation.
[0:09]Music. I am Sascha Weigel. I welcome you to one new Consequence.
[0:12]Conflict coaching and Organisational consulting.
[0:18]And to one gefühlten Ewigkeit have I today again Günter Moor and Rolf Balling from the ratlosen Consultants here in the Podcast studio. We have long not more to dritt spoken. I grüße you first times, before I then to the Topic komme. Hello and cordial welcome, Rolf, Günther. Hello, hallo. We have really, I believe, 60, 70 Consequences zwischenzeitlich had and we not with each other spoken. The is Yes today the elfte Consequence in our Constellation and so that are we already almost a Dutzend voll. How goes it euch? Günther, like goes it you?
Lebensphasen und neue Perspektiven
[0:53]Yes, me goes it good. I have Yes mine 60. Year behind me brought. Now have I times to the 90er-Regel, so so with the Lebenserwartung from 90, true it times, so exactly times the 10er-Punkte made. And then have I times the Points dark gefärbt, the I already abgelebt have and the grünen, the I there still open have. And the were somehow a pair less. Since thought I me now, in the jetzigen Time is Yes perhaps for me then also times so one Geschichte, me with this Questions to employ. I am so in the process, a pair Things also auszusortieren in mine Leben, what I there now somehow not more absolutely make must. The is Yes also one Empfehlung, the there often comes. I have Yes on mine YouTube-Kanal now also with the Format Coaching for all Lebensphasen also these Lebenshälfte now with einbezogen.
[1:45]Umso better, that you here again with zugesagt have, that you here with thereby are. The take I whole with pleasure on. Rolf, like is it with you? Geringfügigen Vorsprung have you Yes to göntern. You have, when I the earlier right understood have, now you also from the lehrenden Conference the DGTA adopted or must one say, wurdest verabschiedet? The is something like that Beiderseitiges. So I have therefore gebeten and the have it then also actually getan. And the is so a little ambivalent. So one thinks, what should because these blöden Markierungen? So now with like old one is or what one straight made has or like this. The Life comes anyway a little different. But I have already noted, these Markings have already also their Power. These Rituale are mächtig and me goes it now afterwards somehow different as before. Fragt me still not so exactly, like different. Perhaps am I now still a little freier. For the Time, the I have and for the Energie, the I have, have I now still more Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten, can still more auswählen. The is the positive Part, the negative Part is. The are but so many nice People with one Theater. But straight also in the Lehrendenkonferenz and these Accompaniment about partly 10, 20, 30, 40 years or something like that, the is already a Verlust. And the have I still not really verarbeitet.
Technologien und ihre Auswirkungen
[3:01]Today have I Yes a Topic with you so to speak to discuss, or have it you in the Apron called. Since does itself more The future probably on, as The past already visible is. The new Technologien round at künstliche Intelligenzen, the meanwhile in all Softwares, the we so utilise, available are, but the we also direct control can. ChatGPT is the bekannteste. We had on the one or other Place also already times in addition spoken. Today would I with you so to speak the Topic direct to control, what we Consultant, Coaches, but also Mediators so that anstellen become can or also must. So what is the for uns? Are the for us made or are the simple parallel one Development, the we to the Knowledge take können? Or have them the Potenzial, against ours Professionalism to work? The would be today so and that, what I with you times wenden wants and there already also yours Experience anzapfen, the Yes in the Vergangenheit, in the past Decades also new Developments technologischer Kind witnessed have.
[4:07]Fangen we times with the Question to, which Problem, the aktuelle Consultant have or Coaches, würdet her with pleasure solved have with one Technologie? What nervt at the moment and would have it deserved, when AI already what Gutes brings, then at least also these Lösung? Habt her there in yours Karriere as Coaches and Organisational consultant what? I catch times to. My general Tendency is always the Ball flach hold, so not in to large Polaritäten eskalieren or like this. And so would I also with the AI say, let us times the Ball flach hold.
[4:43]So when now beautiful Textzusammenfassungen come and Transkripte simpler become and perhaps also the Rechnungsstellung or the Abläufe simpler become, then am I Yes already very begeistert. More can one there actually not expect. And when I so the until now AI mitkriege, comes so something like Mainstream out. The used Yes the The past and the leisen Signale in Direction The future or what there come likes, the is Yes still not inside in the Stamm. In this respect think me, ballflach haltend. Bus. I have inzwischen the Nexus Read from one Harari.
[5:16]And these one Place there, where the beschreibt, where the AI to the first Paint one People in the Go besiegt has, with the famous Train 37, the none Human understood has and with once to, white me, one half Hour, like many Zügen or like this, provides itself out, the was the geniale Zug. The has none Human understood. Since think me, puh, once deep durchatmen. So there could Things come, with the we really, until now not gerechnet have. But the is now still not there. But this Feeling from, there comes what and the becomes überraschend be and perhaps not always so angenehm, the has itself set with me. Yes, I have here with one Technologie-Experten Tim Bruysten und the Frank Termer before short exactly to this Move 37 one Programme made, the the also again described has, like he the then experienced has. And also now even clear becomes to this, we are now five, six years here, this Train has the Game changed. So the was one kreative Performance.
[6:14]Man can so to speak not say, that them simple only nachmacht, but there has them the Game for all human Spieler from now on equal changed. And the was also with Harari simple Gänsehaut, when one the liest. I am there so a little critical, I have the times good überprüft now.
[6:31]So a little in Rolfs Direction. So the AI can always then what make, when it at Standardantworten goes. So when I one Coaching-Anfrage have for example and give the in the AI, then can the AI so like so Manuale earlier or otherwise what, so stood the, the also so in so Workbooks or so inside were, so Standardantworten give. What the AI Yes at all not can, are these Bezugnahmen, I think now times in the Psychology from C.G. Jung, so so everything, what Intuition anbetrifft, so what Erahnen or also the Approach the gefühlsmäßigen Bewertung, so that we so one innere Goldwaage have.
[7:13]The now not on irgendwelchen concrete wahrnehmbaren data in first Line beruht. Only these Bezugnahmen on People and on Phänomene can the AI not perform, in any case now still not. The become natural then also from nonverbalen Reactions of the Klienten then at some point times something like that constructed get, but it is what completely other, whether there a Human opposite sitzt with his Biografie, with his Life experience or whether one AI there from irgendwelchen data what herausbringt. AI see me, say we times, for me as Coach in the Range for hochqualifiziertes Coaching at all none Bedrohung. For these first Ratgeber-Tipps or like this, what the People perhaps have want, none Question, there can one AI unheimlich what perform.
[8:02]But really hochqualifizierte, integrierte Coaching, there see I even none Gefahr. So I have one small History in addition from one erfahrenen Organisationsberaterin, so really also very erfahrenes Age. The has about the AI from Google, the Notebook LM, perhaps have her thereof Yes
Erfahrungen mit Künstlicher Intelligenz
[8:23]also already gehört, the then one Podcast from makes, has the their Website run leave. The is one larger Company, has the Website above run leave and then has these AI from the Inhalten one Podcast made.
[8:36]And the Podcast are so two künstliche Stimmen and the reflect very benevolent in one American Stil about that, what the Mrs and their Colleagues, the is one larger Beratereinheit, then makes. And such Processes accompanied them. You said, I have then through the Podcast again gehört, what us constitutes. And there were Aspects in the process, the have I before not seen. It was practical like one good Reflektion from one Marketing-Experten, what these Company constitutes. Or was I baff, so like the also because there belongs to but already what in addition when her you introduces, yourselves, yours Website what you ausmacht as Consultant then again one new Aspect abzuringen with the her say würdet is me still even not so clear become the brings it on the Point, what the Günther even said has so the has the Website and the is Yes against times in The past must we already almost say but the clever Analysis whose what straight is can us befähigen, better to intuieren in the The future or what because there fehlt. The can very useful be. And the is still none real Intuition or something like that, what the ADKI performs. The verblüfft me. The can really useful be.
[9:48]The Question, whether them also empathetic is or whether them also Intuition has, so like we, the makes Harari Yes clear also in his Büchern. The is at all not entscheidend, because them even whole different Structured is. But them can us emotionalisieren. We can fascinated be or abgestoßen be. We have similar Reaktionen, as when we us with others, Yes other perhaps already ungenau, but with Lebewesen unterhalten, with People, the us then überraschen, the us before the Head stoßen or the us also new Perspectives abbringen.
[10:22]And I mine, the find I already something, where we above ponder can, what can we with the Development make as Consultant? So clear can we again watch, marketingmäßig, but can we them also integrate in ours Beratungsarbeit? So I have now Yes started from mine Videos to the Topic Narzissmus, a Book to make and then have I the Texte then transkribieren leave, the I spoken have, have the through the AI gejagt and the Book stands in the Principle. The Texte are so super, there were also then Things inside, Human, the shall I now said have, so to the Motto. But nevertheless, it remains for me nevertheless, I have times looked, which People Find because the AI and something like that good. The are exactly dieselben, the earlier also, say we times something like that, what I even named have, like Intuition, gefühlsmäßige Valuation for what Esoterisches hold. So the Fans the AI in the Coaching-Bereich to the Example are exactly the, the on these analytisch-logisch-denkerische Schiene driven are and the other anyway not so Important are. For me as Transaction analyst now, so is Yes Intuition since Berne a whole more central Point. We live Yes a Piece from Intuition and therefore gives it so this Intuitionstraining, what we always make. And the is one thing, where me clear become is, that the AI, the can one super Base for much liefern, when it therefore goes to sammeln and any Schlüsse to draw.
[11:50]But like the Young said has, the Nose for the Mögliche, so the Erahnen, what on one zukommt, in favour need you what other. I have always so one Vergleich. We are now here so zweidimensional in the Zoom. When you one People in Presence before you have, is the dreidimensional. So similar with the AI. Since missing one important Dimension, the I for such
Intuition im Coaching
[12:15]Begegnungen in the Coaching for sensible halte. yes. The Börnsche Intuition is a little different as the from C.G. Jung.
[12:23]Börn has with his Untersuchung, has he in the Principle Mustererkennung made, what there was already. So, the has Yes so herausgekriegen, what has one for one Profession, the so and so makes. And there can I me introduce, that AI there on a gleiches Level comes and perhaps even better is. Since comes someone to the Door pure and to three minutes says the AI, what the for one Profession has. Gut. But the C.G. Jung’sche Intuition in the The future pure, the is always still a little esoterisch, or what is because the actually? The differentiates us perhaps actually from the AI always yet. So itself so to speak Welten build up, the not real are, in the The future hineingedacht and then nevertheless afterwards whole handfeste, real Pläne schmieden and it to reach. Is it that, what so to speak under Strategy and the The future as Entscheidungsmittel, that the something is, what one AI so not make would, but thereby help kann? Sämtliche Techniken, especially as what you now say, so when you so themische Fragetechniken nimmst, to the Example the Wunderfrage from Steve DeShazer, tomorrow happens a Wunder and everything is in Wunder, like sees it then out? So one Question can the AI also place and also the can us one Connection ask, what thereof is already realisiert, what müsstest you make, so that the kommt? So one AI could in the Coaching right beautiful systemic ask or zirkulär Ausnahmefrage and something like that.
[13:46]The is now not something Analytisches, what I mine, so like you it described have. That there one imaginäre World konstruiert, the can AI also. But it is something completely other, when the Whole, what someone berichtet, on you, on yours Schirm with yours Life experience meets and you now one Reaction brauchst. Human reacts as one Maschine.
Mensch vs. Maschine
[14:11]Hey, you, the this Podcast listens, forget not, him to Rate and one Feedback to give. Many Thanks to and now goes’s continue. I white not, whether the now fits, but I would have so a Example.
[14:28]Now in our Vergangenheit, morgens look I so the newest News and there came to the large Harris-Euphorie, came to the first Paint two small Nachrichten, where irgendetwas from her not so great run was. Since thought me, oh, so whole Quiet Signale, two Signale hintereinander. I thought, scheiße, the Matter kippt. The have I normalerweise right had. Would the the AI remember, these whole leisen Signale with once or sowas? The would be now mine Question. Perhaps would the already not so on the Euphoria go. The can Yes also be, that them there already before the Branch takes. So the would in one consistent heißen also, we could with the Employment and on the basis of this technologischen Developments again ours Qualität, our Kern.
[15:08]The Service again herausschälen and again clearer make can. Wohin the leads, should one times look, but the would be a Point, where one say could, OK, we can on the basis of this technologischen Developments see, what we everything routiniert make can, what us nervt, what Time kostet, what perhaps a little technical and analytical is, but umso clearer becomes that, what you now times as third Dimension named have, That we there simple then Physical present are, Wärme ausstrahlen and even equal with the Opposite are. It gave times so Versuche in the Coaching to the Example, the Coaching-Situation about so Avatare abzubilden. So when the Manager ins Coaching comes and schildert one certain Case, that then the Persons or Personas described were and then the in so one Encounter from Avataren quasi, the these Charakteristiken have, itself begegnen leave and there Solutions or something like that to ermitteln. The was one Übersetzung dessen, what so far on data there was and what I to some extent messen ließ.
[16:12]It fehlte for mine Terms really the Art of the Coachings constitutes. The Creativity the Person, the there opposite is. Yes, but Sascha, you have even said, from because of Wärme ausstrahlen. Perhaps is the none good Metapher. So when the Machine so good is, that someone Wärme empfindet.
[16:38]Then needs the not ausgestrahlt been to be. The is Yes a own konstruktivistisches Phenomenon, that I me seen feel or Wärme empfinde or something like that. The must the Machine perhaps initiate, the must it but not do. Whereby I the Günter perfect right give, somewhere listens the then on. But in the unteren Levels think me, could one Machine the perform, that them Stimuli sets, where someone Wärme or itself seen feels and something like that empfiehlt.
[17:03]Momentan is so a smaller Hype, that one about this already genannte Notebook.lm, where the Podcast developed becomes, where one be LinkedIn profile above run leaves. So becomes each geraten, the so to speak one small Streichleinheit on Day braucht, the should be LinkedIn profile times about Notebook.lm run leave and then the Lobhudelei zuhören, the then five minutes comes. Perhaps makes one the simple in the Connection and bauen it with in the Podcast then in. The is on each Case herzerwärmend, when one itself so to speak asks, what can one because actually and is the somehow a Offer, what one in the Businesswelt sinnvollerweise made has. These Shape of the Feedbacks is on each Case herzerwärmend and so that must it not Wärme ausstrahlen, but it causes welche. Go we times in the Present the technologischen Development back. Günther, you have it already called, wozu you the utilised have. Where nutzt her so for yours professional Activities today Anwendungen,
Technologische Hilfsmittel im Alltag
[17:57]where her says, the make me genuine the Life leichter. So the would have I with pleasure already a pair Jährchen earlier had. Gives it such Momente, where her baff before the Technologie sitzt and thinks, wow.
[18:09]Yes, so I think, the is simpel. So when I somehow one Lecture hold must or now the Podcast or something like that, there go I before pure and place one Question and feel me beruhigt, when the rauskommt, what I eh already thought have. And am erfreut, when something rauskommt, where I think, ha, there have I now in the Moment not on it thought. So these Check-Funktion from AI, the find I wunderbar and the use I and the use the Most inzwischen. Yes, the is a kurzes Gerüst, Eckpfeiler, the Thematik, like this, leaves you you before short aufrufen and then have you the Things parat, so to speak itself ready make. Exactly.
[18:43]With you can I me also introduce, the is sometimes so a little behind of the Screens, but with Foto, you have Yes many years fotografiert and probably also many Hours with Verschlagwortung zugebracht. I have the now before short then experienced, one must at all not more verschlagworten, but can simple enter, I search now all Trees and all Wolken on mine Fotodatenbank and then wirft he me all Fotos from, the one Baum have. But the is trivial. The is so trivial. The is still not times nützlich. Because mine Verschlagwortung would be on one Level, the one first times erfinden would have to be. And there have I until now from the AI still nothing Useful information. Okay, there is so to speak Hare and Igel. Since have you a whole special System.
[19:21]I have recently me on one Lecture prepared and had one Idea in the Kopf. And then have I with JetGPT, then have I me on the Beifahrersitz laid in the Car and then had I one half Hour Time or 20 minutes to Home to fahren. And then have I me with the maintain and with their Help have I the Structure of the Vortrags and individual Folien erarbeiten can, the them me then also in more bad as rechten Grafiken ausgeworfen has. But I had at least then also one visuelle Presentation from certain Inhalten, the I then improve could. And the found me, was close on it on the, like I with Colleagues above brüte, like one certain Things make can and the then ultimately notiert. So this before the Workshop, while of the Workshops Contents again reflect and visuell aufbereiten, so that them then präsentabel are, the was in one Conversation on the Fahrt to Home sprachlich, so I had to me not Large anpassen, so with Unterbrechungen and like this, the was a good Conversation. So the find I actually is atemberaubend always yet. I white not, have her times the Sprachfunktion utilised or nutzt her the also, that her not only eingebt textlich, but sprachlich? Günther?
[20:38]Nope, have I still not. Habe I not seen bisher. I have still one following Idea now, when I you so talk höre, on the Coaching-Prozessen. The is unterwegs, say we times, when the Coach none Question provides, but when he on something reacts, what he mitkriegt. So he gets to the Example with, the Hund has one Sperre in the Moment or the can one so deuten.
[21:03]He finds none Answer, has one Sperre. How can one Machine on it reagieren? You can the mirror from certain data out. I notice, you have straight one Sperre there. What hinders you now on it, weiterzudenken and so weiter? I find, such Situations find I spannend. The makes Yes the Feine from the direct Perception from one other Person. Probably gives it also already Programme, the the can heutzutage, but I have it itself still not tried out. But there would be one problemlöse Kapazität, that one such leisen Signale, so a leises Feedback zurückgibt. Yes, but perhaps gives it there really the Unterschied. Because this beautiful Spiegel, what for some Psychologiemethoden wunderbar find, that one the pure Spiegel is, perhaps gets the the Machine at some point times there, but what them make in the Top-Coaching goes Yes about reines Spiegel beyond. What is the Gedenken? The is intuitive.
Die Grenzen der Künstlichen Intelligenz
[22:03]What needs he now? What changes now the Situation? The goes about Spiegel beyond. Since need you Personality in addition, one Intuition. Would be the the Grenze? Yes, perhaps is the the Border. Yes, so perhaps are so to speak Top-Coaches or the from Top-CEOs anerkannt become as Coaches, only one small Minderheit, the always one Step voraus is, at least in the Perception from Customers. Man would have so a little the Parallel perhaps to the Schachspiel, that one always thought, it gives these Top-Leute, the become never geschlagen become. But what means it, and there come I so a little on the Page, which Price has the Whole possibly, so what on Changes finds instead, when simple the durchschnittliche Coaching also, the Coaching, what so to speak the Wald- and Wiesen-Coach offers, When the preislich faster verfügbar and jederzeit with one online geschalteten AI possible is or even really on the own Laptop, on the own Geräten running, what means the for the Entwicklung? When we times thereof go out, it gives perhaps always still welche, the are always still better as one Maschine. So I have still ten minutes Time, there wanted anyway this Point times good.
[23:20]Then is now the right Point, exactly. The works Yes huge Gefahr. The social Situation is Yes like this, to the Example in the Therapiebereich, that you hardly one Therapieplatz kriegst. So until now depressiv. Dauert a Year or like this. Then superior them itself still a halbes Jahr, whether them itself really umbringen want and then get them one Therapieplatz. And you have Yes also in the USA to the Example the Situation, that People itself even not trauen, in Therapy to go, because when the somewhere notiert becomes, then for the Krankenversicherung and like this, the becomes whole schlecht. Since is one Riesengefahr, that one such social Defizitbereiche tried, then maschinell to supplement or to substituieren. Since see I already one Riesengefahr. With us, with Coaches, with Ratgebern gave it the always. What mean you with Gefahr? Danger, that the not gelingt? investiert there pure, that one not really sees, that really Therapeuten need and not somehow, ach, now have we Yes the AI, you are depressiv, still have we a Programm for you, then make the times. The means, you betonst there not, that People, the otherwise none Access have to Therapists, that the perhaps Access to at all one good Feedback-Situation are, but the Rückschluss then, when the halbwegs good works, then becomes still less in Therapeuten and klinischen Einrichtungen invested. The was the Point.
[24:45]Ah yes, OK. Since would I the Question with pleasure times probehalber umdrehen. No matter like wunderbar the Machine then what can or not can. But like goes it me as Klient or like goes it one Clients, when I white, there is one Machine opposite or there is a Human gegenüber?
[25:01]And it can Yes be, that I as Klient whole different work and reagiere, when I white, there is a Human opposite. And whether the somehow in 50 years then no matter is, the believe I actually not. But there is the Studienlage quite optimistisch, find me. So also already before the whole Chat-GPT-Entwicklung, that so the KIs or the Chatbots, the on Therapy ausgerichtet are, whole passable Results geliefert have and even the Possibility of on million from People ausgespielt become can, that them at all one therapieähnliche Possibility of have. And what also clear is, People Trust much faster their Maschine, their Software the Secrets on as the People. So the Expenditure, therapeutisch ins Conversation to come, becomes General höher eingeschätzt as on Computer, on Telefon, with one Voice to speak, the nachfragend interested is. I think, when two lively Nature opposite sitzen, arises a own Feld. The becomes with the Machine Yes not so be. And perhaps is the Point, so I trust me more with one Maschine, but perhaps is exactly the Point, like much trust I me then, the Point, the treated become should and the arises only with the People opposite.
[26:16]Okay, then would have one really one good Einstieg and one Filterfunktion. Because I would now at least for me from the Wertung here say, So prefer not optimal, but in favour fast and immediately for all Bedürftigen one Einstieg Find and then on the few human Therapeuten verweisen, as ins Wartezimmer set. How in the Pflegebereich, when I old am and stop dement and then it gives none Pflegekräfte more and then gives it but so one small Roboter, the with me nice handles, me zuhört, me beautiful Streicheleinheiten gives, me appreciated, perhaps better as even nothing.
[27:00]Yes, possibly, the sounds very japanisch, there is the Yes absolute Reality and also, at least when one Japanern glaubt, annehmbar. For us in hiesigen Gefilden is the one quite merkwürdige until Horrorvorstellung.
[27:18]I mine, one must also see, so Maschinen, the have you Yes also addressed, the can Yes a lot, much geschickter Feedback give. So this wertschätzende, this operante Promotionierungsthema from the Lerntheorie, there can one Machine Yes a lot, much better be as so a somehow nachdenklicher Typ, the one opposite sitzt and so continue. Even until to the Suchtcharakter towards can one Machine a lot, much better. So in this respect vertraue I perhaps the Machine more, because the goes a lot, much netter with me um. Yes, exactly. I can the Smile see. I can the ulterior motives smell on the Entfernung Leipzig-Frankfurt. Hello, yes, Rolf. Yes, I think straight on the Train 37. We have now all beautiful Performances, intuitive and otherwise what. The comes probably anyway different as now thought. I feel me also really as quite ratloser Consultant on this Position. Irgendwie think me, wait we times from, like the Train 37 comes. And then know we more and can the whole different everything see. The is again one Idea, that one perhaps not alone only wartet on the new Train 37, but itself in the Expertise brings, so much like possible from this Train 37 then also to understand. Because it belongs to Yes one whole Quantity Understanding in addition, that one the Wahnwitzigkeit, but also the Geniale one such Zuges erkennt.
[28:42]Sitzen we ratlos here and Günther not only ratlos, but also on heißen Kohlen. You have now immediately yours Date. To neun. For all DVDs now not nine is.
Abschließende Gedanken zur KI
[28:56]What can we festhalten? Nettes Spielzeug, harbours many Gefahren, many Hoffnungen. It would be me now a little to dünn. Since wants I still a little more Ratlosigkeit. Yes. Yes, but stand we but to our Ratlosigkeit. I mine, we have now unheimlich many clever Thoughts entwickelt, like it then actually comes. Are we now sensitised dafür? The is but also a Topic. We are sensitised in favour, that it whole different come can, but we have many Szenarien or something like that, think me, very clever durchdiskutiert. Leave we us in one good Wise überraschen and then are we fast aktionsfähig, hoffentlich. So for me is it like this, I had Yes these jungschen Types applied for these other Funktionen, like the precise Perception from bisherigen data and for these logischen Denkprozesse. For these both Bezugnahmen on the World is the AI super good. But the other beiden, Intuition and gefühlsmäßige Bewertung, the must hinzukommen. So the AI then not abwerten in the, what them planerisch perform can or also to the Reflection from Processes maybe. You is for me a Part nur.
[29:59]Yes, the find I a passendes Schlusswort. Günther Mohr, Rolf Balling, many Thanks to for this elfte Conversation in ausgefalteter Ratlosigkeit. We must probably in The future simple so one AI with in addition holen and become the neat in the Mangel take. Exactly, I would say simple Hello today. Yes, exactly. Today on 11.11. I wish you one good Time and hope, we listen us soon again and See us here to the ratlosen Beratern.
Verabschiedung und Ausblick
[30:28]Tschüss allerseits. Gutes Success.
[30:34]Wow, the ratlosen Berater. With this KI-Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit are we really ratlos before that, can us on a pair Gewissheiten and a pair Experience zurückziehen, the so far already made were and the both as also in the The future blicken leave. So, that it there actually positive Developments gives, the many People help can, but also natural the individual Consultant and Therapeuten. But the has always also Nebeneffekte, on it has Günther Moor perfect to Law hingewiesen.
[31:10]So, what the Solution for the one Moment and for some is, possibly the Problem for other then to one späteren Just a moment. I thank you me with you and you allen, that her here again with thereby maintained with Good through the Time, this Paint with this small Reihe the ratlosen Consultant Rolf Balling, Günter Moor and Sascha Weigel. When you this Podcast please has, then leave pure Feedback and one small Valuation yours Podcast-Catcher. Apple Podcast to the Example offers the hervorragend, but also Spotify or on Google Business. Empfiehl the Podcast more and subscribe him, when you the still not done have. For the Moment thank you I me, that you and her all here again with thereby was. Verabschieden me with the best Wishes. Until to the next Times. I am Sascha Weigel, yours Host from INKOVEMA, the Institute for Conflict and Negotiation management and Partner for professional Mediation and Coaching-Ausbildungen here in Leipzig.