INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“
#187 – Are there generations and generational differences?
Contributions from the dynamics of conflict. Part 1
In conversation with Prof Dr Hannes Zacher
Author and dialogue partner
Prof Dr Hannes Zacher: Professor of Work and Organisational Psychology at the University of Leipzig. After completing his doctorate at the University of Giessen, he worked at various universities in Australia and the Netherlands. In his research programme, he investigates the topics of age and work, career development, health and work and sustainability in organisations.
Well through time.
The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.
The Term "generation" describes a group of people who are summarised and given a name (e.g. "Generation Y") based on their affiliation to certain years of birth (e.g. 1980 to 2000) and shared experiences (e.g. introduction of the Internet). When several of these groups are compared in terms of psychological characteristics, the focus is on "Generational differences".
The first aim of Hannes Zacher's article in Conflict Dynamics is to Critical concept of generations and to highlight the potential problems of focussing on generational differences. The second objective is to Alternative explanations for "intergenerational" conflicts and potentials in contexts such as work and family. To this end, differences between individuals based on their age and birth cohort are analysed.
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Organisational mediation is the handling of conflicts that arise in the business and working world. It takes place in, with and for the organisation - by enabling the relevant members of the organisation to deal with conflicts appropriately.
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Zacher, Hannes: Are there generations and generational differences? A critical analysis and alternatives, in: Konfliktdynamik 1/2024, pp. 13-18.
Introduction to generational research
Critical view of generational concepts
Conclusion and outlook on alternatives
Transcription of the conversation
[0:00]But so one individualised Point of view is more productive, takes People more serious as the Generation concept. Cordially welcome to the Podcast Good through the Time, the Podcast round at Mediation, Conflict coaching and Organisational consulting. A Podcast from IncoFema. I am Sascha Weigel and welcome you and you to one new Consequence. Our today Consequence becomes one small Prelude make, namely Contributions from the Conflict dynamics, with the I Yes since short also in the Advisory Board am. And we have us considered, we become individual Contributions there also again the Authors publish. And today is so to speak the Prelude with Professor Hannes Zacher, Labour and Organisational psychologist on the University Leipzig. Cordially welcome, Mr Zacher. Thank you, Thank you. Hello, Mr Weigel. Today shall it Yes at a Topic go, with the You itself employ.
[0:46]Generations or also the Concept from Generations. What thereof then left remains? On End this Conversation become we times look. But it meets, as far as I the feel, so Your Research focus. Perhaps say You a little what to Your Person and like it in addition comes, that You itself with Generations employ. Yes, so I am Psychologist. The means, I employ me in mine Research with the human Experience and Behaviour. And my Speciality is the Labour and Organisational psychology. Therefore look I me Behaviour and Experience in particular in the Context from more human Labour and in Teams and Organisations to. And one mine Interests is the Topic Ageing in the Work context and also the Lifespan development from Professionals. More Main research areas are professional Health and also Sustainability with the Work. But the Topic Generations interested me, because I even this Research focus Labour and Age have and like itself People different Age with the Labour differentiate, which Consequences the has. And there am I always again on the Topic Generations and Generational differences bumped and me therefore there also worked in and Critical with the Topic dealt with. Yes, one comes today not more at Generations or at Conversations about and from Generations around it. Straight in Conflict resolution and Organisations becomes the Topic frequently under this Heading negotiated. And I take the like this, since, would I say, so ten years about was, that it at Generations so one Hype gives, also like them the name.
[2:14]Had to me but remember, as I their Essay Read have.
[2:17]The was to Study periods the Generation Golf. The was, believe me, from Florian Illis a Book. The have I long Time somehow not more about Generations thought about or so one Attribution belongs. But since about ten years, I white not, is these Observation so also from Your Perspective durable, that the so one right Hype gives or was there? Yes, the Book from Florian Illis have I actually also Read before longer Time, already very long here. And also these Classification in Generation X and Y gives it already longer. But actually is it like this, that straight in the last 10, 15 years so since the noughties the Topic Generations reinforced Attention finds.
[2:53]And it sloshes also from the USA to us over. And straight these Compare between Boomers, Millennials and now Gene Z, the take to. And it is not only a Topic for the Science, but it is also a large Market. The means, Magazines, Television programmes, Management consultancies earn Money with the Topic Generations and Generational differences. And the is also for me completely in Order. It shows also, that it there a large Interest in gives, Changes to Understand or also supposed Differences between People to understand. And mine Observation to seems it, and perhaps fits the also in addition, one intensive, grateful Handshake to give between scientific Publications, also Non-fiction books and the Market from Consultants or also in the Personnel development, so then so the Areas of application. It seems one Concept to be, the is catchy and also plausible. So it argues itself Yes old and young. Yes and no. I see it rather critical. So it gives actually many Scientists and Scientists, the popular science Books to the Topic Generations write and itself natural also on scientific Research refer. So a Book means to the Example iGen, where it at the Generation iPhone goes.
[4:01]The is in the Reason the Gene Z, the with the iPhones grown up is. But the Scientificity goes me something lost with this popular scientific books, because there goes it also always therefore, one steep Thesis to sell. With this Book for example therefore, that the young Generation constantly from the Mobile phone depends and also certain Things stunted, so that them to the Example not more so interactive or also conflict-averse is for example.
[4:25]Telephone numbers notice, one white none Telephone number more. It is very frequently with negative Attributions then also connected. And these Books Sell itself incredible good and have also the scientific Appearance, because them from Scientists and Scientists written become. When one itself the Generational research but something more accurate looks at, gives it there some on it to criticise. And the has me at the Views the Literature and also at the Read from this popular scientific Books so a little was missing, these critical Point of view on Generations and Generational differences and whether there really what on it is. Rise we but there exactly in. When so a Concept plausible is and apparently many simple one Explanation for the Phenomena, the them perceive on Work, with the Colleagues or also in the Neighbourhood offers, where stuck the Problem? Why worthwhile it itself perhaps not.
[5:12]Exclusively or continuous in Generations to think? And what happens actually, when we in Generations think? Because You have earlier the Topic Age addressed. Me seems the somehow one Difference to make. Yes, People differentiate itself in their Age. It gives young, middle-aged, older and very old People. And we age natural also whole individually. Everyone and each from us becomes older each Day. And there is a Process, the in us expires. The means, Age is one so-called continuous Variable. You is fluent, them happens in us and we can also other People with regard to their Age categorise. The means, it is very intuitive to say, the are the Boys, the are the in the middle Age and the are the Elderly or even very Old people, to the Example the about 80 or 85-year-old. And the Topic Generations docks there on and it is one simplified Categorisation, because People based on their Age respectively also on their Year of birth in Categories categorised become. And the means, the Generational research, respectively also the so-called Generational industry.
[6:17]How I them call, goes ran and says, well, those, the between 1980 and 2000 born are, provide we now with one Label, to the Example Generation X or Millennials or now new Gene Z. And the is very intuitive. It makes somehow Sense, that Persons, the within one certain Time period born are, one Generation are, in the certain Things occur. Happens are, like to the Example 9-11 or the Introduction of the iPhones, Corona. And there have itself certain Generation categories established, the at least in the Western World utilised become, something like that like Generation X, Y and Z. Interestingly enough become the in other Cultures even not so used. A Cultural phenomenon also. It is a cultural Phenomenon and it is in the Contrast to the Age.
[7:02]Are Generations something, what cultural invented becomes. The becomes from Journalists, scientists, Management consultants created. My Argument is in the reason, that Generations what Artificial are and one human Invention, because we certain Age groups or Birth cohorts this Label on it. The means, one Generation X is not something, what Objective exists, but we make one Generation first in addition. The means, we bring them to the Emergence. The is so to speak the Key point mine Criticism, that these Age limits, the fixed become, 1980 until 2000, that the arbitrary are, so artificial. Why takes one not 1990 and 2010? And the Problem have we always, when continuous Variables dismembered become. Then could one but but also say, well, perhaps is the Model, the 1980 until 2000 delineated, inadequate. Then leave them us one better Demarcation find. As far as I'm concerned, perhaps is 75 but somehow more decisive been because of Economic crisis or like this. And then take we still 89 as striking Border. And then could we Yes the Model improve, this Concept, but on itself is the Concept still sustainable. But me seems, it is not sustainable, the in so 10s or 15s years Areas to categorise, what them criticise.
[8:19]Yes, in the Reason are these Transitions also fluent. It pass constantly historical Events. Some are natural more significant as other. So 1989 for example, the characterises natural People very different Age. But historical Events are just as like the Age fluent. And the Reality is simple much more complex as Generation division or Generation categories. A more Problem is, that when we certain Birth cohorts these Labels press on and also with supposed Properties provided, that we Stereotypes and impossible even Discrimination promote. The means, the Generation industry sets not only these Age limits fixed, but them says then also, the Gene Z due to certain more historical Events is less performance-motivated for example or is less loyal opposite Company. And the is a large Problem, because frequently are these Attributions, these Properties, with those Generations provide become, arbitrary, contradictory, partly even not so different from Properties, the other Generations attributed to become. And from psychological View is it simple also a False conclusion to say.
[9:25]Properties, the so one Group attributed to become, meet on all Members this Group to, but the Individuals, the itself in this Groups are located, differentiate itself very strong from each other and differentiate itself even stronger among themselves, as these Generation groups itself from each other differentiate. The appears me actually a whole more plausible Reason, that the Concept lags behind, that these Differences in one Society, the anyway very on individual Markings looks and also each considered is, that he as Individual perceived becomes, that the larger are as between the Groups. And so that is it one Attribution from outside, the then…
[10:01]To one Label leads or also to one Simplification. Now is the Yes also the Sense from such Models, itself a Picture to make, where the Complexity the individual Individuals and the Society as a whole facilitates becomes, so that even also, I says now times, not studied Professors somehow a Picture make can. What gives it because for one Alternative, when we not in Generations think, these Experience, the Yes but frequently described become. I can with the Boys not so good work. Or the make the simple and set itself there And the have the Computer still never before seen. I need there simple longer or any Cliché differences, the Yes also named are and the Yes also real are. The are Yes not only constructed.
[10:42]Absolutely. And so very I this Generation concept also reject or problematic find, it has natural one Function. You Simplified one very complex Reality and Helps us also. You offers Heuristics, so Point of reference, like one with other People other Age perhaps Bypass could or them better Understand can. And therefore becomes the also so grateful accepted, this Concept. Frequently is it Yes like this, that older People in Organisations, Executives not more so right Understand or better Understand want, like the younger Generation so ticks. I believe, it gives one Alternative, the more constructive is. In the best Trap is the Generational thinking really Time and Waste of money. When a The company for example says, we Buy now Workshops in, at Gene Z to lead or better to understand. The is Time and Waste of money. In the worst Case promotes it Stereotypes and steers from the Actual from. Before we to the Alternatives come, because there find me, can we but again one Point of criticism, the me in the Contribution noticed is, again deepen and then can we to the Alternatives go. You had the observed.
[11:44]On the one hand, it becomes frequently from the Elderly to the Younger the Generation declared. And straight the so with, OK, Boomer seems really like a Boomerang to have an effect. That one even first stamped was and there from the Reaction out then says, now looks you but times itself to. Yours have us there ridden in or what also always. The Criticism is so on the one hand, it becomes always from the Elderly to the Younger ones, what perhaps also simple so that related, that Older in the Positions are, that them Books write and belongs to become etc. And the other was this Facilitation effect, I must me straight not more with the Charles or the Yasin to deal with, the next to me works new in the Team. I white simple already, who the is. One from the Gene Z and the are so good.
[12:28]Discussion End. The found I one important Point, the me so before not clear was. Therefore is this Concept from psychological, more scientific View so interesting. What happens actually? And traditional are it rather older People, the Stereotypes exposed are. Age stereotypes. So to the Example, that older Employees less Efficient are and less adaptive etc. But what the Generation concept makes, it turns the Age discrimination or Stereotyping in the Reason um. Because in the Rule becomes it on the younger Generation related, the Gene Z, the Millennials, the somehow different are. And in the Rule are these Properties also negative. So, zero Trestle on Labour would be something like that. Or less loyal. Or the can not more right Spelling and so continue. Okay, Boomer is the other way round.
[13:14]Actually is the Boomer generation rather positive occupied. The are very motivated by performance, loyal, have much constructed, etc.
[13:22]And interestingly enough shows the Research also, that Older, when them itself with their Generation identify, that the their Self-esteem increased. So Older say prefer, I am Boomer, as that them say, I am old. Because old is negative occupied, while Boomer positive occupied is. Yes, the Elderly utilise the traditional. The is not only in the last ten years like this, but one can go back to the old Greeks. Socrates has already said, the younger Generation is lazy and unreliable. The is a whole old Phenomenon, that so to speak the opinionated Generation, The older, the Books write, the set, like we about the Society speak and think about it, that the say, the younger Generation is somehow deficit. And exactly the happens, when we about the Gene Z speak, that it frequently so one negative Appeal has and then even also all Younger in one certain Drawer pushes. And perhaps the Point, because the must I again Conceptual clear get. When we in the History so to speak determine can, the Younger were already always so in the Focus the Elderly negative occupied and the Judgement was, the Younger are so and like this. The is Conceptual what other, as when one says, the Generation XY is so and like this. Because the Age, so have I now the understood, is one other Category, because it more fluid is, draws not so hard Limits, but one can simple really also in years or months so to speak categorise, as when I the in one Generation do.
[14:46]Exactly, it Go simple very many Information on lost.
[14:49]Take You these Classification the Millennials in 1980 until 2000 Born. Generation Y was that, believe me, have I short missed. I am 1979 born, belong so still to the Generation X. It is not now one small Valuation to give away on Apple Podcast or on the Podcast Catcher yours Choice. Many Thanks to. And the shows also so a little the Absurdity of the Whole. When I two Months later born would be, would be I a Millennial been. I have it but short missed.
[15:20]It gives a YouTube video, the has one Intermediate generation. I am 77s Vintage.
[15:25]One so from 76 until 83, the one between the both Classical set has and has in addition a own Concept made. So there could we us then probably also again inside cancel. Ultimately would one probably again with the Age information and Age ranges find again. So Generation is so to speak a to coarse Pattern, as that one the Results so that good utilise can. Both in the Science as also in the Everyday work. Much to coarse. Classification in 20 until 30 years. The would Yes say, someone, the 1980 born is, has more with someone common, the 2000 born is, as someone, the 1979 born is, with the, the 1980 born is. Therefore is the Age, what dynamic is, what continuous is, one much better Approach on Changes and Differences also between People and also so Concepts like Generation Golf. The drives the Whole on the Top in the reason, because Media, Management consultancies such Labels invent. Since gives it many beautiful Examples. Generation Golf, Generation Stress, Generation Merkel, Generation Corona. And what make the actually? The stuck all young People in the Generation Corona and say, the is the anxious Generation. And the find I one very, very unfavourable Attribution, because natural gives it in this Group anxious People or also Persons, the very under Corona suffered have and the the sustainable influence. But it gives even also other. All young People in this Label, in these Drawer to stuck, is from psychological View highest problematic, promotes Stereotypes and possibly also Discrimination.
[16:55]So when we determine, that this Generation concept very coarse is. It is something finer as the, it gives the Boys, it gives the Old people and their Conflicts are also already always named been. What would be one Alternative, the the Trap handles, a Stereotype to develop? So the Generation concept comes Yes from the Discipline Sociology and Charles Mannheim has said, we need the Concept, at to understand, like more social Change happens.
[17:20]And the Concept was in the Reason perverted and so have the the Inventor from the Sociology even not intended. At some point were even these Categories, these stare Age limits retracted and the Whole was marketed and so continue. From mine View is one psychological Approach on Differences between People more sensible. The means, we focus on the Individual and look us to, like differentiates itself a Individual from other Individuals and like developed itself a Individual about the Time. Whole practical as Manager in one The company should I prefer me with individual Employees to deal with, as them in one Group categorise and them so a Label over it. But I should me ask, Why is the Peter today again to late come? Which familial Circumstances has he or which Worries and Hardships busy the just? And which Development opportunities has he too? So like can he better with Stress deal with? How can he itself here in the The company develop about the Time? And so one individualised Point of view, the is elaborate, the is much more strenuous as to say, Peter is a Millennial, the is not so reliable like his older Colleagues. But so one individualised Point of view is more productive, takes People more serious as the Generation concept.
[18:32]Undisputed. And at the same time makes impossible it, in one Mass society efficient…
[19:10]Yes, yes. Necessity. Absolutely. And we need also such Theories. I says only, the Generations and Generational differences based not on one solid Theory. But we have good, exciting Theories, the say, it gives normative Changes with the Age. School, Education, Starting a family maybe, Retirement, such Things, the pass with many People. And we know also, that itself with the Age psychological Features change. To the Example grows ours Experience with the Time. We learn, like we better with Stress Bypass can. Many People become more relaxed with the Age.
[19:43]At the same time takes the Capability, fast Information on to process, takes with the Age light from. So we know very much from the exciting Psychology, like itself People with the Age change. And the need we also in the Deed. It offers but also Heuristics and we should there also not forgotten, that itself People from each other differentiate in their Development. The Generation concept grabs there but much to briefly. At the same time is it but natural like this, that many experienced Executives in The company say, the young People today, the throb much more on Work-life balance, when them itself with us apply. From this but the Conclusion to draw, the Gene Z is somehow different, grabs to briefly, is actually wrong, because the Labour market has itself changed. The means, not only People develop itself about the Time, also ours Environment, Labour market, Technology, Economy, Society change itself and People react on these Change. The means, in Times, where it one Shortage of skilled labour and one demographic Change gives, have young People much more Possibilities, itself on the Labour market one good Situation to develop. The means, them must not more Working conditions accept, the from their View unfavourable are. But the Interesting is, that itself the young People even not so strong from their Parents and Grandparents differentiate. The wanted namely also one good Balance between Labour and Family, but them could them not demand. Because today is it like this, that young People… Was the already one Improvement? Absolutely.
[21:05]Working limits gave and Working time laws and the like. Absolutely. The older Generation had much less Possibilities. The have one Job Accepted and remained then frequently in one The company until to the Pension. The younger Generation says, I look me exactly to, what offer me The company and when I several Offers have, take I natural that, what mine Needs rather accommodates. Had their Grandparents and Parents just as made, had but not the Possibilities. And from it then to make, the Gene Z is not more so motivated or pays attention to strong on Work-life balance, the is also somehow unfair.
[21:36]As Occupational psychologist would I even say, one should the young People congratulate, when them on their Work-life balance and their Health pay attention, because them must Yes still until 67, perhaps even 70 work. The is actually only one rational thing, the there happens. Yes, the can I absolute confirm. And more peculiar or paradoxically happens Yes that, what in so Conflict or Situations of dissatisfaction frequently is. It becomes personalised and it becomes psychologised. The Individual is Guilt or you are now not hard-working and also not socially acceptable, because you simple only on you think. Not more insert, not more subordinate, already even not also categorise. So the becomes then individual attributed to and negative natural connoted. Since happens Yes but exactly that, what rather Critical is, namely that in Conflicts to fast on the Individuals watched becomes and not on the large Sample or the large Context. Yes, we call it in the Psychology the fundamental Attribution error. When it a Problem gives, look we first, which Contribution performs the Individual and the makes the Generation concept in the reason. It looks on it, like are the Values different, Why have the other Settings. But in the Reason neglected it the contextual Influences. So to the Example one very dynamic Labour market or one Corona pandemic, the natural People influence. and at the same time is it even also so rigid. The means, when one once to the Gene Z belongs to and certain Properties has, comes one there even not more out.
[22:58]So to say, these Generation is less motivated to work, People develop itself about the Time, People learn, them Win on Experience and the leaves this Generation concept at all not to. The means, stuck People in Categories and leaves them there also not more out.
[23:14]Yes, the goes me also immediately catchy. Can I also on me itself now in the meantime. So the Tipping point 45 is exceeded. I organise Things to, the supply, the I itself surprised am. So now Work, Profession, Family. And the would I with the Generational recipe not expect may, that other me the concede, because I stop once caught am in the Generation 77s Vintage. What white me, Y believe me, is the still been. Well, and the Danger is, that it also itself itself fulfilling Prophecies then gives, because when we young People persuade, them belong to to one certain Generation, whether the now Gene Z or Generation Corona or Generation Internship is, at some point, when the always again from the Media circulated becomes and even Scientists say, it gives these Generation.
[23:57]At some point believes one it also itself and behaves itself perhaps also accordingly. Or trusts itself perhaps also even not more to say, yes, I am performance-motivated or what also always. The means, these Generational attributions must actually stop and therefore avoid I these Terms, try the also to avoid. So in mine Fonts name I the Generations also not with Names, because we the constantly so to speak again ins Life call and solidify these Attributions. Yes, a other Thought, the wanted I still address, the have I now not in Yours Essay so read out, but You have the Colleague Matthias Schröder, the sociological with this Surveys about the Time away proven has, that the Differences in the Values at all not Large or intensive or also even not available are. When one so looks, that someone, when one him questioned with in the 20s years, so when he 20 plus is and then 30 plus and 40, 50 plus, so Surveys, the about Generation times away take place, can we read out, that it none Differences gives between the Generations. Ability You the from Your Perspective the Organisational psychology consider? So is it that, what You with Life spans mean? Yes, the Martin Schroeder is one the few Sociologists, the the also empirical analysed and the also very Critical is. He calls it even the Generational myth. So the Generation concept, once is it problematic, because it none Theory to Distinguished between Generations really gives and the Concept from more theoretical View very questionable is.
[25:18]Method leave itself Generational differences only very heavy show. It reaches not, People to one Timing to question and then People different Age in Categories to be categorised. Then know we namely not, whether the Differences, the we find, through Ageing processes originated are or them actually on the Year of birth attributable to are. And what Colleague Schroeder makes, is, he looks itself Long-term studies on and finds, that Differences in Values rather through the Ageing processes arise as through the Year of birth. The means, one subject to simple one own blind Stain, when one young and old now differentiate wants in Generations, because one itself his own Value concept, as one young was.
[25:56]Ultimately not with in the Invoice brings. Exactly. So I would me Before that guard, to the Example as older Professor to say, the young Students from today are not more so motivated by performance. Or some Colleagues Go Yes even so wide to say, the today Generation of students can not times read and write or dominated the Spelling not more. The is natural more perfect Rubbish. It is very striking. It serves in addition, the own Generation upgrade, by one the other Generation devalued. It neglected the Realisation, that the younger Generation of students much more diverse is. Much more Women are in the process, much more People with Migration background. And the Whole works for me like so one Defence reaction in the reason. It fails to recognise also, that one itself as Professor natural also only one from few from the Generation is, the one very high Educational qualification for example has. And one fails to recognise so that real Differences and says actually more about itself itself from as about the younger Generation.
[26:48]Now have we us so with this Concept analysed and before I to one Summary come, was now still a Point, You said, it gives even none Theory, the this Generation concept underlaid. So the means, these Differences as such, the named become and the then declared become, beautiful in one Table listed become, are simple plausible appearing Attributions and one has but still not one theoretical Substructure, why the so realisation comes. And it would me sufficient to say, well, because stop the iPhone 2005 still not existed. No, the is one very weak Theory. I compare the also with pleasure with Horoscopes. So in the Reason are Generational differences so valid, so scientific valid like Horoscopes. Horoscopes is also one Industry. When one itself so Magazines looks at, the at the Hairdresser lie, there gives it natural Horoscopes. And the Share People also to their Birthday a in coarse Groups and say then, Astrological sign Capricorn, you happens these week the and the or you are so and like this. Yes, some happens the then actually from this Group, but natural not all. And all know the also somehow. And the Majority the People says, Horoscopes are Rubbish. Interestingly enough are Generations even not so different as Horoscopes. You subdivide also People in arbitrary Groups and write them Feature to. Interestingly enough leaves itself so that very much Money earn and People believe on it.
[28:05]Astrology is none serious Science. The Most People would also intuitive say, the is Rubbish. And just as is it in the Reason with Generations, that natural influencing historical Events People, but the Generational research in Inverted commas and the Generation industry takes to, that young People especially through certain historical Events Characterised become. And in one Direction. And although in the negative Direction. And it are more Assumptions as really established Findings. Example Corona.
[28:34]Naturally have many young People under Corona very suffered, but also many Middle aged and Old had their Struggles, their Fights to fight. But not all and it differentiated simple not enough. And natural has 9-11 some People characterised, in particular the, the in New York lived have. But People, the in Leipzig lived have, were much less thereby characterised. Therefore gives it not the one Generation, the all constitutes. It becomes also even not explained, like these Processes expire. Or it considered not, that People historical Events also reflect. That People say, Human, this iPhone, there look I much to often on it, there try I now one other Handling to be found. The take into account Generations not. The say simple, young People are depending on mobile phone, social deficit. I see simple, when I younger People look at, the is not like this. The are very, very different, very reflected, very capable of acting and also in their Development changeable. So one is not once in so one Generation category inside. Therefore would I say, we should Generational research freeze, first not follow up. We need good Research to exciting Developments, to ageing processes, but follow up.
[29:39]Generations should we with very much Caution savour or also with a little Humour, similar like with Horoscopes. Okay. Find I one beautiful Comparison, when I me the so look at with Horoscopes and the Plausibility, the the brings. Will Yours Wish, that it not continued becomes, probably not belongs to become? My Colleague, as long as the Generation industry exists and also to Generations published becomes, as long as are we also in the Business as Critics this Generation. And the is Yes also in Order. I think also, that Generation something is, what social and Psychological constructed becomes, at the complex World to simplify. And when People so that Money earn, find I the in the Reason in Order. But them Sell People even something, what not really exists, but it is a Faith on something, what there is. So it is a social Construct, what Yes only little scientific resilient is. And this Process, the seems me also not unique to be. So that it also the Science something taken from becomes, sometimes already almost forget and ad acta laid in the Sciences, becomes very ready for the market published and gives many Plausibilities.
[30:48]Management Consultancy and Consultancy industry are there whole decisive Bridge in favour. And it comes then the Criticism on and the Counterbalancing. And the seems but one fertile Development to be. Since would be again so the Point for me so on End. How can You so to speak in the The future a positive Picture develop, like the recorded becomes and further developed becomes, as that it now simply so simple not demolition-like there be.
[31:13]Yes, and of course, Generations are not unique. We tend natural also in addition, People in Men and Women categorise and the very, very small Differences, the between Gender exist, the become from popular scientific Books and Media inflated and much larger made, as them actually are. I believe, one positive Perspective would be to say, yes, Generation division take People before, but we should Alternatives not whole neglect. And these Alternatives are to ask, what have we all as People together? What is universal? So to the Example Need to more social Contact, to Autonomy, Need, that we us all somehow as competent experience want. The is all Generations, all People together. And the goes me frequently to strong under with the whole Discussion, that Young and Old much more together have, as that them separates. And at the same time next to this Universalism also one individual Perspective more often to take and me to ask, what drives the or the Colleague straight around? What happens in their Life? Where come the here? Where want the there? And there also times the Generational glasses to file and to ask, what makes these Person so unique and where has the also Potentials, like can the itself develop and like would like them itself also develop. So so one individual Point of view, one universal Point of view supplement these social Categorisations, believe me, whole good.
[32:32]Many Thanks to, Mr Zacher. The was highly interesting and one very suitable Supplement to the Contribution. I wants the again also in favour advertise, because the there really on the Point brought, good formulated, the Problems turns out, without but also the Concept really so to speak devalue, but it are also the Functions shown. It has me good please and many Thanks to for the Conversation. Sincerely Thanks to for the Invitation, Mr Weigel. It has Fun made. Yes, here in the Kick-off meeting from the Conflict dynamics, the Contribution from Professor Hannes Zacher from the Conflict dynamics Number 1 of the Vintage 2024, gives it Generations and Generational differences?
[33:14]Question mark. We have the Problems this concept, the Hannes Zacher in the Contribution listed has, here again discussed, deepened and with Examples and more details enriched. The shall you and them not hold, one View in this Contribution to throw, the itself worthwhile and also with more References provide is, naturally, so that the Topic also from other Perspectives again illuminated become can. Many Thanks to, that you and her here again with thereby was. When it you please has and her means, the Podcast the should also from other belongs to become, the the still not know should, then leave but a Feedback and one Star rating on yours Podcastcatcher. Recommend the Podcast more and subscribe him, when you him still not so far subscribed have. Then get you regularly the newest Episodes played. I say goodbye me with best Wishes. Until to the next Times. Comes good through the Time. I am Sascha Weige, the Host from IncoFEMA, the Institute for Conflict and Negotiation management in Leipzig and Partner for professional Mediation and Coaching training programmes.
What a thoughtful and insightful exploration of generational differences! The way you've explained the influences shaping each generation is truly enlightening. It's fascinating to see how these distinctions impact our interactions and perceptions. Thank you for shedding light on such an important topic!