INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#186 – Client-oriented marketing for mediation and conflict counselling

„How do you win clients for mediation? “

In conversation with Gunnar Duvenhorst

Gunnar Duvenhorst, Business economist; has been in marketing for over 20 years, specialising in customer-oriented B2B marketing for companies in the high-tech, cleantech & smart mobility, artificial intelligence and industrial sectors; trained systemic coach and many years of further training in transaction analysis; lives near Hanover.

Well through time.

The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Contents: Introductory text

Welcome to the latest episode of Gut durch die Zeit, the podcast for mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

In this exciting episode, we have the pleasure of talking to Gunnar Duvenhorst, an expert in the field of marketing and positioning. Sascha has an in-depth conversation with Gunnar about key topics that are crucial for mediators, consultants and other self-employed people.

Today's episode is all about marketing - an area that can often make the difference between success and failure for the self-employed. Gunnar and Sascha discuss the importance of finding a clear and compelling positioning to stand out in a highly competitive market. They shed light on the challenges and opportunities that arise and provide valuable tips on how to utilise them effectively.

A particularly interesting point of the conversation is the discussion about the often under-lit aspects of marketing. Many self-employed people and mediators face the challenge of marketing their services successfully, despite the fact that they may have excellent expertise and skills. Gunnar and Sascha go into how important it is to be focus not only on your own expertise, but also on the right way to present this expertise to the public.

Gunnar gives practical advice on how to build a strong brand identity and what steps are necessary to position yourself as an expert in your field. He explains how to use targeted marketing strategies to build trust with potential clients and create lasting customer loyalty. It also discusses how to stand out from the competition and develop a unique value proposition that is precisely tailored to the needs of the target group.

For mediators and self-employed people who specialise in highly personalised products and services, this discussion offers valuable insights. It becomes clear that successful marketing is far more than just advertising - it is about conveying an authentic and convincing message that is memorable and appeals to the right clients.

The conversation also offers practical tips for those who are already in the mediation, coaching and organisational consulting business but are struggling to position themselves successfully. The episode is a must-watch for anyone looking to take their marketing strategy to the next level, whether they are just starting out or are already experienced self-employed.

If you are interested in marketing strategies and their application in self-employment or if you are simply looking for new ways to market your services more effectively, then you should definitely not miss this episode.

Listen in and find out how you can strengthen your positioning and optimise your marketing to succeed in today's competitive landscape. We look forward to your feedback and wish you lots of inspiration and success in implementing the tips discussed!

Clients willing to pay for mediation?!

One of the things I spoke to Gunnar about was the willingness to pay. I have summarised what this – for mediation – is all about here. You can of course also read our conversation in the transcription (see below).

From a marketing perspective, willingness to pay refers to the maximum price that customers are willing to pay for a product or service. This is a particularly interesting aspect for mediation as a product, as mediation is generally an intangible and often subjectively perceived offer. The willingness to pay can be influenced by various factors:

1. value perception

  • BenefitClients of mediation must clearly recognise the added value of mediation, e.g. in the form of
    • Time saving,
    • Cost savings compared to court proceedings,
    • emotional benefit through conflict resolution or
    • long-term preservation of relationships or even
    • the chance to tackle something new with a clean, non-vindictive ending.
  • Experience of the mediatorThe qualification, experience and reputation of the mediator can increase the willingness to pay, as an experienced mediator is seen as more valuable.

2. target group analysis

  • SegmentationDifferent customer groups may have different willingness to pay. Business clients seeking mediation to resolve corporate disputes may have a higher willingness to pay than private individuals.
  • Psychographic characteristicsValues, attitudes and beliefs of the target group can influence the willingness to pay. Customers who value harmony and conflict resolution may be more willing to pay a higher price.

3. positioning and differentiation

  • Premium vs. budgetDepending on how mediation is positioned as a product (e.g. as a premium service with individual solutions or as a standardised budget offer), the willingness to pay varies. Clear positioning can help to control the expected willingness to pay.
  • USP (Unique Selling Proposition)Unique features of mediation, such as specialised expertise or innovative methods, can increase the willingness to pay as they increase the perceived value.

4. competition and market conditions

  • Market analysisThe willingness to pay is also influenced by the prices of the competition. A comparison with the offers and prices of other mediators or similar services can help to find the optimum price.
  • Market trendsChanges in the legal environment, growing acceptance of alternative dispute resolution methods or economic developments can influence the willingness to pay.

5. price psychology

  • PricingPsychological pricing models, such as threshold prices (e.g. €499 instead of €500) or price bundling (e.g. mediation plus follow-up counselling), can have a positive influence on willingness to pay.
  • Risk perceptionIf customers feel that the risk of potential failure is low, they may be willing to pay more.

6. communication and branding

  • TransparencyTransparent communication about the price and the associated services can increase the willingness to pay because it creates trust.
  • Brand imageA strong brand image that promises trust, professionalism and success can increase the willingness to pay. Customers are often willing to pay more for a brand that they see as trustworthy and established.

The willingness to pay for mediation as a product plays a central role in the marketing strategy. First of all, it is certainly important to develop a sense for this topic before dealing with optimisation issues: Through a targeted analysis and influencing of the factors mentioned, the target group's willingness to pay can be optimally exploited, which ultimately leads to successful market positioning and profitability.

Content: Complete transcript of the interview



[0:00]And when all the same say, will you like Commodity, so like Mass products treated. And the is a whole more important Point.
[0:06]Cordially welcome to the Podcast Good through the Time, the Podcast round at Mediation, Conflict coaching and Organisational consulting. My Name is Klaus from Ingo Fehmacher, I am Sascha Weige and welcome you to one new Consequence. Today goes it, like already of the More often in last Time, simple because I noted have, the is a important Topic, again at Marketing. So at the important Pre and Preparations, that at all Conflict counselling and Mediation realisation comes. And not only me, but my dialogue partner today in all Pointing still much more, has the Impression, that there but the decisive metres not gone become. And it trades itself at one attentive Listener our Series, the also already here to Guest was in Consequence 66. Was Gunnar Duvenhorst, Marketing expert his Sign, here to Guest and has then from the View one Marketing experts together with two Colleagues Feedback given, like Mediators her Marketing operate. And was then also in our 100. Consequence to Guest and has to the Topic Podcast as Marketing instrument his Remarks and Observations to the Best given. And today a whole Piece more and many Episodes to the Topic Marketing, under other the two Episodes with Professor Nido Stadek recently, have me arranged, but again with Gunnar to speak. And when I the so emphasise, then wants I the with the A wink say, because it does already always times again hurt, when I with Gunnar speak and I speak much with him. He must already laugh. First of all cordial welcome, Gunnar.
[1:35]Many Thanks to. One more beautiful Introduction have I me not introduce can, except it does hurt, with him to speak, but I load him nevertheless again in. The is Yes really either, the shows, that you really ready for pain are or that it not whole upside down was, what we discussed have. Yes, but it is also like this, that the Pain less become and were. On Beginning did it already really hurt, as you me all mine beloved Elements taken away have and me whole new Elements recommended have with one Pritt pin, the simple not more to solve was. But in all Silence. Gunnar, you are again so to the Repetition, that also the Listeners the a little categorise can, with Whom them there today here the Episode Track can. Marketing expert. Is the already Marketing? So is the a clever Marketing to say, I am Marketing expert and Full stop?
[2:22]Nope, actually exactly the The opposite. The makes one not. The is so similar how, I am yours best Friend, but we Find it together out or like this. The is one Assault. And when I Expert am, then asks one itself the same, Why says the Expert? Is he probably not. So in this respect, I says always, I am on the Marketing legs on the road since about 20 years. I was in groups, in Agencies, but also in Startups. I am also a funny Little animal, because I earlier times Musicians was and Songwriter, so Copywriter, Copywriter. I have very much also Group marketing in the Abroad made. So I have one right large Experience in this Marketing area get, what me one Expertise gives and Expertise whole clear. But I would never say, I am a Marketing expert. Of which gives it Yes also already enough Marketing experts. I am rather so the Power in the Background, the People helps, somehow Successful to be. I says always, I make yours Expertise visible and make Yours Offer to the obvious Choice. And the is for me Marketing, whole in the Serious, Marketing is horrible. It gives Reasons, Why the People say, the is one Marketing slide, what I say wants. So we Marketing people are on it blame. We stood in the Path, we have all sound. We have Jargon and Beaverbo. But like it itself turns out, are the Mediators even not so different. The stand itself also in the Path, have also Jargon and say the whole Time Help to the Self-help, more make we not. Actually should the super function. I feel me very close connected with the Mediators.
[3:45]The right, from the Perspective from can I the so in the Review also say. It would have much lighter be must, from the Perspective, that one so to speak there Help to the Self-help granted. Also when the Human the Capability has, Pain from one to displace. Me are them still clear before Eyes in ours Workshops, the now meanwhile already almost ten years here are. I can me remember on his Business card. That I not understood have, what about it went on Beginning, what you wanted and then only to and to in Crops fell. With me also. I have also learnt. We have us Yes in the Education got to know. I have forgotten, that I Transaction analyst am and more systemic Coach. In this respect, because I these Matter very Important find and now also in the Marketing also use. So when it at Psychology of the Context goes or at Behavioural psychology or Mood in the Room and like this, the is extreme Important become. So Marketing has much more to do with Empathy, with Context decoding and newer Context design. So also again very similar, like her it makes, would I so say. Marketing has much less with Advertising to do, with Trombone and with Drum. Although always still creative, but we work already scientific here, without that I the Yes anyway hang out wants. But in the Deed have we us got to know with one such Education, with the INITA, with TA and.
[4:56]I have me always a little unwell felt, you these whole smart Things again to talk them out of it, because you was Yes still top there still much smarter as I and I thought always, the was everything so clever, but the was so on the Demand over. I have noted, I believe, I have me always tries to say, Sascha, you may but not shine before one confused Audience. The have you not understood.
[5:16]I understand the good, I understand the good. The have I to the Example displaced, the have I displaced in fact, so not in terms of content, but it dives again on. And yes, I remember me exactly, it was a Mock exams, what I with you there visited had. Yes, exactly. Where we us actually really about the Speciality got to know have. Yes, exactly, even not about Marketing, but I have one Question then placed, the I always position. And the is also so a little that, what I later remember, what I later all recommend will. I have said, like get you the Customers, like do you because on you attentive? So I question you, like is because yours Marketing? Can I you help?
[5:47]Can I you Marry the same? How at the Dating? No, I question, like find you Customers? And then comes a Business on. Then comes namely also none Suffering pressure on. And then falls me also what a and then speaks one and becomes useful and then comes one in one business relationship. And the are we also. So we have then spoken. You you mean, I would it whole with pleasure times discuss. I load you to the Food a and in favour say you me times, like you it make would. And so came slowly one Business relationship together. Now have you also said, you have there much learnt. So you have you inevitably, because I there also always again you contacted have, with Mediators busy or with one at least. But then also in the Context also this Podcast always again the Opportunity had, the Topic to listen, like the approached becomes. How see you because the Thesis, the but always times again to the Appearance came, also with Professor Nido Stadek, the two Consequences, the very concrete on Marketing activities set have. Would you you at all follow, that Mediators her Marketing insufficient make or is it simple still the owed, that it a new, unknown Product is and the lasts stop a bit. So Coaching is Yes also not from today on tomorrow.
[6:50]Yes, the right. However, I white not, like much Patience we still apply want with the Situation. When I the understood have, gives it Problems en mass on the World. It gives Willingness to pay en mass. The People Buy Coaching sessions, the People Buy Self-help books. The People Go in Online videos now pure, the leave itself train. What mean you with Willingness to pay? I mine, the is Yes so a Term from the BUSINESS STUDIES. It gives a Product and it gives one willingness to pay, With the one so to speak then says, from because of smaller Taster prices, Decoy offers, but People are ready, one Premium price to spend for one Premium service. The is willingness to pay. It gives Price elasticity, where one say can, the fluctuates each to Situation. To the Example, when you whole much Thirst have and you get one cool Can Cola, are you ready, is yours Willingness to pay perhaps four Euro. And in the Supermarket, when you what take with you, would you never for four Euro one Can buy. So Willingness to pay is extreme important, because the People must decide, I have here a Problem, what solved become shall. I trust the the Solution provider or the Value proposition to and I am ready in favour, Money to pay. And although Good.
[7:57]The can also a Comparison be to other Methods, to Competition or like this. But Willingness to pay is already a Signal, because it also a Business is. The is Yes none Hobby, what her makes. The means so, People are ready for Loss of conflict. For the Problem, Conflict away, Money to pay. Exactly. We have also already longer about it spoken. We had times then the Picture served, the is the Retirement provision, about it would like none speak etc. I believe, there have we us also already adopted from. I see Problems, I see Willingness to pay and I see not Business with you as Mediators. Since must one itself ask, where Go the People there? The People Go in Courts furthermore.
[8:36]Less, but But the is one Option, the learnt is and the one retrieve can unsupported and say can, know you what, mine Ex-husband show I it times, the sue I now like this. So the is Yes one more obvious thing, as first times to learn to say, I set me with the in the Room and make Help to the Self-help or like this. So the is exaggerated said like this. In this respect would I say, yes, we have a Product problem from various Visibility. Since can we still times a little deeper go in. So what stands because with the People in the Shop window? Stands there one Method or a Product? And I think also, that the one Mixture is from, We have false Approaches, the from one old Time come. We have one funny Displeasure, promotional active to be, what these Experts always have. Lawyers have earlier a Prohibition had, a Advertising ban. These whole Mediation history comes Yes from one Time, where one the Whole as meritorious Good seen has almost and said, we must Courts relieve and we must the People now to their Happiness force. And the has also not works. Surprisingly leave itself Markets so not always drive. In this respect, I believe, that the Thesis right, whole clear. The Thesis true also from the Checkers, the empirical the Topic elaborated had, namely, that the People Relief want. And we have a huge Misunderstanding. About this work I always with pleasure, that one itself first considered, like sees the Context out? The Context is, the People wanted Courts relieve, the People want but Relief have. The Justice policy, the was a strong Train for the Support.
[9:59]Exactly, the was for me so a Point, where I think, the People have a Problem, the want Relief and the get them not, because the People talk from Methods, the People wait, until one calls and the People Go not out and say, the can I offer. And although to one Time, the much longer lasts. So today white also everyone, when one one Mrs appeals or one Man in the Underground, that one there not goes there and says, good Day, I am the and the and then works it equal with the Date. Man must start, with the People to work in one Direction. The seems somehow the Most People, the Experts are, not to make sense.
[10:28]Rise we times the Point in, the you so differentiated have, where me still not whole clear is, where to the leads, Method and Product. The Method, the we apply and Mediation is on the one hand Procedure, a Procedure, the offered becomes, but even also one Method, the carried out becomes. The can but the Product be, professional Method. Exactly, so sometimes is the also like this. So sometimes is the like this, that one itself decides for one Service provider, the one has somehow a Problem, somehow what on Body. and one notices from because of, oh, I could the so make or I could the with the Method make. But ultimately is the Method much later. Therefore says I in the Shop window. The Shop window is in favour there. The could one Website be. The could but also simple only a Good Day, I make the and the for You. In the Shop window must he understand, what the People to the Pause for thought leads, to the Stop, to the Look inside and itself so to speak seduce leave, invite leave, in the Loading to step inside. The is the Picture. And the Method, when the there inside stands, then Go them over and one white also not, whether the People now for the Method already ready are. So Readiness or Access, Credibility and Readiness, the is a Huge topic in the today Time. The People have so much to do and have heavy Bags and run on one Shop window over, where is written on it, so exaggerated said stands in the Shop window the Most People, I have many this Websites looked at, stands inside from because of, I can their Problems not solve, but I help them, that them them alone solve can. And the goes one Demand over. Since goes one with the Shopping bags heavy to carry and on the next Date.
[11:54]We have already the Sword of Damocles, the is also a more beautiful Term from the Consequence, have them about itself. You have one whole heavy Shopping bag full Experience.
[12:02]Fuller Offences, full Fears, that them not there get through. The have one Giant bag with heavy Experience. And then comes one on and says, I help you not, I help you, that you you itself help can. And there question I me, was I the serious? Would I there stand stay?
[12:18]Who from you would there stand stay? Yes, exactly. And I mine, the is also still a Point. I have not only the Shopping bag experience in the Conflict, but I have also still one Quantity other Problems, the I to solve have. And then decide I me in Doubts in favour. Then make I prefer a Coaching or one Management development. Since work I also on one Problem or one Strategy development and leave the Conflict aside. The can I now not edit. The means, I need with the Metaphor of the shop window, where someone passes by, something, where I remain standing, despite or at best because of this heavy Experience bag Conflict in the Face mine Calendars Yes also still one Quantity other Problems ready holds. And there say you, the Method Hand hang up or the Mediator method, set you but times with yours Conflict partner and me on one Table, is none Invitation. Nope, exactly. The can one still continue playing, the Picture. Because Important is Yes always, that one itself to outside orientated, to inside orientated and to front orientated. After outside means for me always watch, where is yours Playing field, in the you Win would like. So yours Strategy, yours Market, yours Playing field, where you Gates shoot want. And the can be, like you it do, quasi about so one Mixture from Education, university Connection, but also Further training, but also Mediation.
[13:33]You have also one Expertise in Direction Works councils. And when the Loading then so looks, remains man… So concrete Order fields. Dispute between Works councils and Management or in the Scientific context or in classic Industrial companies. And then gives it natural yours Colleague Isabel, the has Family topics or Family mediation. Oh, the becomes You now probably annoy, You…
[13:53]Oh yes, oh God, oh God. But so is the Mode of action, exactly. Exactly, it does me Yes more woe as yourselves, when I so speak. But I wants it Yes only contrast, that one sees, the People, the have Self-localisation. The means, there stands Yoga for Pregnant women and there gives it none Question, there go I not there. I am a Man, I am straight not pregnant, therefore is Yoga for Pregnant women not my Topic. So a Loading Family conflicts, the Understand the People, the is accessible, credible or what for Works councils. And so think the People and so think we itself also, honest said, when her other Products see or Marketing people assessed. So we have simple to little Time and need fast these relevant Attention. Therefore is the Shop window so important. One Method is on each Case important, but we have also about it spoken. We have times in one Podcast about Podcast spoken as Method and there can one about it talk. But one must Zoom out and say, to outside, for whom make I that? Where can I win? Where wants I win? After inside, like am I set up? Positioning right important. And to front but also, like make I because the now? How come I on Carrier ran? Because I would like the Mediator see, the a Mediator is, without Customer cases to have. The is then for me only one, the about it writes or the itself what wishes. But Mediation means Cases have. Professional cyclist means on the Saddle set.
[15:05]The must one can in the today Time. The sounds to one enormous Excessive demands, is but whole simple, when one itself the Things times clear makes. Last Set in addition. What want the Customers? I white it not, Gut feeling. The Customers want, that the Problem away is. The want the Conflict exist, win. The want it get rid of. Whether the what Operational is or the Ex-husband, Ex-wife. The have one Fantasy, I wants nothing make in favour. It shall made become. You have so the Fantasy, it shall if possible with one Guaranteed success function. The are everything People. The want not, we watch times, whether we come together. The would the Topic have gone and although without Labour and without Risk. Yes, and I wants now not absolutely on mine Conflict grow. Exactly the is that. Step two, quasi the First is, the Problem shall away. And then comes at some point, the would be but beautiful, when I quasi so one Kind Transformation have and I go stronger out for the next Stuff. Or I am more creative through the different thing. I have one Change competence experienced And I have one Willingness to co-operate in me and with the other generated. And these Transformation, the is super important. But the comes as Step two. I am Yes also in the Role Party to the conflict in mine Life existent and also experience. I says you, the Wish, that the other one Conflict transformation goes through, is with me stronger.
[16:22]Yes, I says always, I sat also already times in one Mediation, in one Divorce. The was also not beautiful, because I was very polite. I wanted, that my Opposite with the Change begins. I have the left out with the Change and I wanted also, that… Gentleman. Yes, Gentleman, Gentleman Agreement. The means, I understand the whole good and I sat there also inside and felt me uncomfortable, because I thought, so at the Judge have I the Gut feeling had, when the now the Hammer swings, then is it through. But with this Mediator, the was also still not times the best Mediation, fear me, but I have not so much Experience with it. But the was everything like this, where I thought, I understand the People and her become the People not change, when her so to speak with yours Method arrives. The People should not changed become, but the Speech must her change. And the Method comes early enough. Now could one Yes ask, or now must one simple for itself clear get, what is because now the Method, the I not ins Shop window place shall. So when I now times so with Hand hang up, clear, then would I also not stand remain, but the Pain shall go away. How he the makes, is me no matter. With Mediator, the says even also, the Conflict is afterwards one Solution supplied been.
[17:25]He makes the passive, because the Active should Yes the Parties to the conflict be, with which I Satisfied am. Okay, what are the methodological Points, the one in the Speech so omit should? I would Yes immediately say, Alperteiligkeit, Neutrality, Independence needs it not in the