

and what meaning we give them

Crises are a reality. In almost every life, in every society. Like the high points, crises are simply part of it. You can’t do without them.

Crises can affect everything: health, financial situation, motivation, partnership and family, friendships and neighbourhoods; simply everything.

In general, every social epoch is seen as an era of crisis – only in retrospect does it become clear whether this is true overall and, if so, whether it needs to be corrected. Retrospect reveals completely different crises in a society. As a rule, personal crises are experienced more directly, more violently and more comprehensively.

The question of whether Crises first and foremost opportunities is a popular platitude among counsellors, coaches and mediators, but it is by no means a foregone conclusion. Crises are first and foremost just that: crises!

The following quotes are intended to shed light on the tense relationship mentioned.

Crises are crises are crises.


Crises are – first and foremost – crises.



"You really don't have to be grateful for crises."


"To believe that crises are always opportunities reveals a blind ignorance of the suffering of those who really suffer from them."



"For many people, a crisis means loss and suffering, not an opportunity for growth."



"The idea that crises harbour inherent opportunities can be a dangerous simplification of complex situations of suffering."



"Sometimes a crisis is simply a crisis – painful, destructive and without hidden gifts."



"Those who praise crises as opportunities often have the privilege of not being trapped in the depths of suffering."



"It is a sign of privilege to be able to see crises as mere opportunities for self-improvement."



"While some have the opportunity to learn and grow from crises, for others it means an insurmountable struggle for survival."



"The idea that every crisis is an opportunity only sounds convincing to those who are not the hardest hit by it."



Crises begin at high points, where else?

(Wisdom from the Ore Mountains)

My top ten

motivating reinterpretations


„In the middle of the difficulty lies the possibility “

(Albert Einstein)


"Crisis can be a productive state. You just have to take away the flavour of disaster."

(Max Frisch)


"No crisis should be wasted."

(Winston Churchill)


"In every crisis there is not only danger, but also opportunity."

(John F. Kennedy)


"The best thing you can do in a Crisis is not to despair “."

(Chinug Achebe)


"Crises bring out the best and the worst in us."

(Martin Luther King Jr.)


"Characters are formed in a crisis, not born."

(Helen Keller)


"A crisis does not change people – it reveals them."

(James Baldwin)


"Every crisis harbours the opportunity for a new beginning." “

(Dalai Lama)


"In times of crisis, the wise look for solutions; the fools blame others. "

(Roy T. Bennett)

Are you missing a quote? Then please add it in the comments…it will help us all.