Well through time
The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting
In this – podcast produced directly by us – we will present you with our guests and exciting perspectives and assessments on the following topics Mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting to stimulate thought.
It is our intention that you will be able to use the brilliant idea or, if required, a new approach to a solution for their problematic or conflictual situation.
This podcast will also feature Specialist experts come, scientists and researcherswhose areas of expertise and research findings offer (or at least suggest) important insights for dealing with conflicts and thus for mediation and conflict counselling in the VUCA world.
Have a listen now!
Yours, Sascha Weigel
PS: You can also find the episodes of our podcast produced together with here „On the Twelve! The conflict and dispute podcast“ (2016-2018)
Subscribe to the podcast now!
Cooperative practice (collaborative law). In conversation with lawyer Sabine Hufschmidt (INKOVEMA podcast #151)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through time" #151 - Cooperative Practice / Collaborative Law Mediation without a mediator or mediation with two party mediators? In conversation with lawyer-mediator Sabine Hufschmidt Good through [...]
Elder Mediation – Mediation in age and generational issues. In conversation with Yvonne Rogger Hofstetter (#150)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #150 - Elder Mediation - Mediation in age and generational issues What mediation is helpful for in questions of ageing and old age In conversation with Yvonne Rogger [...]
Comedy in conflicts. In conversation with Prof Guido Möllering (INKOVEMA podcast #149)
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #149 Comedy in conflicts. Basic attitudes of comedy and its effect in conflict In conversation with Prof Dr Guido Möllering Gut durch die Zeit. The [...]
Perplexed Consultants X – Loss of Progress – Balling-Mohr-Weigel Talks (INKOVEMA Podcast #148)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #148 - Ratlose Berater X - Fortschrittsverluste What can a sociology of loss achieve? In conversation with Rolf Balling and Günther Mohr Gut durch [...]
Mediation as a product. Part 1 – Market psychology perspectives. In conversation with Damaris Deinert (INKOVEMA podcast #147)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #147 - Mediation as a product Part 1 - Market psychology perspectives. In conversation with Damaris Deinert Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast about mediation, [...]
Conflict management as a management task. In conversation with Jörg Pulfrich (INKOVEMA podcast #146)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through time" #146 - Conflict management as a management task System-compatible support from external conflict experts - using the example of the Fraunhofer Mediator Pool In conversation with Jörg Pulfrich Good through time. [...]
Challenges for mediation in organisations. The power problem, the voluntariness problem, the openness problem (INKOVEMA Podcast #145)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #145 - Challenges for mediation in organisations The power problem, the voluntariness problem, the openness problem In conversation with Prof. Dr. Claus Nowak Well through the [...]
The art of conflict escalation. Escalation needs in conflict. In conversation with Rolf Balling (INKOVEMA podcast #144)
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #144 - The art of conflict escalation. Escalation needs in conflict. In conversation with Rolf Balling Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching [...]
Substitute feelings. A concept of transactional analysis. In conversation with Günther Mohr (INKOVEMA podcast #143)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #143 - Substitute feelings. A concept of transactional analysis Substitute feelings are to the world of emotions what prejudices are to the world of ideas. In conversation with Günther Mohr [...]
Mediation at the intersection of sport and business. In conversation with Ingo Schiller (INKOVEMA podcast #142)
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #142 - Mediation at the intersection of sport and business Conflict management and mediation potential in professional football in the Bundesliga In conversation with Ingo Schiller (former Hertha BSC) [...]
The aesthetic conflict in music. The ear-to-ear conflict among orchestral musicians. In conversation with Barbara Venetikidou and Hans-Peter Achberger (#141 INKOVEMA podcast)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #141 - The aesthetic conflict in music The ear-to-ear conflict in orchestral musicians. In conversation with Barbara Venetikidou and Hans-Peter Achberger Gut durch die Zeit. [...]
Development lines of coaching – Path descriptions for mediation? In conversation with Dr Siegfried Greif (INKOVEMA Podcast #140)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #140 - Developmental lines of coaching - path descriptions for mediation? What can the mediation movement learn from the development of coaching? In conversation with Prof [...].
Professionalism and pragmatism in mediation. In conversation with Thomas Robrecht (INKOVEMA podcast #139)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #139 - Professionalism and pragmatism in mediation Identity characteristics of mediators in mediation? - and their impact on practice In conversation [...]
Singapore Convention on the International Enforcement of Mediated Settlements. In conversation with Prof Heetkamp (INKOVEMA Podcast #138)
INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through time" #89 - Singapore Convention on the International Enforcement of Mediation Settlements. Contractual obligations and enforceable enforcement titles of mediation settlement agreements In conversation with Prof Dr Simon Heetkamp Good [...]
Transformers as digital companions for mediators, coaches and consultants? In conversation with Timm Richter. (INKOVEMA Podcast #137)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #137 - Transformers as digital companions for mediators, coaches and counsellors? What added value do Chat-GPT & Co. offer us and what do we need to [...]?
Decisions and their paradoxes. In conversation with Klaus Eidenschink (INKOVEMA podcast #136)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #136 - Decisions and their paradoxes. Why making decisions is an art that should be accompanied by extensive reflection. In conversation with Klaus Eidenschink [...]
From the human dark triad to the D-factor of personality. In conversation with Günther Mohr (INKOVEMA podcast #135)
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #135 - From the dark triad of the human being to the D-factor of personality The influence of the dark sides of a personality in coaching, mediation and other [...]
Clueless consultants IX – When clueless consultants advise consultants (INKOVEMA Podcast #134)
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Well through the time" #134 - Ratlose Berater VIII oder wenn ratlos Berater beratungsreich Berater beraten. Balling-Mohr-Weigel talks Well through the time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and [...]
Elements of mediation
Our learning and knowledge management tool
- 1 system,
- 5 main groups,
- 48 elements,
- over 500 index cards.
Our system for the theory and practice of mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.
Organise learning processes in an accessible way,
Structure knowledge openly.