Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.2022-11-14T08:17:29+01:00


Well through time

The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting

In this – podcast produced directly by us – we will present you with our guests and exciting perspectives and assessments on the following topics Mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting to stimulate thought.

It is our intention that you will be able to use the brilliant idea or, if required, a new approach to a solution for their problematic or conflictual situation.

This podcast will also feature Specialist experts come, scientists and researcherswhose areas of expertise and research findings offer (or at least suggest) important insights for dealing with conflicts and thus for mediation and conflict counselling in the VUCA world.

Have a listen now!

Yours, Sascha Weigel

PS: You can also find the episodes of our podcast produced together with Detektor.fm here „On the Twelve! The conflict and dispute podcast“ (2016-2018)

Subscribe to the podcast now!

1919 10, 2020

Conflict coaching – In conversation with Jutta Kreyenberg (INKOVEMA podcast #12)

By |19. 10. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Coaching, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interview, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast, Transaktionsanalyse|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #12 - Conflict coaching - It doesn't work without a willingness to reflect. In conversation with Jutta Kreyenberg Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching [...]

11 10, 2020

The Mediation Act and its white spot – Reinhard Greger (INKOVEMA-Podcast #11)

By |1. 10. 2020|Categories: Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interview, Klärungshilfe, Podcast, Recht der Mediation|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #11 - The Mediation Act and its white spot. The failure of the German legislator in 2012. In conversation with Reinhard Greger Gut durch die [...]

2323 09, 2020

Conflicts in Corona times – Jürgen von Oertzen (INKOVEMA Podcast #10)

By |23. 9. 2020|Categories: Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interview, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Well through the time" #10 - Conflicts in Corona times. What we can do now to prevent them. In conversation with Jürgen von Oertzen Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast about [...]

55 09, 2020

Clarification support and voluntariness in mediation – Ute Liepold (INKOVEMA-Podcast #9)

By |5. 9. 2020|Categories: Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interview, Klärungshilfe, Konzepte für die Mediation, Mediationsstile, Moderation, Podcast|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #9 - Clarification support and voluntariness in mediation. In conversation with Ute Liepold Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and [...]

11 09, 2020

Systemic Transactional Analysis – Günther Mohr – (INKOVEMA Podcast #8)

By |1. 9. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konzepte für die Mediation, Mediation in und für Organisationen, Podcast, Transaktionsanalyse|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #8 - Systemic Transactional Analysis. In conversation with Günther Mohr Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting. [...]

55 08, 2020

Business mediation. Mediation with company representatives and lawyers – In conversation with Jörg Risse (INKOVEMA Podcast #7)

By |5. 8. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interview, Konzepte für die Mediation, Mediation in und für Organisationen, Mediationsstile, Podcast, Verhandlungslehre|Tags: , , , , , , , |2 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #7 - Business mediation. Mediation with company representatives and lawyers. In conversation with Jörg Risse. Well through the time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and [...]

2828 07, 2020

Mediation in state courts. The conciliation judge procedure – In conversation with RiAG Thomas Puls (INKOVEMA podcast #6)

By |28. 7. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interview, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast, Recht der Mediation|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA-Podcast "Good through time" #6 - Mediations at state courts - The conciliation procedure in Germany. In conversation with RiAG Thomas Puls. Well through the time. The podcast about [...]

2323 06, 2020

Holistic corporate development – Franz-Ferdinand Kress (INKOVEMA Podcast #5)

By |23. 6. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Digitale Transformation, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Interview, Podcast|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #5 - Holistic corporate development - Turning employees into contributors. In conversation with Franz-Ferdinand Kress. Well through the time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching [...]

3131 05, 2020

Transformative Mediation – In conversation with Christian Hartwig (INKOVEMA Podcast #4)

By |31. 5. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Konzepte für die Mediation, Mediationsstile, Podcast|Tags: , |0 Comments

INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #4 - Transformative mediation. In conversation with Christian Hartwig. What transformative mediation is all about and which techniques are particularly important. Well through the time. The podcast [...]

2121 05, 2020

The concept of autonomy in transactional analysis – In conversation with Günther Mohr (INKOVEMA Podcast #3)

By |21. 5. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Autonomie (Menschenbild), INKOVEMA-Podcast - Gut durch die Zeit, Meine Meinung, Podcast, Transaktionsanalyse|0 Comments

INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #3 - The concept of autonomy in transactional analysis - In conversation with Günther Mohr To what extent is the concept of autonomy in transactional analysis still developing today? Well through time. [...]

55 05, 2020

Podcast: On the Twelve (#9) – Violence in German amateur football

By |5. 5. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Auf die Zwölf - Konfliktpodcast, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast, Sozialpsychologie|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Podcast "Auf die Zwölf - Der Konflikt und Streitpodcast" (#9) Violence in German amateur football How stressed are referees in German amateur football? Is violence really on the rise in German amateur football - and [...]

1919 03, 2020

Podcast: On the Twelve (#8) – Is the decline in population in the East leading to the radicalisation of the rest of the population?

By |19. 3. 2020|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Auf die Zwölf - Konfliktpodcast, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast, Zukunft|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Podcast "Auf die Zwölf - Der Konflikt und Streitpodcast" (#8) Is the decline in population in the east leading to the radicalisation of the rest of the population Population decline, division gap and radicalisation trends? 19.03.2020 [...]

1010 07, 2019

Podcast „On the Twelve! The conflict and dispute podcast“ – Domestic violence – Why do they stay?

By |10. 7. 2019|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Auf die Zwölf - Konfliktpodcast, Coaching, Gesundheit/Krankheit, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast, Sozialpsychologie|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Mediation must be well prepared. Photo: rawpixel | unsplash.com Podcast "Auf die Zwölf - Der Konflikt und Streitpodcast" (#7) Domestic violence: Why do they stay? Podcast now [...]

1919 03, 2019

Podcast „Auf die Zwölf – Der Konflikt- und Streitpodcast“ (#6) – Mobbing

By |19. 3. 2019|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Auf die Zwölf - Konfliktpodcast, Gesundheit/Krankheit, Konfliktmanagement, Mobbing, Podcast|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Bullying affects every age group. Image: MicroOne | shutterstock.com. Podcast "Auf die Zwölf - Der Konflikt und Streitpodcast" (#6) Mobbing - Distanz ist das Wichtigste Podcast jetzt hören [...]

1919 06, 2018

Podcast: Is the customer king? – We rarely talk about right and wrong.

By |19. 6. 2018|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Auf die Zwölf - Konfliktpodcast, Konfliktmanagement, Mediation in und für Organisationen, Podcast|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Photo: Zarli Skinner, shutterstock.com. Podcast: "On the Twelve - The Conflict and Dispute Podcast" "Is the customer king?" - "We rarely talk about right and wrong..." [...]

11 03, 2018

Podcast: Happiness through conflict – It didn't used to be so important

By |1. 3. 2018|Categories: Allgemein, Audio, Auf die Zwölf - Konfliktpodcast, Konfliktmanagement, Podcast|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Photo: Matheus Ferrero, unsplash.com. Podcast "Auf die Zwölf - Der Konflikt- und Streitpodcast" Happy and successful through conflict? How much conflict is involved? How [...]

Elements of mediation

Our learning and knowledge management tool

  • 1 system,
  • 5 main groups,
  • 48 elements,
  • over 500 index cards.

Our system for the theory and practice of mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Organise learning processes in an accessible way,
Structure knowledge openly.

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