Blog posts
Blog about mediation and conflict management
AI compass for mediation, coaching and counselling – #05 – Gaining visibility – Texting with Wolf-Schneider AI
KI-Kompass #05 - for mediation, coaching and counselling (DI, 08.04.2025, 12-13 h) Gaining visibility - texting with the [...]
The evaluative style of mediation (3/4) – The mediation appropriateness of evaluative mediation activities
The evaluative mediation style (3/4) - Mediation appropriateness of evaluative mediation activities Mediation principles as a framework for evaluative mediation services. [...]
AI compass for mediation, coaching and counselling #04 – Marketing for counsellors – Reflection with Shield
AI Compass #04 - for mediation, coaching and counselling (10.03.2025, 12-13 h) Reflection with How does LINKEDIN [...]
AI Compass for mediation, coaching and counselling #03 – Preparatory work. Research with Perplexity
KI-Kompass #03 - for mediation, coaching and counselling (06.02.2025, 12-13 h) Preparatory work and research with Perplexity [...]
AI compass for mediation, coaching and counselling #02 – Image generation with AI
AI Compass #02 - for mediation, coaching and counselling (06.01.2025, 12-13 h) Image generation with AI tools [...]
AI compass for mediation, coaching and counselling #01 – NotebookLM and Anthropic Console
AI Compass #01 - for mediation, coaching and counselling (06.12.2024, 12:00 - 13:00) NotebookLM and Anthropic Console Feedback Shower [...]
Roundup-Post 2024 – Artificial intelligence also for mediation, coaching and counselling?
2024 was all about the artificial intelligences that started talking on smartphones with ChatGPT and [...]
The evaluative mediation style (2/4) – The legality of evaluative mediation activities
The evaluative mediation style (2/4) - The legality of evaluative mediation activities German mediation law also permits evaluative mediation activities [...].
Lecture: Artificial intelligence and new technologies for mediators. The mediator's digital assistant (Mediation Festival BM 2024)
Lecture (slides & audio overview) Artificial intelligence and new technologies for mediators. The mediator's digital assistant (Mediationsfestival BM 2024) Mediationsfestival [...]
Essay: Process understanding for counselling and consensual negotiation processes, in: Sozialrecht aktuell. Journal for Social Counselling, Special Issue 2024, pp. 235-239.
Process understanding for counselling and consensual negotiation processes. The counselling concept of "counselling without advice", as used in business coaching and mediation [...].
Elements of Mediation 2024. Occasion, changes, prospects.
Elements of Mediation 2024 Occasion, changes, prospects What to say about the relaunch of the Elements of Mediation. [...]
Childcare models for the child after the parents have separated. Advantages and disadvantages of the residential model, the alternating model and the nest model.
Childcare models after parental separation Advantages and disadvantages of the residential model, the alternating model and the nest model [...]
Mediation for spouses in separation and divorce. An overview of topics for mediators
Mediation for spouses in separation and divorce. An overview of topics for mediators Every now and then [...]
Contact offers and acquisition measures for your own mediation services
Contact offers for mediation services Marketing measures by mediators to increase their visibility and successfully acquire clients. An overview [...]
Football wisdom for counselling and coaching. Quotes from the world of football for counsellors
Football wisdom for counselling and coaching. Quotes from the world of football for counsellors Football is not just sport, leisure, [...]
Development trends in the understanding of autonomy in transactional analysis. Thoughts on the DGTA Congress in Kassel 2024.
Development trends in the understanding of autonomy in transactional analysis. Thoughts on the DGTA's annual theme "Autonomy" on the occasion of the panel discussion at the DGTA Congress in Kassel [...].
The evaluative mediation style (1/4) – Evaluative mediation services
The evaluative mediation style (1/4) - Evaluative mediation services Evaluative and proven activities of mediators in mediations [...].
Essay: ABC on mediation in times of AI and New Work, in: Spektrum der Mediation 95/2024, p. 20-23
Essay: ABC of mediation in times of AI and New York in: Spektrum der Mediation 95/2024, p. 20-23 Dr [...]
Digital companions for mediators, in: Spektrum der Mediation 95/2024, p. 15-19
Essay: Digital companions for mediators. in: Spektrum der Mediation 95/2024, p. 15-19 Dr Sascha Weigel & Frank Termer [...]
Essay: Conflicts as development drivers in the transformation process of public administration, in: Verwaltung & Management, 30th Vol. (2024), No. 1, pp. 3-11
Conflicts as development drivers in the transformation process of public administration Ute Enderlein & Sascha Weigel In: Verwaltung & Management 30. Jg. [...]