Handbook: Theory and practice of transactional analysis in mediation
Theory and Practice of Transactional Analysis in Mediation A Handbook, Nomos-Verlag, 656 p., 2014 "...FOR MEDIATORS INTERESTED IN THEM, [...]
Theory and Practice of Transactional Analysis in Mediation A Handbook, Nomos-Verlag, 656 p., 2014 "...FOR MEDIATORS INTERESTED IN THEM, [...]
The Concept of the Activating State and its Image of Man in: Zeitschrift für Transaktionsanalyse, ZTA 2/2013, pp. 125 - 147, Paderborn 2013 (Also published in [...]
Dissertation on conflict management in the public administration of the activating state with transactional analysis and transaction-analytically based mediation At the same time a contribution to the treatment of social conflicts by means of law [...].
Environmental and planning law in practice and science Halle's lecture series "Environmental and planning law in practice and science" focussed on the Environmental Appeals Act (UmwRG) [...]
Win-Win or the triumph of the Harvard negotiation concept in mediation A few weeks ago I wrote something about the different styles of mediation and [...]
The drama triangle as a concept for analysing and intervening in mediation Conflict mediators take on the task of (firstly) understanding the conflict dynamics between the participants [...].
Galtung's violence triangle - A model for understanding social conflicts Mediation is methodologically based on the idea that conflicts can be resolved by clarifying and reconciling [...]...
33 TA concepts for mediation - and what you can do with them. This is going to be a long blog post. That's why I'd like to [...]