Sascha Weigel in conversation with the gws network for organisational and personnel development
Sascha Weigel in conversation with the gws network for organisational and personnel development Project: gws-forum 2021 - remote - "We know [...]
Sascha Weigel in conversation with the gws network for organisational and personnel development Project: gws-forum 2021 - remote - "We know [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #17 - Transition Coaching. In conversation with Rüdiger Schulz Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast about [...]
The Concept of Psychological Games in Transactional Analysis Part 5: Selected Psychological Games for Conflict Counselling Courtroom; Tumult; Overloaded; When you [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #16 - Pandemic-proof mediation training and other questions about mediation policy. In conversation with Peter Röthemeyer Well through [...]
Designing mediation. The almost forgotten mediation style according to Edward de Bono. The cognitive scientist Edward de Bono did not explicitly [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #15 - Resource-orientated transactional analysis. Impulses for an inspired coaching and counselling practice. In conversation with Bertine Kessel, [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #14 - Paraphrasing neuropsychologically analysed. How it has an emotionally positive and stimulating effect. In conversation with Maria [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #13 - Paraphrasing analysed from a conversational linguistic perspective. In conversation with Hans Nenoff Gut durch die Zeit. The podcast [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #12 - Conflict coaching - It doesn't work without a willingness to reflect. In conversation with Jutta Kreyenberg Well through [...]
Guest article: Current opportunities and risks for mediation from a relational perspective Guest article by Christian Hartwig [...]