INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#91 – Interspecific mediation in biosocial conflicts

Can Isar argue for itself – in mediation?

In conversation with attorney Charlotte Maier

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Charlotte Maier, lawyer, independent mediator (certified in accordance with ZMediatAusbV) and conflict counsellor. Studied law in Freiburg and completed her legal clerkship at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf, among others; studied mediation at the European University Viadrina. Lives in Halle (Saale).


  • In her work, Charlotte Maier considers the advantages if conflicts were not viewed exclusively as social phenomena and thus solely between people, but if the entities of the environment, which are often the object of dispute between the parties involved, were independent conflict actors. What would be and would open up possibilities for mediation if the river, which is used industrially, for tourism and economically by people and which is disputed between these people; if this river were given an independent voice in disputes, in court and in mediation? In this discussion, we will explore the basic idea.


  • Schulte-Kellinghaus, Raphael; Maier, Charlotte: The biosocial understanding of conflict - a new perspective on dealing with the ecological crisis, Konfliktdynamik , page 21 – 27.
  • Charlotte Maier, Raphael Schulte-Kellinghaus: Interspecific mediation: Participation of non-human actors in conflict resolution processes. Viadrina publication series on mediation and conflict management, Master's thesis, study programme 2018/2019, volume 35, paperback, 176 pages, 2022.Link)
