Process understanding for counselling and consensual negotiation processes.

On the understanding of counselling „counselling without advice“, as is common in business coaching and mediation.

in: Sozialrecht aktuell. Journal for Social Law, Special Issue 2024, pp. 235-239.

With the help of the experimental version of Notebook LM (google), a podcast conversation was created from the text, which summarises the content of the article and presents it in an entertaining way. Enjoy!


This article describes two different approaches to dealing with conflict and counselling situations in the area of social administrative law. The first part of the text deals with Fundamentals of administrative law agreements in the area of social benefits, often referred to as "Plans" or "agreements" are labelled as such. The author argues that these contracts cannot serve as an independent legal basis for lawsuits or appeals, but are only relevant in the context of an appeal or lawsuit against a corresponding benefit decision or against a refusal of benefits. The second part of the text deals with Process-orientated consulting approacheswhich are widely used in business coaching and mediation. The author emphasises that these approaches strengthen the client's personal responsibility and aim to enable them to help themselves. Process consultant act as companions and supporters in the process of defining problems and finding solutions, without patronising the client.