Mediation begins as conflict counselling or not at all (INKOVEMA Podcast EdM #23)
#23 EdM - Mediation begins as conflict counselling or not at all In the contract phase we do not yet act as mediators, but [...]
#23 EdM - Mediation begins as conflict counselling or not at all In the contract phase we do not yet act as mediators, but [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #124 - Experiences of mediation professionals as conflict parties in mediation What do mediators have as conflict parties in mediations - [...]?
INKOVEMA podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #76 - Der Sanierungsmoderator des StaRUG Proaktive Konfliktmanagement und Moderation für Unternehmen in wirtschaftlichen Schieflagen Im [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #68 - The functional concept of mediation What constitutes mediation activity in the light of the Mediation Act and is it subject to [...]?
#05 EdM - Violence and Mediation I Manifestations of violence in the context of mediation Which manifestations of violence are relevant for the [...]