INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#105 – Conflict prevention and conflict anticipation in the conflict management of organisations

On the way to a more comprehensive conflict management system?

In conversation with Dr Jörg Schneider-Brodtmann

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Jörg Schneider-Brodtmann, Lawyer at Menold Bezler in Stuttgart and certified mediator. WirtschaftsWoche 34/2019 described the negotiation expert as one of the most renowned lawyers for IT law (co-author of the IT law commentary in the Verlag Dr. Otto Schmidt KG), who for years has been advocating the advantages of mediation, even in conflict-prone, complex contractual relationships - and recommends mediative (contractual) process support, even if it has not yet come to an (escalated) conflict situation.


What do conflicts and potential conflicts mean for organisations – on the one hand those internally between members, and on the other hand those externally with suppliers, customers, clients and other stakeholders (politics, the public, associations, etc.)? What are conflicts for organisations and how do they want to deal with them? What preventative measures are sensible and suitable?

This episode is about organisational conflict management. In the Conflict management of organisations preventive and anticipatory approaches are widely recognised today. The aim here is to identify potential conflicts at an early stage and use them as indicators for the need for change and as an incentive for the interest-based development and restructuring of both internal organisational structures and (working) relationships as well as external business relationships. Ultimately, this also aims to generate added value for the organisation.

Anticipation measures are aimed directly at focusing on the potentially constructive effects of conflicts and thus making them useful for the organisation (utilitarian approach). Preventive measures In contrast to this are all those measures that are primarily intended to minimise the negative effects of conflict or generally eliminate conflict escalation.


  • Schneider-Brodtmann, J./Weigel, S.: Konfliktprävention und Konfliktantizipation im Konfliktmanagement von Organisationen, in: Konfliktdynamik, 3/2022, p. 172 – 179.