INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#145 – Challenges for mediation in organisations

The problem of power, the problem of voluntariness, the problem of openness to results

In conversation with Prof Dr Claus Nowak

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Prof Dr Claus NowakCoach, consultant, author of specialist books, honorary professor for personnel and organisational development at the University of Hamburg; doctorate in marine biology and trained secondary school teacher.


In organisations, mediators cannot simply work as in traditional mediation, in which the two conflict parties/persons have jointly commissioned the mediation and each pay half of the costs. The context of the organisation (as the employer who commissions and pays for the mediation) not only has a say in the content, but also has other implications. Which ones? We discuss this in the podcast.

The three challenges for mediation in the context of organisations (Organisational mediation = mediation in, for and by the organisation)

1. the power problem of the hierarchy or must the powerful stay outside?

Organisations establish hierarchies between role holders. This is unavoidable – as are conflicts between the hierarchical levels. The organisation itself is structurally more powerful than the individuals. Does this mean that the instrument of mediation is not applicable to conflicts between organisational members?

2. the voluntary nature of mediation or what does the employer's right of direction mean?

The right of direction allows the employer to give instructions regarding work performance, place of work and working hours. This can undermine the principle of voluntariness in mediation, as employees may feel forced to participate in mediation or accept certain solutions. Is it not mediation if the parties have been invited to start mediation?

3. the problem of openness in mediation or can openness have limits?

In mediation, the path to a solution should be open-ended. This is in contrast to many organisational decision-making processes, which are results-oriented and pursue specific goals. Is mediation impossible because the organisation has certain guidelines for the solution, i.e. limits (capacity limits, etc.)?

This episode of the podcast deals with these and other questions. Enjoy your insights – and we look forward to your feedback.
