Observing mediators. In conversation with Justus Heck (INKOVEMA podcast #36)
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #36 - Observing mediators... - or is arguing with mediators more fun? In conversation with Justus [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Good through time" #36 - Observing mediators... - or is arguing with mediators more fun? In conversation with Justus [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Well through time" #35 - When counsellors are at a loss or what is attitude. Does attitude describe something purely internal or [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #34 - Peace mediation and artificial intelligence. Frontier work with assistive technology for mediation? In conversation with Katharina [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Episodes of Mediation" #03 EdM - From the enquiry to the triangle What to consider when only one party to a conflict is [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #33 - Lines of development in counselling or the empathetic Niklas Luhmann. In conversation with Bernd Schmid Good [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #32 - Motivation in organisations. Motivation under pressure and motivation in a maelstrom. In conversation with Rolf [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Episodes of Mediation" #02 EdM - Waivers of Confidentiality and Exceptions to Duties of Confidentiality When parties favour audiences - does this raise legal and [...]
INKOVEMA Podcast "Good through time" #31 - StaRUG - Restructuring and conflict culture. Mediation skills for the economic restructuring and stabilisation of companies [...]
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Well through time" #30 - When consultants are at a loss or what counselling is today. Counselling as a curation task or [...]
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #29 - Mediation and artificial intelligence. When and how can artificial intelligence help mediators at work?