About Sascha

Prof. Dr. Sascha Weigel, conflict consultant and mediator; lawyer, licensed trainer for mediation (BM) and teaching transactional analyst under supervision for the area of organisation (PTSTA-O) as well as senior coach DBVC - advises, coaches, blogs and podcasts here on mediation and conflict management in times of digital transformation. Founder of the Elements of Mediation (www.elemente-der-mediation.de) and owner of INKOVEMA. Enthusiastic long-distance hiker and football fan who is currently prioritising the joys of fatherhood - as best he can. Lives in Leipzig and works nationwide.

Paradoxes of mediation

Paradoxien der Mediation Freiwilligkeit, Vertraulichkeit, Selbstbestimmtheit, Werblichkeit...Paradoxien der Mediation, die für Mediator*innen wichtig sind, ihre Arbeit zu verstehen [...]

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