INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#102 – Positioning of business mediation.

From the core idea of mediation, to better negotiation, to better mediation marketing.

In conversation with Prof Dr Jörg Risse

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Dr Jörg Risse, Partner at Baker McKenzie in Frankfurt/Main and honorary professor at the University of Mannheim. Author of the new standard work on (commercial) mediation.


This time it's all about commercial mediation and the role it currently plays in commercial disputes.

It's better to reach an inexpensive settlement now than to have to go to court later at great expense and exhaustion.

Business mediation for Jörg Risse is mediation for a conflict that would otherwise have to or would be decided by a civil judge. This eliminates all disputes that would otherwise be decided in court by a family court judge, labour court judge or administrative judge. It belongs to the category Negotiation mediationmediation, in which an independent third party optimises the negotiation, is generally more past-oriented, fact-based, legally sound, tends to be more sober and involves fewer relationship problems and emotional charges. The core idea of mediation is particularly clearly recognisable here: support for the parties to the conflict to negotiate better and thus overcome the obstacles and obstacles to negotiation.


  • Risse, Jörg: Business mediation. 2nd edition, Munich 2022.
  • Risse, Jörg: Zur Zukunft der Wirtschaftsmediation - Überlegungen in elf Aphorismen, in: Zeitschrift für Konfliktmanagement und Mediation 5/2022, 179-183.