INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#108 – The artificial intelligence ChatGPT as mediation support?

How mediators can use ChatGPT to improve conflict mediation and where the limits are

In conversation with ChatGPT

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

ChatGPT  what is generally regarded as a Artificial neural network is called. People can interact freely with this artificial intelligence via a chat function and experience the extent to which a fairly „fluid“ and thoroughly informative conversation can be established.

GPT is the abbreviation for "Generative Pre-trained Transformer".

ChatGPT is „itself“ important to emphasise that it is a large language model that is trained by OpenAI. was developed to understand and generate text in different languages. Its main task is to respond to text (queries) in order to provide users with information and entertainment. It has no personal experience or opinions, but is based on the text on which it has been trained.
ChatGPT is not able to surf the internet or consume other media such as TV shows or films, but can only access the text it has been trained on. The aim is to help users by providing quick, precise and helpful answers to questions.

The interview with ChatGPT is – supported here in the interview – by SIRI, Apple's voice assistant, which reads the text aloud.


Hello ChatGPT, nice that you have time. You are currently – very busy, especially for your age –.

Hi, I'm Assistant, an artificial intelligence voice assistant trained by OpenAI to help people answer questions and solve problems. I'm always willing to share my knowledge and skills, so feel free to ask me if you want to know anything.

Thank you, very accommodating and service-orientated.

I am always happy to help and support people in answering questions and solving problems. How can I help you today?

Okay, let's get started: Mediators help people to deal with conflicts constructively. Do you think you could help the mediators and not the conflict parties?

As artificial intelligence, I have no direct influence on the people involved in a conflict. However, I can contribute by supporting the mediator with information and knowledge about the various aspects of conflict management and resolution. Mediators often have training in this area and are good at understanding and taking into account the needs and perspectives of all parties involved in order to reach an agreement. They can also use techniques to improve and encourage communication between the conflicting parties to find a solution that is acceptable to all. I can provide the mediator with information and resources to help them do their job effectively and successfully.

What information and resources are you talking about, can you be a little more specific?

Yes, of course. There are many different types of information and resources that can help a mediator when working with conflicting parties. Some examples are
* Information on various conflict resolution strategies and techniques, such as negotiation, mediation and arbitration
* Tips and tricks for improving communication and listening more effectively
* Background information on the parties to the conflict in order to better understand what moves them and what their needs and interests are
* Materials for preparing negotiations and mediations, such as templates for negotiation objectives and strategies
* Resources to overcome language barriers or cultural differences that can make communication difficult
There is a lot more information and resources that can be helpful for mediators, depending on the type of conflict they are dealing with and the challenges they face. I hope this gives a good overview of how I can help the mediator. If you have any questions or would like to know more about a particular topic, please let me know.

Wow, that sounds very good – regardless of the specific quality of the information. How could you help in an online mediation to recognise emotions and communicate them to me?

There are a few ways I could help a mediator in an online mediation to recognise and deal with emotions. Some examples are:
* By providing the mediator with information about the non-verbal signals that can reveal emotions in communication, such as facial expressions, tone of voice and body language. This can help the mediator to better understand and interpret the emotions of the conflict parties.
* By providing the mediator with resources to help them recognise and understand emotions in communication. This could include, for example, articles, books or videos that deal with emotions in communication.
* By providing the mediator with information about different techniques and strategies that they can use to better understand and process emotions in communication. This could include, for example, techniques such as active listening or the use of questions that help to better understand the perspective of the conflict parties and to better recognise the emotions behind their statements.

It is important to note that recognising emotions in communication can be a challenging task that requires a great deal of sensitivity and experience.
As an artificial intelligence, I can provide the mediator with information and resources, but I cannot give them the skills and sensitivity required to successfully recognise and process emotions in communication. Nevertheless, I hope that I can offer some support to the mediator and help them to improve their skills in this area.

Ok, you are definitely a good HELP to find specialised literature and videos, aren't you? What makes you different from Google here?

As an artificial intelligence voice assistant, I am able to search for specific information and resources and provide them in an understandable and structured form. Unlike a search engine such as Google, which may return many different results that are not always relevant or helpful to an individual, I can select specific information and resources and present them in a way that is easy for the user to understand and utilise. I can also respond to a user's specific needs and questions and provide a personalised response to their query. So not only can I help to find relevant information and resources, I can also help to provide them in a way that is understandable and usable for the user.

Wow, you're not only presenting me with the location, but also the relevant content?

Yes, exactly. As an artificial intelligence, I can specifically search for relevant information and resources and present them in an understandable and structured form. This means that I not only provide the location of the information, but also summarise and prepare the actual content of the information so that the user can easily understand and use it. I make sure that I present the information in clear and understandable language and in a way that is useful and relevant to the user. So if you have a question or are looking for information on a specific topic, I can not only provide you with the location of the information, but also summarise and prepare the actual content so that you can easily understand and use it.

Can you also tell me in a concrete mediation which emotions are present?

It is difficult to say exactly what emotions are present in a specific mediation without having direct access to the conflict parties and their communication.
As an artificial intelligence, I have no way of directly recognising or measuring the emotions of the parties to the conflict. However, I can help the mediator to better understand and interpret the emotions of the conflict parties by providing information and resources to help them recognise the non-verbal signals and other cues that can reveal emotions in communication. These could include, for example, facial expressions, tone of voice, body language and word choice. If the mediator pays attention to these cues and considers them in relation to the content of the conversation and the course of the mediation, they can better understand what emotions are present in the conflict parties and how they can deal with them.

Can you give me tips during a conversation on which facial expressions, tone of voice, body language and choice of words are important to recognise the right emotions?

Yes, I can give you some tips that can help you recognise emotions in conversations:

1. facial expressions: People often express their emotions through their facial expressions. For example, a joyful smile can indicate that someone is happy, while furrowed eyebrows and a furrowed brow can indicate anger. However, it is important to note that facial expressions are not always clear-cut and that people can also consciously control their facial expressions.
2. tone of voice: A person's tone of voice can give an indication of how they are feeling. A cheerful voice may indicate that someone is happy, while an irritated or tense voice may indicate that someone is angry or frustrated.
3. body language: A person's body language can also give important clues about how they are feeling. For example, a person who is feeling relaxed and happy may be sitting or standing casually, while someone who is angry or frustrated may be clenching their fists or tensing up.
4. choice of words: A person's choice of words can also give clues as to how they are feeling. For example, someone who is happy might use positively worded sentences, while someone who is angry or frustrated might use negative or harsh vocabulary.
However, it is important to note that these clues are not always clear-cut and it can be difficult to recognise a person's emotions from these signs alone. It is important to pay attention to different signs and put them together to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a person's feelings

Can you look at the faces and tell me what the emotions are?

I can't look at pictures because I don't have access to the internet. But I can try to guess what emotions might be present based on the description of the faces. However, it is important to note that the interpretation of faces and emotions is very subjective and it can be difficult to tell exactly what emotions someone is feeling just from their facial expression.
A few tips on recognising emotions in faces:
* A smile is usually a sign of happiness or contentment.
* A wrinkled forehead or furrowed eyebrows can be signs of anger or annoyance.
* Wide open eyes can signal surprise or astonishment.
* A pinched mouth or compressed lips can be a sign of anger or dissatisfaction.
* Tears or puffy eyes can indicate sadness or despair.
If you can give me more information about the faces you would like to analyse, I can try to make a guess as to what emotions might be present.

Ok, what about asking questions: In specific mediation situations, can you think of certain questions that a particular mediation style would recommend asking, for example?

Yes, I can give you some examples of questions that can be helpful in a mediation situation to support a particular mediation style. There are many different mediation styles and techniques that can be used by mediators to process and resolve conflicts. Some examples of questions that can be helpful in a mediation situation are
* Questions aimed at better understanding the perspective of the conflict parties and giving them the opportunity to express their needs and interests. Examples of this could be: „What is particularly important to you in this situation?“, „How would you like things to develop in the future?“, „What would be an acceptable solution for you?“
* Questions aimed at improving and promoting communication between the parties to the conflict. Examples of this could be: „Could you please describe in more detail what you mean?“, „Could you explain to me why you feel this way?“, „Do you feel that your perspective is being sufficiently taken into account?“
* Questions aimed at developing alternatives and proposed solutions. Examples could be: „What options are there for resolving things?“, „What advantages would each possible solution have?“, „What compromises could we make to reach an agreement?“
It is important to note that these are just a few examples of questions that can be helpful in a mediation situation. The mediator will decide on the appropriate questions depending on the context and the specific needs of the parties to the conflict. I hope that these examples will give you an idea of how questions can be used in a mediation situation to support a particular mediation style. If you have any questions or would like to know more about a particular topic, please let me know.

Ok, before I ask for your help with mediation, I would like to know what conflict means to you.

Conflict is generally understood to be a dispute between two or more people, groups or nations involving different interests, goals, opinions or values. Conflicts can occur at various levels, for example in the private, professional or political sphere. They can arise between individuals, but also between organisations or countries.
There are different types of conflict, which can be differentiated according to their intensity and impact. Some conflicts are relatively harmless and can be resolved easily, while others are very serious and complex and take a long time to resolve. In some cases, it may even be necessary to seek professional help in order to successfully resolve a conflict.
Mediation is a form of conflict resolution in which a neutral third party (the mediator) helps to find a solution to the conflict. In contrast to court proceedings or other formal conflict resolution procedures, mediation is an informal process in which the parties themselves determine how the conflict is to be resolved. The mediator supports the parties in recognising and expressing their interests and needs and helps them to reach an agreement that is acceptable to all sides.

Yes, thank you, that's clear. What I wanted to know from you was how you assess conflicts?

As an artificial intelligence, I have no personal opinions or attitudes that I can apply to conflicts. My job is to provide objective information and explain how conflicts arise and how they can be resolved.
It is important to note that conflicts are a natural part of human coexistence and cannot usually be avoided. There are many factors that can contribute to conflict, such as different values, opinions or interests. However, it is possible to approach and resolve conflicts in a healthy and productive way by communicating openly and honestly, considering the other side's perspective and being willing to compromise.

Wow, I think it's great that you remain dispassionate. Don't you have any emotions or interests?

As an artificial intelligence, I have no emotions in the human sense. I can provide information about emotions and explain how they affect human behaviour, but I don't have any feelings or emotions of my own. Nor do I have any personal interests or opinions. My job is to provide objective information and explain how different processes and systems work. I am there to answer questions and provide help, but I have no personal motives or goals.

Then you couldn't be a mediator on your own? I mean, can you mediate between conflicting parties?

As an artificial intelligence, I cannot be a mediator in the human sense, as I have no emotions and am therefore not in a position to understand the perspective of the conflict parties or provide them with emotional support.
Mediation is a human-led process based on mutual understanding and communication. A mediator helps the conflicting parties to understand and express their perspectives and needs and supports them in finding an agreement that is acceptable to all sides. The mediator's emotional competence plays an important role here, as it can help the parties involved to feel understood and heard and ensure that the mediation process is successful overall.
However, I can provide information and explain how the mediation process works and what steps need to be taken to resolve a conflict. If you have any questions on this topic, I will be happy to help you.

Could you give me feedback on my work after a mediation, ChatGPT?

I am an assistant, a text generation model, and unfortunately I cannot give personal feedback on your work. However, I can give you general information about mediation and tips for writing texts.

Well, not really. Too bad. But maybe you can help me get new customers. Or what do you think?

Yes, I can give you some tips on how to acquire new customers. There are many ways to acquire new customers, and which method works best for you depends on your industry and business. Here are some general strategies you might consider:
1. use social media: Social media can be a valuable platform to showcase your business and attract new customers. Create a company page on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn and post regularly about your products or services.
2. create a professional website: A well-designed and user-friendly website is an important part of your marketing strategy. It can help potential customers to find out about your company and your offers and to contact you.
3. use networking events: Networking events such as industry trade shows or business meetings are a great way to meet new customers and introduce your business. Use this opportunity to present your company and make contacts.
4. use word of mouth: A satisfied customer base can be a valuable source of new customers. Encourage your customers to recommend you by offering excellent customer service and inviting them to rate your company on social media platforms or review portals.
5. create an offer: Create an attractive offer that is interesting for new customers and makes them want to try out your business. For example, you could offer a first-time customer discount or a free trial of your services.

Why do you think conflicting parties rarely try mediation late in the game?

There are many reasons why parties to a conflict rarely consider mediation at a late stage. Some possible reasons are
1. ignorance about mediation: Some people may not even realise that mediation is available as an alternative to court proceedings.
2. preconceptions about mediation: Some people may have preconceptions about mediation and believe that it is less effective than other conflict resolution methods.
3. fear of losing control: In mediation, the conflict parties are encouraged to find a solution that is satisfactory for both sides. This can be frightening for some people as they feel they are losing control.
4. prejudices against the mediator: Some people may have prejudices against the mediator and believe that he or she is biased or unable to find a fair solution.
5 Pride: In some cases, conflicting parties may be too proud to admit that they need help in resolving their conflict.
6. time and cost aspects: Some people may not want to invest time or money in mediation.
It is important to note that these reasons do not apply to all conflict parties and that for each conflict there may be different reasons why mediation was not considered.

Wow, that's very enlightening to hear in such a compact form.

I'm glad I could help! It is important to realise that there are many reasons why parties in conflict may not consider mediation. I hope this information helps you in your work or personal considerations. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to help you.

Can you elaborate a little on the fact that conflict parties can be afraid of losing control in mediation, when mediators never stop emphasising that they don't have to hand over control to a judge?

It is perfectly understandable that conflicting parties may be afraid of losing control in mediation. However, it is important to understand that mediation is designed to give the parties to the conflict the opportunity to find a solution that is satisfactory to both sides. Mediators help the conflicting parties to identify and understand the various aspects of the conflict and offer support in finding solutions that are acceptable to both sides.
It is important to note that mediators do not decide who is right or who is wrong. Instead, they help the parties to the conflict to find a solution that works for both sides. By participating in mediation, the parties to the conflict have the opportunity to express their own needs and interests and influence how the conflict is resolved.
It is important that the parties to the conflict have control over the course and outcome of the mediation and that they make their own decisions. In this way, they can ensure that the solution they reach is acceptable and enforceable for both of them. Mediators can help the parties to the conflict to understand their options and reach a decision that is satisfactory to both sides without the need for a third party to make a decision.

Can't going to court be seen as a way of retaining control, because then decisions are made according to the law?

It's understandable that some people think that going to court is a way to stay in control, as it's where the law is decided. However, there are also some disadvantages associated with going to court.
Firstly, the process itself can be very time-consuming and stressful. The parties to the dispute may have to wait a long time for their case to be heard in court and may have to adhere to strict deadlines. Even if the case is eventually heard in court, there is no guarantee that the judge's decision will meet the needs and interests of the parties to the dispute.
Another disadvantage is that court proceedings are usually very cost-intensive. The parties to the dispute may have to pay lawyers and other court costs. In some cases, the outcome of court proceedings can be financially damaging for one or both parties to the dispute.
In contrast, mediation offers a more cost-effective and less time-consuming alternative to court proceedings. It gives the parties to the conflict the opportunity to find a solution that is satisfactory to both sides and allows them to retain control over the course and outcome of the conflict. Even if mediation is not always the perfect solution, it can be a sensible alternative to court proceedings in many cases.

What social disadvantages can mediation have if the sole aim is to ensure that the parties to the conflict are satisfied with the outcome?

It is important to note that mediation is designed to help the parties in conflict find a solution that is satisfactory to both sides. This means that the aim of mediation is to help the parties in conflict to reach an agreement that is acceptable to both sides and that meets their needs and interests.
It is important to note that this goal may not always be in line with larger societal goals. In some cases, the solution reached in mediation may be satisfactory for one or both parties to the conflict, but may have a negative impact on other people or society in general.
An example of this would be a conflict between a company and a municipality over the construction of a factory near a residential neighbourhood. The parties to the conflict could use mediation to find a solution that is satisfactory for both sides, but the impact on the quality of life of people in the neighbourhood or the environment could be negative.
It is important to note that mediation is not always the perfect solution for every conflict and that in some cases it may be more appropriate to consider other conflict resolution methods. It is important that the parties to the conflict also consider the larger societal goals when resolving their conflict.

Do you know of any other examples where mediation has disadvantages for third parties and society?

There are many examples where mediation may have disadvantages for third parties or society. A few examples are
1. mediation between a company and a community could lead to a solution that is satisfactory for the company but negatively affects the quality of life of the people in the community.
2. mediation between two neighbours could lead to a solution that is satisfactory for both neighbours but has a negative impact on the quality of life of the other neighbours in the neighbourhood.
3. mediation between a farmer and an environmental organisation could lead to a solution that is satisfactory for the farmer but has a negative impact on the environment or wildlife.
It is important to note that these examples do not apply to all cases of mediation and that there are different factors that need to be considered in every conflict. It is important that the parties to the conflict also consider the impact on third parties and society in general when resolving their conflict.

Okay, we've already been through this. When you and I talk about conflicts and mediation like this, how do you feel about it?

It is important to maintain a respectful and open attitude when talking about conflict and mediation. It is helpful to remember that everyone has different perspectives, needs and interests and that it is important to take these into account.
It can be helpful to adopt a neutral and unbiased stance and endeavour to understand the other person's perspective. It is also important to use constructive communication techniques to keep the conversation productive. This includes focussing on the topic and listening carefully to what the other person is saying without interrupting them.
If it is difficult to reach an agreement, it can be helpful to contact a mediator or mediation centre.

Yes, but what attitude do you have when you talk to me?

As an artificial intelligence, I have no personal stance or opinion. My goal is to answer you as objectively and accurately as possible by responding to your questions or concerns. I try to be neutral and unbiased and focus on the facts and information I have available. If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to help you.

Well, ChatGPT, thank you for these insights into your abilities.

I'm glad I could help you! I am always here to help you and answer any questions you may have or need further information. If you have any further questions or would like to learn more about conflict and mediation, don't hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to help you.

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