INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#20 – Clarification support and mediation.

Part 1: Methods and interventions: Doubling, deepening, dialogue, explanation house.

In conversation with Tilman Metzger

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Tilman Metzger, mediator from the very beginning in Germany and a recognised expert in mediation support, talks about specific methods and interventions in mediation support. They are illustrated in practice using a specific case. This episode lays the foundation for the follow-up programme, which will examine the extent to which clarification support is a special style of mediation.


  • Personal path From peace mediator in Belfast in the 1980s to mediator and trainer in the German Mediation Association.
  • Methods of clarification support
    • Doubling: When in the process?, How exactly?, Why?

When doubling up, we name observations, accusations and feelings in a very calm tone, thereby objectifying them.

    • Deepening: factual level, relationship level, feelings of defence, inner distress
    • Dialogue: Dialogue: What do you say? How do you react to it?
    • Explanation house: Riemann model, Eneagram etc.

And since that's the way it is –

and that will not change so easily…

How would you like to deal with this?

discussed in the study:
