INKOVEMA Newsletter
Mediation and conflict management
# 36
A. Key topics:
– Structural racism? Culturalism!
– Potential for conflict in a globalised society
B. Concepts for mediation
– Part 4: Concept of the Inner Team (von Thun)
Structural racism? Culturalism!
– „Racist ideas The one who assumes an ethnic hierarchy, that one group is better than the other. Anti-racist ideas are based on the assumption that all groups are equal. There is nothing between these two views. Either – or. Therefore there is also no non-racistsbut definitely anti-racists “ Interview with Ibraim X. Kendi, Historian and author of the award-winning book „Branded. The true story of racism in America“, Munich 2017. read more
– Racism, er culturalism in China: Together with sinologists, the Chinese government has developed a kind of „Chinese exceptionalism“. The claim is that everything that looks like racism in China is something completely different from the „true racism“ of the West, namely a tradition rooted in history and culture. read more
– How is all this hatred changing society? Do bad words lead to bad deeds? And Do we have to be prepared for more violence? A detailed Interview with the founder of the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Jan Philipp Reemtsma.
- EXCERPT: „Do people from different cultural backgrounds really have different attitudes to violence? ‚We are also visited by People from regions where there is a different normality of everyday, male, family, youth violence, that is a fact. You have to be prepared for such confrontations, you have to deal with them. It is all too easy to argue that such cultural encounters must fail. But why? The society we live in is very, very capable of integration, as the fifties and sixties have shown. But what went well once doesn't always have to go well again. You have to do something about it. When new forms of violence emerge in a society, the institutions that are there to deal with it must react: the police and the public prosecutor's office. That is enough.'“ read more
– Racism is intellectual laziness – How does someone become an angry citizen or a xenophobe? Interview with the Psychologist and revolutionary eccentric Niels Birbaumer.
- Excerpt: „Psychologically speaking, this is the fear of the unknown. You can't prevent that, everyone has it. But when people meet their first Syrian and he doesn't hurt them, they usually get over it. The world is as simple as that “ read more
– But what is actually Structural or institutional racism? The British publicist Reni Edda-Lodge in your Book „Why I no longer talk to white people about skin colour“ (2019) and since then (and even before that) has talked incessantly with white people about skin colour. Fortunately. Radio programme // BRead article
- Excerpt from her book: „…The standard for racism has long been set by the easily condemnable activities of white extremists and nationalists …If all forms of racism were as easy to recognise, understand and denounce as white extremism, the task of anti-racists would be simple. Many people believe that an act cannot be racist if there is no physical attack or if the word >nigger< is not used. If no black person is spat at in the street or no white extremist politician in a suit bemoans the lack of British jobs for British workers, then it's not racist…We tell ourselves that good people can't be racist. We seem to think that only bad people are real racists…but it's not about good or bad people. …Structural racism is difficult to hold accountable. Structural racism is a white workplace [and social] culture. It's about collective bias. “ The book gives plenty of concrete examples of British society. Worth reading.
– Media scientist Kai Hafez analyses the The emergence of images of Islam in the press, radio and television for over 20 years. He observes that 60%-80% of the reports about Muslims have negative connotations. Most of the time, there was talk of terrorism and violence. "When something negative happens, it confirms our Stereotypesand when something positive happens, we don't even think about a connection". read more
– #from here: The Question about the origin – Is that already racism? Or is the reaction to the answer the racist moment? This debate comes up from time to time and we have picked out two contrasting contributions here. One Article from the world and a Article from Der Spiegel.
On 26 June 2000, the then American president answered one of the most important questions of the modern world in his public address.
– Within the groups that until then qualified as human races, individuals have greater genetic differences than individuals of different „racial“ groups.
– There are no genes that can be assigned to a specific human group.
This proved that the concept of race had no genetic or other scientific basis.
This also made it clear that there was no biological category of race that was politically charged, but that it was a political category that came disguised biologically.
Today, only „obdurates“ hold the idea that certain groups of Homo Sapiens express different social behaviours based on genetics and biology, that blood and skin colours are causal – and therefore must be treated differently politically and socially.
Today, the political will to treat certain people and groups politically and socially differently is mainly justified by the fact that they come from a different culture or religion – and are therefore „the way they“ are„.
Concepts for mediation
For mediation and especially for explicit work, the Concept of the inner team (von Thun)The idea that different aspirations and personality traits argue, argue and co-operate within us, which ultimately (should) communicate with one voice to the outside world – or are communicated verbally and non-verbally in contradictory ways.
Günther Mohr has this Concept combined with the functional ego states of transactional analysis and created a practicable tool that is intuitive and Also ideally suited for mediation is. You can find his comments on this in our blog. read more
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