How do you play with people you don't actually like? Is there more simulation in football today than in the past? What can companies learn from sports teams? In this episode of „Auf die Zwölf“: Conflicts in sport.

Conflicts in sport

In this episode, we talk about conflicts in sport. We also interview one of Germany's best-known sports journalists. Marcel Reif realises that today's footballers are much more professional than those of the past. They know exactly how to communicate with the media and how to fake a foul. This is because today's athletes want to win at all costs. Because there is a lot of money at stake.

Learning from football

We also talk to Ansgar Thiel from the University of Tübingen. He has discovered that athletes are professionals in conflict resolution, and that some managers could learn a thing or two from them.

Guide through the podcast Christian Eichler and Dr Sascha Weigel. He is a business mediator and mediation trainer. In the first two episodes, the two are also accompanied by the mediator Dominik Wahlig supported.