INKOVEMA Podcast „Well through time“

#133 – Mental contrasting with WOOP!

How your own future is shaped – or not.

In conversation with Prof Dr Gabriele Oettingen

Well through time. The podcast about mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Gabriele Oettingen began her scientific career as a behavioural biologist at the Max Planck Institute in Seewiesen, Bavaria. She later completed her habilitation in psychology at the Free University of Berlin. She researches expectations, fantasies about the future, motivation and self-regulation. She has been a professor at the University of Hamburg since 2000 and at New York University since 2002.

Gabriele Oettingen in conversation with Larry King


Mental contrasting and WOOP are two techniques that are often used in the field of positive psychology and goal setting.

Mental contrasting

Mental contrasting is a method that was developed to improve the realisation of goals. It was developed by the psychologist Gabriele Oettingen. Mental contrasting is about contrasting the goal or desire with the obstacles and challenges that could arise along the way. By visualising both the positive aspects of the goal and the potential difficulties, you can develop more realistic expectations and better prepare yourself for achieving it. This can help to increase motivation and focus on the actions required to achieve the goal.


WOOP stands for „Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan“ and is a technique for goal setting and self-regulation. WOOP is based on the idea that it is not enough to simply have goals and aspire to them, but that it is also important to develop realistic plans and take potential obstacles into account. The WOOP method provides a practicable exercise plan and process for this.

The WOOP method consists of four steps:

Wish: Identify a specific and challenging goal or wish.

Result (outcome): Imagine what it would be like to achieve the goal. Visualise the positive result mentally or in real or material terms, as well as the emotions associated with it.

Obstacle: Identify possible obstacles or internal barriers that could prevent you from achieving the goal. These can be personal weaknesses, unforeseen circumstances or external resistance.

Plan: Develop a concrete plan to deal with the obstacles. Think about how you can deal with the obstacles when they arise and plan specific actions to overcome them.

By using the WOOP method, realistic goal setting is encouraged and at the same time an awareness of possible obstacles is created in order to develop effective strategies to overcome these obstacles.
