Customer testimonials about our work

References for mediation and coaching training programmes

STEPHAN BADER, Senior Director HR/Syndicus, European Air Transport DHL Express Leipzig GmbH, participant 2020

Of course, you can go elsewhere and do seminars and training courses there, but why? Here the quality is right, the content and presentation are at the highest level. Simply great.

STEPHAN BADER, Senior Director HR/Syndicus, European Air Transport DHL Express Leipzig GmbH, participant 2020



Training in mediation 2022

ANJA BENKE, PERSONAL AND ORGANISATIONAL CONSULTANT, mediation training and further training 2019

After an initial mistake at another training institute, I was impressed by you from the very beginning. totally enthusiastic have created a great education...and with an ideal group, personalities from different industries, age groups, short: a perfect learning environment. I am a real fan and would recommend the training programme to others at any time.

ANJA BENKE, PERSONAL AND ORGANISATIONAL CONSULTANT, mediation training and further training 2019

DR. JÖRG SCHNEIDER-BRODTMANN LL.M. (Viadrina), lawyer and business mediator at Menold Bezler Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Wirtschaftsprüfer Partnerschaft mbB in Stuttgart

I decided to train as a coach and counsellor at INKOVEMA because it combines a systemic perspective with a humanistic-individualistic approach based on transactional analysis. This enables me to focus on the individual with their individual characteristics and needs in addition to the respective systemic context, both when coaching individuals and when supporting organisations in change processes.
The training at INKOVEMA is characterised by a solid theoretical foundation and a high level of practical relevance with many practical exercises and space for self-reflection. During the face-to-face modules in Leipzig, there is also the opportunity to have cases from your own counselling practice supervised by the trainers or to reflect on them together with other training participants as part of a peer case consultation.
The two trainers, Prof. Dr Sascha Weigel and Günther Mohr, with their many years of experience as DGTA teachers and DVBC coaches and thanks to their high level of didactic competence, succeed in presenting the not always very simple models and concepts of systemic transactional analysis in an understandable and accessible way. Through the training I have essential impulses for my personal development as well as for my counselling practice in coaching individuals and supporting organisations in change processes. However, I can also use the methods I learnt during my training in my day job as a lawyer and business mediator, particularly when dealing with conflicts (of interest) in the corporate environment (B2B) and when supporting contract negotiations. profitable use.

DR. JÖRG SCHNEIDER-BRODTMANN, LL.M. (Viadrina), lawyer and business mediator at Menold Bezler Rechtsanwälte Steuerberater Wirtschaftsprüfer Partnerschaft mbB in Stuttgart, coaching and counselling training 2021-2023


IT Project Manager & Team Leader

Training in mediation 2022

GÜNTHER MOHR, counsellor, training coach and transaction analyst, mediation training 2017

The decisive factor with INKOVEMA is the combination of a solid legal background, a dialogue-based approach and the explanatory content of transactional analysis models. This combination makes mediation a powerful instrument.

GÜNTHER MOHR, counsellor, training coach and transaction analyst, mediation training 2017

DR. JUDITH WILL, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, FHS ERFURT, coaching and counselling training 2022-2024

...the large proportion of self-reflection phases has given me a deep insight into my personality, my scripting experiences and my attitudes made possible. Thanks to the training, I now have a different view of interpersonal interaction, can better classify behaviour and actions in both professional and private contexts and am in a better position to do so, Self-confident, transparent and goal-orientated to communicate.

The training was very beneficial for my profession as a lawyer, as conflicts of interest and interpersonal conflicts are often the starting point for legal disputes. The legal dispute, in turn, often does not resolve the conflicts. The concepts of transactional analysis enable me to recognise and understand conflicts and prevent legal disputes.

DR. JUDITH WILL, DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, FHS ERFURT, coaching and counselling training 2022-2024


Student of agricultural sciences

Training in mediation 2022

Dr Ute Enderlein, lecturer at the Department of Digital Administration i.Gr. at Meißen University of Applied Sciences (FH) and training centre, GAMED/OMED 2020/21

The INKOVEMA training course in organisational mediation important basic attitude: we should recognise the "reality of conflict" and deal with conflicts with an open and courageous attitude, professional methods and on a solid legal basis.

INKOVEMA's training in organisational mediation is also a A successful bridge to change management and profitable for every organisation in change processes such as digital transformation. As a lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences for Public Administration of the Free State of Saxony, I have not only taught Sound knowledge won, but also lots of practice and exercise, which I will apply as a mediator in specific organisational development processes.

Dr Ute Enderlein, lecturer at the Department of Digital Administration i.Gr. at Meißen University of Applied Sciences (FH) and training centre, GAMED/OMED 2020/21

Simon Lenk, employee in a municipal corporation, Department for Strategic OE, mediation training 2020

For me it was a Top-class training. Sascha always teaches in a practical manner, sharing the experience gained from his many years as a mediator and embedding the content in the dynamics of society and organisations. All this with a lot of humour and sensitivity.

Simon Lenk, employee at a Leipzig-based company, mediation training 2020

BARBARA VENETIKIDOU, Orchestra Manager, Saxon Wind Philharmonic Orchestra, mediation training 2020.

The training has been extremely helpful in my work. As an orchestra manager, I am always confronted with various conflicts, which I can resolve more effectively and easily with the valuable expertise gained from the training. This training is a must for managers – and I can only recommend them.

The friendly, empathetic manner of Sascha Weigel together with his valuable experience both as a mediator and as a lecturer guarantees a fruitful and successful training programme!

BARBARA VENETIKIDOU, Orchestra Manager, Saxon Wind Philharmonic Orchestra, mediation training 2020.

Dr Stefanie Buchmann, Head of the Legal Department, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, mediation training 2019

The training you offer with INKOVEMA is very demanding, very appealing and rhetorically so pleasant and so well-founded in terms of content

Dr Stefanie Buchmann, Head of the Legal Department, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, mediation training 2019

ANGELA MATTHIES, Head of Human Resources, Ott-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Mediation Training 2020

In January 2020, I started training to become a certified mediator. The participants who came together there turned out to be a great group. In this environment and under the guidance of Dr Sascha Weigel it was easy to learn and discuss questions and doubts. Unfortunately, 3 out of 5 modules had to be held digitally in the end. But here, too, the INKOVEMA concept proved to be viable, so that I was able to gain knowledge and insights – about myself – in this way as well. The attendance dates were incredibly stimulating and intense and have a strong after-effect. The role plays in particular enabled me to see conflict situations, which are by no means unfamiliar to me due to my professional activities, with different eyes. I can only recommend this training and hope that I can continue in some way and that contact with the participants is not completely lost afterwards.

ANGELA MATTHIES, Head of Human Resources, Ott-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Mediation Training 2020

DIANA KIRCHHOF, Head of Human Resources, Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute e.V., Mediation Training 2020

After my coaching training, I started this training in January 2020 to learn the techniques, the process of mediation and the other approach to conflict. The aim was and is to apply these dialogue techniques in conflicts in the work environment. Today I am very happy to have completed this training at INKOVEMA. Sascha and Florian enriched the training programme with their extensive experience. They willingly passed this on and made it very valuable with supervision and peer counselling sessions with the participants. The online modules on offer have opened up the view into the digital mediation given. The training was accompanied by the Elements of mediationwhich make mediation understandable and digital course notes with lots of information to read up on. The Podcast by Sascha "Gut durch die Zeit" is appropriate in terms of content and deepens what has been learnt.

I can definitely recommend the training programme.

DIANA KIRCHHOF, Head of Human Resources, Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute e.V., Mediation Training 2020

Pastor STEPHAN TISCHENDORF, emergency counselling, crisis intervention, community counselling, organisational development, south-west Saxony, mediation training 2020

Sascha Weigel understands how to create a Learning atmosphere that is both relaxed and yet highly focussed and constructive. Combined with his "Elements of Mediation" teaching system, this is the Ideal preparationto work as a mediator.

Pastor STEPHAN TISCHENDORF, emergency counselling, crisis intervention, community counselling, organisational development, Southwest Saxony Mediation training 2020

BERNWARD PAULICK, ARCHITECT, mediation training and further training 2019/2020

One of your strengths is that you dealt with concerns very personally and directlyI feel prepared for such conversations, internally strengthened. That's really great!

BERNWARD PAULICK, ARCHITECT, mediation training and further training 2019/2020

MARTIN HÖLSCHER, theologian and coach, mediation training 2019 was not always easy, but a challenging which I learnt and enjoyed a lot;...gradually your system of elements and what mediation means ...and it was a great groupin which I was able to learn here - that is also thanks to you, Sascha....

MARTIN HÖLSCHER, theologian and coach, mediation training 2019

DR. UTA BOCK, Head of Human Resources, FSU Jena, Mediation Training 2019

What training can achieve can be found here at INKOVEMA. I learnt many new methods and was able to try them out straight away and then integrate them into my work practice.

DR. UTA BOCK, Head of Human Resources, FSU Jena, Mediation Training 2019

Attorney Thomas Leib, Leipzig, 2017

...the idea that we lawyers work in a highly stressful profession was already clear to me beforehand - what wasn't tangible was what to do about it. I only realised this during my training - and I will definitely keep at it.

...the idea of the trial is now much more prevalent. As lawyers, we are moulded in scientific work, in prevailing opinions and minority opinions. We have not been sensitised to the subtleties of a process, just as we have not been trained to ask questions and learn to communicate in order to allow the process to develop at all. DTraining has shown me completely different ways of approaching situations (also openly) and accepting the process.

Attorney Thomas Leib, Leipzig, 2017

NADINE GRAUPNER, Saalekreis district administration, mediation training 2019

I am absolutely satisfied with the mediation training at INKOVEMA and have learnt a lot in the five modules, which I am now putting into practice.

NADINE GRAUPNER, Saalekreis district administration, mediation training 2019

NORBERT PEISKER, team developer & personnel management linimed GmbH, mediation training 2018 + further training 2020

...I completed the training in 2018. The reason was a new professional branch that was to deal with conflict prevention for employees and teams. I mainly use mediation in a professional context. I find this very important, especially in the social field. I learnt a lot during my training learnt about my own personality and super great methods. I found the group work and role plays particularly appealing. In this day and age, I can only recommend the Recommend training for all companies.

NORBERT PEISKER, team developer & personnel management linimed GmbH, mediation training 2018 + further training 2020

DR. KATHRIN CARL, coach and mediator, further training in organisational mediation 2021

You have created an exciting and varied training programme: comprehensive knowledge transfer, enriched by numerous practical examples with plenty of time to try things out, practise and exchange ideas in a great group – I am very happy with this. well prepared for my own counselling and mediation work.

DR. KATHRIN CARL, coach and mediator, further training in organisational mediation 2021

BIRGIT-ELISABETH NEUMANN, BENOE OrganisationsEntwicklung - design-to-change, mediation training 2019

I can highly recommend the mediation training programme at INKOVEMA. The training course is Very practice-orientated and the training content can therefore already be put into practice during the course. In addition, both the organisation and the preparation of the documents are super professional. This has strengthened my decision to attend the other modules in order to acquire the qualification as a licensed mediator.

BIRGIT-ELISABETH NEUMANN, BENOE OrganisationsEntwicklung - design-to-change, mediation training 2019

Elements of mediation

Our learning and knowledge management tool

  • 1 system,
  • 5 main groups,
  • 48 elements,
  • over 500 index cards.

Our system for the theory and practice of mediation, conflict coaching and organisational consulting.

Organise learning processes in an accessible way,
Structure knowledge openly.

Seminar references

Melanie Berger, management consultant and mediator, Vienna, seminar participant 2020

I can recommend the "Strategic Mediation" seminar to anyone who is looking for new approaches to the topic of business mediation. Seeing mediation as a strategic instrument opens up completely new approaches and arguments in favour of the mediator's actions. Sascha Weigel's humour and wide-ranging experience are a real enrichment - the long journey from Vienna to Leipzig was more than worth it!

Melanie Berger, management consultant and mediator, Vienna, seminar participant 2020

Walter Hertel, conflict consultant, Die Unternehmerberater, seminar participant 2020

2 days of strategic mediation. As a long-standing conflict counsellor, can you benefit from Sascha? Of course - even before through his podcasts and regular information, now in a more focussed way. Clear concepts, well thought-out positions and backgrounds, concrete practical experience, a flexible exchange - this is how inspiration for self-sharpening and self-expansion arises.

Walter Hertel, conflict consultant, Die Unternehmerberater, seminar participant 2020

DIANA KIRCHHOF, Head of Human Resources, Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute e.V., Seminar „Mediation with Transactional Analysis“ 2021

Training to become a mediator at INKOVEMA made me curious about the theories and concepts of transactional analysis. I wanted to understand how these could be used in the context of mediation. I bought books - but it was only with this seminar that my understanding of TA solidified.

Sascha's clear explanations of the theories, the presentation of the concepts in role plays or using practical examples were understandable and enlightening. In any case, this seminar has further sharpened my perception and communication skills, which is absolutely beneficial for mediation settings. Many thanks for that!

DIANA KIRCHHOF, Head of Human Resources, Leibniz Institute on Aging - Fritz Lipmann Institute e.V., Mediation with Transactional Analysis 2021

Marcel Pirl, Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH, Human Resources Management, seminar participant 2020

When the Learning materials in an innovative way and manner are very well prepared, the trainer is expected to do even better. Dr Sascha Weigel manages it, also demanding coaches and mediators in a pleasant way New perspectives on familiar conflict issues to give.

I would also like to thank the employee for getting me in the mood for the seminars.

Marcel Pirl, Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH, Human Resources Management, seminar participant 2020

Regine Ulbricht - Veolia Germany, Water Division, 2018

We were looking for a trainer with Conflict management professionwho, very importantly, can adapt to our world. We found Dr Sascha Weigel. He was exactly the right person for our a two-day seminar in a working atmosphere that was unanimously rated as very good. Many thanks for this and for your uncomplicated nature with regard to all the organisational aspects of the preparation.

Regine Ulbricht - Veolia Germany, Water Division, 2018

Rüdiger Schulz, Partner fgi-FischerGroupInternational, seminar participant 2017

Especially the Case supervision for challenging customer situations has helped us in a very concrete way.

Rüdiger Schulz, Partner fgi-FischerGroupInternational, seminar participant 2017

Beate Heller, Partner, fgi-FischerGroupInternational, seminar participant 2017

We have really learnt a lot, even though we regularly have to deal with conflicts.

Beate Heller, Partner, fgi-FischerGroupInternational, workshop and supervision participant 2017

SABRINA MOHR, certified mediator and adult educator M.A. (Mediation.Education), seminar participant 2019

Inspiring and innovative ideas are the gifts I received from INKOVEMA for my work. Thank you very much for that, Sascha Weigel! Your "Strategic Mediation" seminar showed me a light...

SABRINA MOHR, certified mediator and adult educator M.A. (Mediation.Education), seminar participant 2019

INGA REICH & BERNWARD PAULICK, seminar participants 2020

No question is ignored or remains unanswered - whether it is in-depth scientific or basic to banal - but is taken seriously and responded to appropriately, very often keeping the personal background of the questioner in mind.

...And then there is Sascha Weigel and his knowledge and experience of societal, political and social contexts, not only with regard to East/West issues, but far beyond that, which gives you the opportunity and resources to see and (not) evaluate some things in a NEW AND DIFFERENT way.

INGA REICH & BERNWARD PAULICK, seminar participants 2020

References on mediation and clarification discussions

Marc Alexander Schweitzer, Deputy Institute Director at Fraunhofer SCAI, Bonn, client 2021-2023

We have invited Dr Sascha Weigel to the Reconditioning protracted conflicts within a software development team to improve the communication culture and support the strategic and personnel reorganisation of the team. We found Dr Sascha Weigel to be a careful and committed moderator and mediator who provided us with excellent support in understanding and resolving our problems, as well as helping us to focus on future directions for us as an entrepreneurial team.

We are impressed by his composure even in extremely tense situations, as well as his flexibility in adapting himself and his mediation work to the current circumstances - without losing sight of the assigned goal.
We can unreservedly recommend Dr Sascha Weigel as a consultant and advisor for even the most difficult dialogue and team situations!

Marc Alexander Schweitzer, Deputy Institute Director at Fraunhofer SCAI, Bonn, client 2021-2023

Rita Lampasona-Hornung, BASF Services Europe GmbH, Berlin, Head of Department, client since 2017

As BASF Services Europe GmbH, we asked Dr Sascha Weigel (INKOVEMA) to mediate a conflict in one of our departments in 2015/2016. With outstanding professionalism, he grasped the problem of the conflict situation and also considered the organisational implications in a diverse working environment.

Dr Sascha Weigel enabled us to deal with the relevant issues appropriately and make sensible decisions by providing prudent advice to the management level, including the works council, as well as through dedicated mediation and workshops together with the parties involved.

His calmness helped us just as much as his ability to recognise and strengthen the good approaches and developing tendencies even in difficult situations. We would consult Dr Sascha Weigel again at any time in similar situations

Rita Lampasona-Hornung, BASF Services Europe GmbH, Berlin, Head of Department, client since 2017

IDA SCHÖNHERR, formerly BASF Berlin, works council chairwoman, business mediator, client 2015

Sascha has been in our house Extensive mediations carried out. Our company is characterised by diversity - with all its light and dark sides. We could always rely on him in difficult phases, ... a helpful mix of scientific depth and practical relevance, extremely approachable and with great composure ... but my favourite thing about him is his humour!

IDA SCHÖNHERR, formerly BASF Berlin, works council chairwoman, business mediator, client 2015

Kathrin Schaefer, OEWA Wasser und Abwasser GmbH, seminar participant 2018

...With his empathetic manner, but also through targeted methodology, Dr Weigel succeeded in making a seemingly fragmented Team during the Coachings and showed understanding and emotion. At the end of the coaching session, we all agreed that Dr Sascha Weigel's contribution had shown us a new way to resolve conflicts and helped to prevent new conflicts from arising in the future. Thank you, Sascha.

Kathrin Schaefer, OEWA Wasser und Abwasser GmbH, seminar participant 2018

DR. KATHRIN CARL, Head of Human Resources Development and Training, FSU Jena, client since 2017

We are impressed by the way Dr Weigel focuses on the Special features of different university structures and offers very appropriate support without intervening himself. He professionally supports those involved in finding their own solutions.

DR. KATHRIN CARL, Head of Human Resources Development and Training, FSU Jena, client since 2017

References for moderation and workshops

Carsten Dankenbrink, CONTINENTAL TEVES, STÖCKEN, clarification discussions since 2016.

I am delighted with the structured way of working and the results we have achieved thanks to you.

Carsten Dankenbring, CONTINENTAL TEVES, STÖCKEN, strategy workshops and clarification discussions, 2016-2021.

Dr Hans-Jörg Temann, President of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers, Strategy Workshop 2021

Our Executive Board met for a closed meeting in July to discuss important focal points for the coming months. Relevant topics and their prioritisation were worked out in a workshop on the first day. It is thanks to the communicative style and many years of experience of the moderator, Dr Weigel, that the aim of the workshop was fully achieved. He countered initial scepticism by specifically addressing critical questions and taking concerns very seriously. The result of this inspiring and creative process was a solid foundation on which the workshop participants were able to build the following day and work through the prioritised topics on their own. Thank you very much for an all-round successful event.

Dr Hans-Jörg Temann, President of the Saxony Chamber of Engineers, Strategy Workshop 2021

EVONIK INDUSTRIES AG, Jens Barnusen, Chairman of the Works Council, Clarification Talks 2017

...You were sometimes unyielding and persistent, stayed with us where necessary, and always included the quiet and calm ones, we now have more drive than before...You played a decisive role in the trusting atmosphere...You remained completely calm and authentic...

EVONIK INDUSTRIES AG, Jens Barnusen, Chairman of the Works Council, Clarification Talks 2017

Katinka Schulz, Partner fgi-FischerGroupInternational, seminar participant 2017

Valuable was the structural help of your approach and the completely different perspective...such as ...much of what we call conflicts are actually attempts to resolve them....

Katinka Schulz, Partner fgi-FischerGroupInternational, seminar participant 2017

Human Resources Development, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich Headquarters

Dr Sascha Weigel is a member of the external mediator pool of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. The mediators from the pool are available to all organisations of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and all employees to provide support in conflicts and difficult situations.

Human Resources Development, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Munich Headquarters

Dr Christian Helgert, CEO, Deputy Officer of the Profile Line LIGHT, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Abbe Center of Photonics & Abbe School of Photonics, seminar participant 2019

The workshop helped me a lot to gain clarity; especially the Collegial case counselling has helped me in my specific situation. I now know what I can do.

Dr Christian Helgert, CEO, Deputy Officer of the Profile Line LIGHT, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Abbe Center of Photonics & Abbe School of Photonics, seminar participant 2019

PIVOT REGULATORY, Company founders, Clarification talks 2017

Especially in the start-up phase, the professional feedback from the outside is very important. Sascha really helped us a lot here!

PIVOT REGULATORY, Company founders, Clarification talks 2017

Coaching references

Dr SVEN SCHRÖDER, Head of Department Functional Surfaces and Coatings, Fraunhofer IOF, Jena 2020

Working with Mr Weigel helped me a lot during a challenging start-up phase and had a lasting impact on me and my work. His calm manner, extraordinary professionalism and in-depth expertise as well as his profound understanding of the special challenges of our business model were a valuable support for me. Our meetings were exhausting, but always pleasant. I also particularly appreciate the flexible adaptation of our topics, for example to current issues of collaboration in distributed teams.

I can recommend coaching with Mr Weigel without reservation.

Dr SVEN SCHRÖDER, Head of Department Functional Surfaces and Coatings, Fraunhofer IOF, Jena 2020

Arne Frank, Head of Marketing, Leipziger Volkszeitung, client since 2018

...the coaching with Dr Sascha Weigel helped me to reflect on the complexity and the different perspectives in the change process.

In particular, I was able to more clearly recognise and define my role in this change process. It still helps me to see that my team doesn't have to make a mass start and that the slowest person sets the pace, but that we are in a relay race in which each individual has to make their own contribution so that the overall result is right at the end of the day....n addition, it is simply fun to philosophise with Mr Weigel and to see things from different perspectives.

That's why I unreservedly recommend coaching with Dr Sascha Weigel!

Arne Frank, Head of Marketing, Leipziger Volkszeitung, client since 2018

RONALD BÖNISCH, Managing Director, Seecon Ingenieure, Client 2017

Sascha has accompanied our company (seecon Ingenieure) for over two years. He prepared two of our managers for the upcoming changes. The Coaching has contributed to a significant improvement in the leadership and management quality of our managers.

RONALD BÖNISCH, Managing Director, Seecon Ingenieure, Client 2017

TORALF SIMON, Headmaster, Robinionhof School Borna, Principal 2020

The coaching with Dr Weigel was an important support for me in looking at my role as a manager and the associated development and decision-making processes from different perspectives. The Recognising, structuring and reflecting on possible solutions and communication strategies for a wide variety of school situations were a formative component of the coaching. In addition, the Showing perspectivesto change and optimise school processes and procedures. For me, the coaching appointments with Dr Weigel were important and necessary steps towards further professionalising my work at management level at our school.

TORALF SIMON, Deputy Headmaster, Robinionhof School Borna, Principal 2020

References for presentations

Nicole Vogelsberger & ARAG Team, Düsseldorf, Lecture 2020.

A big thank you to our keynote speaker Dr Sascha Weigel! His keynote speech within our international workshops to the topic "Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation" provided a successful and exciting introduction to our interactive part: "Mediation 2030".

All participants and international colleagues from 10 different countries were fascinated by his vision of the future possibilities and great leaps that digitalisation could bring to mediation. In the final feedback round, many participants emphasised, His outlook for the future made a lasting impression on her and inspired her for future projects.

Nicole Vogelsberger & Team ARAG, Düsseldorf, Lecture 2020.

Tatjana Schutte, Human Resources Development, City of Jena, presentation to managers 2019.

Dr Sascha Weigel has prepared a Keynote speech on cooperative negotiation was held. Our participants were stimulated to rethink and find valuable food for thought for their daily negotiations. Dr Weigel helped us achieve this with his unerring yet charming manner and pointed style of presentation. Many thanks for this and we look forward to further areas of co-operation in the future.

Tatjana Schutte, Human Resources Development, City of Jena, presentation to managers, 2019.


Your Explanations in the manual TA in mediation on the concept of humanity and the definition of autonomy inspire me. The connection is really ingenious and makes it clear that we usually don't separate people and behaviour and therefore stand in our own way. I think you have formulated a great guiding principle.