BASIC TRAINING MEDIATION (exclusively for MLU students)
Now with information on UPGRADE for graduates!
Currently developed INKOVEMA in co-operation with the Martin Luther University in Halle/Saale a supplementary study programme "Mediation for Lawyers".
This course will support students of law from Saxony-Anhalt to facilitate their career entry. This applies both to the further career path in the public sector and in the private business world as a lawyer or in-house lawyer.
The demand for mediators is growing. The basic mediation training programme provides students with an additional professional qualification with great practical potential.
During the training programme, students' personal and social skills as well as their communication skills are challenged and promoted. This is achieved primarily through practical training content and preparation.
Students can simultaneously acquire a key legal qualification and a seminar certificate.
The qualification programme concludes with the award of a certificate which - also in accordance with the requirements of the Saxony-Anhalt Bar Association - entitles you to call yourself a mediator in business transactions.
The qualification programme represents basic training for the activities of a mediator, which can be credited towards further training. The basic training can be recognised according to the requirements for a certified mediator within the meaning of § 5 MediationsG or a licensed mediator within the meaning of the Federal Association of Mediation be continued and expanded. As a licensed training institute, INKOVEMA offers corresponding modules.
The result is then displayed in the Stud.IP announced.