Mediation in und für Unternehmen und Organisationen


Training location Leipzig

22.-23. Juni 2023

  • Von der „Mediationsbrille“ zur „Sichtweise der Organisation“

  • strategische Zukunftsorientierung in der Mediation

  • Mediation in und für die auftraggebende Organisation

  • Strategieunterstützendes Konfliktmanagement der Organisation


  • Sie lernen wesentliche Konzepte der Transaktionsanalyse für die Mediation und das Konfliktmanagement kennen.
  • Sie machen sich mit dem transaktionsanalytischen Beratungsansatz („Haltung“) vertraut.
  • Sie wenden die TA-Konzepte konkret auf Ihre Fall- und Themenstellungen an.
  • Sie erweitern Ihr beraterisches Tool-Kit.


Didactic training concept

  • They are trained on the basis of our didactically well thought-out and unique training and further education concept.
  • Right from the start, we train you to think about the organisation's perspective and act accordingly.
  • You benefit from our extensive and high-quality practical experience in complex organisational contexts.
  • Sie erhalten die seminarrelevanten Karteikarten zu den Elementen der Mediation.

Ihr Seminarleiter Dr. Sascha Weigel

Dr. Sascha Weigel, zertifizierter Mediator und lizensierter Ausbilder des Bundesverbandes für Mediation (BM) sowie Zertifizierter Transaktionsanalytiker (EATA/DGTA), umfangreiche Mediationserfahrungen in Wissenschaftsorganisationen, in Industrie- und Verwaltungsorganisationen. Begründer des Weiterbildungs- und Wissensmanagement-Tool der Elemente der Mediation

Statt den Kuchen für Alle zu vergrößern,

ging es der Mediation bisher vor allem um ein harmonisches Backen.


22.-23. Juni 2023



wesentliche Aspekte der Seminarinhalte


Leitideen der Strategischen Mediation


Wo findet das Seminar statt?

Wann findet das Seminar statt?

Will I receive a certificate?

Wie hoch ist der Seminarumfang?

What is the group size?

Wie hoch ist die Investition?


Melanie Berger, management consultant and mediator, Vienna, seminar participant 2020

I can recommend the "Strategic Mediation" seminar to anyone who is looking for new approaches to the topic of business mediation. Seeing mediation as a strategic instrument opens up completely new approaches and arguments in favour of the mediator's actions. Sascha Weigel's humour and wide-ranging experience are a real enrichment - the long journey from Vienna to Leipzig was more than worth it!

Melanie Berger, management consultant and mediator, Vienna, seminar participant 2020

Walter Hertel, conflict consultant, Die Unternehmerberater, seminar participant 2020

2 days of strategic mediation. As a long-standing conflict counsellor, can you benefit from Sascha? Of course - even before through his podcasts and regular information, now in a more focussed way. Clear concepts, well thought-out positions and backgrounds, concrete practical experience, a flexible exchange - this is how inspiration for self-sharpening and self-expansion arises.

Walter Hertel, conflict consultant, Die Unternehmerberater, seminar participant 2020

SABRINA MOHR, certified mediator and adult educator M.A. (Mediation.Education), seminar participant 2019

Inspiring and innovative ideas are the gifts I received from INKOVEMA for my work. Thank you very much for that, Sascha Weigel! Your "Strategic Mediation" seminar showed me a light...

SABRINA MOHR, certified mediator and adult educator M.A. (Mediation.Education), seminar participant 2019

INGA REICH & BERNWARD PAULICK, seminar participants 2020

No question is ignored or remains unanswered - whether it is in-depth scientific or basic to banal - but is taken seriously and responded to appropriately, very often keeping the personal background of the questioner in mind.

...And then there is Sascha Weigel and his knowledge and experience of societal, political and social contexts, not only with regard to East/West issues, but far beyond that, which gives you the opportunity and resources to see and (not) evaluate some things in a NEW AND DIFFERENT way.

INGA REICH & BERNWARD PAULICK, seminar participants 2020

Regine Ulbricht - Veolia Germany, Water Division, 2018

We were looking for a trainer with Conflict management professionwho, very importantly, can adapt to our world. We found Dr Sascha Weigel. He was exactly the right person for our a two-day seminar in a working atmosphere that was unanimously rated as very good. Many thanks for this and for your uncomplicated nature with regard to all the organisational aspects of the preparation.

Regine Ulbricht - Veolia Germany, Water Division, 2018

Dr Christian Helgert, CEO, Deputy Officer of the Profile Line LIGHT, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Abbe Center of Photonics & Abbe School of Photonics, seminar participant 2019

The workshop helped me a lot to gain clarity; especially the Collegial case counselling has helped me in my specific situation. I now know what I can do.

Dr Christian Helgert, CEO, Deputy Officer of the Profile Line LIGHT, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Abbe Center of Photonics & Abbe School of Photonics, seminar participant 2019

GÜNTHER MOHR, counsellor, training coach and transaction analyst, mediation training 2017

The decisive factor with INKOVEMA is the combination of a solid legal background, a dialogue-based approach and the explanatory content of transactional analysis models. This combination makes mediation a powerful instrument.

GÜNTHER MOHR, counsellor, training coach and transaction analyst, mediation training 2017


12 steps to conflict resolution

A suggestion for mindfulness and deceleration in conflicts.