Advising organisations vs. advising people. In conversation with Rolf Balling (INKOVEMA podcast #180)
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #180 - Advising organisations vs. advising individuals What are the differences between advising [...]?
INKOVEMA podcast "Well through time" #180 - Advising organisations vs. advising individuals What are the differences between advising [...]?
#21 EdM - Conflict mediation with employee representatives Different mediation constellations in the context of works councils, staff councils or employee representatives. Episodes of mediation. The [...]
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #48 - Die dunklen Seiten der Mediation I - Gefahren durch die Mediation Worauf wir als [...]
INKOVEMA-Podcast "Gut durch die Zeit" #24 - Dreiecksverträge bei Mediationen und Coachings in Organisationen. Problematische Vertrauenskonstellationen der Vertragsparteien bei Mediationen und [...]